Professor Li’s Married Life

Chapter 137


Gu Qingci was at a loss.

I think the second wife's voice seems unreal. She couldn't believe it, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

I also thought that maybe my mother was wrong.

So she frowned and called out, "Mother?"

The second wife panicