Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus

Chapter 6


Zhou Xi returned to Liuli Palace, and after breaking two cups, he calmed down.

Ruined that day, Lu Chen once praised her beautifully embroidered handkerchief, his eyes were calm, and he thought about the events of these days. Since Luo Ran can win the emperor's sacred heart, he must have some ability, how can he not know himself Dissatisfied with her, went to the Royal Garden all alone? It was her own way.

After realizing this, Zhou Xi's heart became quiet. It was because she was dizzy for a while, otherwise, how could she say Luo Ran's simple words. She can maintain the glory of this Concubine Chen, and naturally she will not be higher than the sky. Since she already knows that Luo Ran cannot be underestimated, she will not take it lightly.

She closed her eyes and opened them again. She returned to the gentle and considerate Concubine Chen in the past. She glanced at the delicate and beautiful face in the bronze mirror, although it was not comparable to Luo Ran, she hooked her lips and smiled softly. The voice commanded: "Take off the hairpin for this palace."

Zifu behind her was stunned, took off her hairpin? Realizing what Zhou Xi wanted to do, he disagreed a little: "What is the maiden doing? It's just a slave, why can't you make amends yourself?"

"She was indeed a slave in the past, but now she is the person on the top of the emperor's heart. This palace just forgot this and made a mistake."

Zhou Xi raised his hand and pulled out a bead hairpin from his bun, and a strand of hair fell down. It doesn't matter what position in this harem, as long as you have the heart of the respected person, you can do whatever you want

Zifu listened to her words, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say anything, and took off the hairpin on her head for her.

The evening wind was getting colder. In the evening, Lu Chen rested in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but when Eunuch De walked in and whispered something in his ear, he frowned, and finally got up and walked out.

Zhou Xi was dressed in plain single clothes and knelt under the steps with her hair disheveled. Seeing her like this, Lu Chen squinted his eyes: "What are you doing?"

Seeing Lu Chen come out, Zhou Xi breathed a sigh of relief. The emperor was thinking of their previous relationship. Zhou Xi's eyes were slightly red, and he pursed his lips and smiled: "Your Majesty, don't be angry with Xi'er."

She forced a smile on her face to arouse Lu Chen's pity, and he let out a slight sigh: "Do you know what's wrong?"

Zhou Xi knew what answer the emperor wanted at this time, but she couldn't say it, the tears in her eyes suddenly fell, with a bit of stubbornness: "If the emperor said about Luo Guiconcubine, then Xi'er will not admit it! Xi! That's right!"

Lu Chen's expression turned cold, if she didn't know what was wrong, what would she do today

Zhou Xi reached out and wiped the tears from his face, with a little pampering in his youth: "Your Majesty, Xi'er is willing to admit her mistake because Xi'er doesn't want to make the emperor angry, and she doesn't want to part with the emperor, but, the emperor, You lucky concubine Luo in Xi'er's palace, do you think of Xi'er's feelings? She is the master, and Xi'er slaps her, will the emperor be angry with Xi'er for so long?"

Lu Chen frowned, the coldness in his eyes dissipated, it was indeed his fault for this matter, and it was natural for her to be angry, but Lu Chen's eyes flashed, and Luo Ran's tears made him feel distressed, he naturally didn't I wish I had wronged her.

"Get up. Don't bother her again in the future."

Zhou Xi put the hand on his side, clenched it tightly, and then looked at Lu Chen cautiously, hiding a little daughter's thoughts: "Your Majesty, aren't you angry?"


The corners of Zhou Xi's mouth finally opened, she lifted the hem of her clothes and stood up, threw herself into Lu Chen's arms, wrapped her arms around him, looked at him with sparkling eyes, and complained softly, "Your Majesty, you are frightened, Xi'er, and Xi'er thought you were real. I don't want to be bothered anymore."

Listening to her charming complaint, Lu Chen patted her on the back, but felt a little bored in his heart, and looked in the direction of Luo Yungong.

If that little woman acts coquettishly, it will make people soft to the heart, making people want to hold what she wants in front of her eyes.

When the news reached Luo Yun Palace, Qing Ru realized why Luo Ran said this yesterday, Qing Ru wrinkled her face, looked at Luo Ran, who seemed to have nothing happened, and gritted her teeth, since she could guess When it comes to Concubine Chen's actions, it should be a good way to deal with it.

In half a month, the wind in the palace all changed again. There were many things in the previous dynasty, and Lu Chen rarely entered the harem. Naturally, everything was left to Zhou Xi to take care of it. If so, how could Luo Ran have a good life.

Qing Ru couldn't stand it any longer and wanted to see the emperor, but every time she was stopped by Luo Ran, Qing Ru asked her why, but she just smiled and said, it was not time yet.

On this day, Xiao Lizi entered Luo Yun Palace to send rewards for the emperor. Seeing Luo Ran's thin body, he frowned fiercely and couldn't help but blame him: "What's wrong with you? , I lost myself, and now, it is still like this, you might as well just be that palace maid back then!"

Luo Ran smiled at him, charming and pitiful, but the flesh that was raised by Lu Chen before has long since disappeared. The sharper the chin, the bigger and brighter the watery eyes seemed, she just asked One sentence: "When will the emperor be free?"

Xiao Lizi felt that the deeper the astringency in his eyes, did he do something wrong to help her in the first place? Even though she was bullied at the beginning, it was not like she is now. Putting all her thoughts on one person, Xiao Lizi said in a low voice the whereabouts of the emperor: "Tomorrow, I heard that Concubine Chen has sent someone to invite the emperor. Go to dinner tomorrow."

Xiao Lizi only heard her soft and soft voice: "That's good."

After Xiao Lizi left, Qing Ru asked her what she was going to do, Luo Ran chuckled lightly: "Go for a walk in the imperial garden."

"Now?" Qing Ru was stunned.

"Yeah, if it is tomorrow, it will be too late." Luo Ran ignored her surprise and walked out on her own.

Luo Ran lit the jade pendant on his waist, and the smile between his brows narrowed, leaving only a trace of shyness. He walked in the imperial garden and watched Zhou Xi's ceremonial guard firmly beside the lotus pond. He seemed to have long known that she wanted to Come here and wait there on purpose.

With an imperceptible smile in Luo Ran's eyes, he approached Zhou Xi, stepping lightly like a lotus flower, swaying, and slowly bending over. After a few months of living as a master, Luo Ran lost that little bit of arrogance, but his eyes still remained. Keep the water mist: "See Concubine Chen."

Zhou Xi called her up, Luo Ran lowered her head and approached some Qing Ru, as if she was a little scared of Zhou Xi.

Zhou Xi approached her and smiled lightly: "Why did Luo Guibi come out?"

Luo Ran looked at her timidly, with tears in her eyes, but she opened her mouth with a soft smile: "Of course she's coming out, otherwise I'll waste more of my mother's painstaking efforts."

Zhou Xi's smile disappeared, his eyes were slightly cold: "Why, stop pretending?"

Luo Ran bit her lower lip and seemed very aggrieved: "The emperor is not here, who will the concubine pretend to be?"

Zhou Xi felt a little more depressed in his heart, and said softly, "Billy maid."

Luo Ran's body trembled slightly, and the tears in her eyes poured down: "Both the emperor's concubine, why should the empress humiliate the concubine?"

Seeing her pretending like this, Zhou Xi could not wait to tear her face off, but she never thought that she would actually dare to say, what is her identity and what is her identity? He actually dared to compare with her, and he didn't even have the qualifications to serve in her house!

Her aggrieved look made people look at her and spread it to the emperor's ears. Maybe she thought she had bullied her

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the man walking over there, and Zhou Xi suddenly showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, grabbing Luo Ran irresistibly with one hand, with a worried look on his face: "What's wrong with Luo Guibi?" while taking her towards the river.

Luo Ran noticed her movements, and a faint smile flashed in her eyes. Following her movements, she followed two steps to the river.

The author has something to say: I read a comment yesterday, and I want to say it today

There are indeed many ways to grab a role

But the task of the heroine of this book is to attack the hero

After that, every world will not change, and this method is still the way to grab the scene

Moreover, the original world here is a novel. In the novel, no matter how awesome the supporting characters are, the main line is based on the protagonist.

Unless you are entangled with the male and female protagonists, where is the scene from

Of course, you can always chase and kill the hero and heroine. When you become the villain, you will have a lot of scenes.

However, this and my copywriting are two stories.

What I wrote is that the heroine awakens in each novel, and then attack the hero to get the role


The heroine is not a good person, the heroine is not a good person, the heroine is not a good person.

She is really not a good person!

The three views of the heroine do not represent the three views of the author.

I hope everyone can correctly judge the three views of the heroine, and don't let her mislead you. This is just a novel, and the heroine is not a good person.

The heroine is not a human being, not a human being. She is similar to a conscious body generated by data, and she has no three views.

This is a no-brainer, Su, Shuangwen

All supporting roles serve the heroine.

That's all.

I hope you little angels can read the text happily, reading the text is just for fun, please don't let the heroine and a character in any book get angry with the little angels, the little angels are the most important

Cough, today is still a short star, I hope you don't dislike it, the stars love you, and yy, I love you too, I hope the little angels like my novels, and, I admit, the heroine's approach is wrong

I want to keep you, but I don't know how to say it, hey, I don't know if you can see it or not.

I'm sorry, little angels, really, this book, the heroine's three views may not be correct, the novel is just a cough product

Moreover, I know that many people like this kind of heroine, not that they think her three views are correct, just because this is a cool article, similar to (piao) male lead, cough cough

It's just a cough, don't get in a bad mood

Thank you Feifei and Yueyue for the deep water, love you, Momoda, and silent grenades, Momo, my little angel, Momo Momo, Lei Lei, I love you~ Thank you little angels to Stupid Star support, huh!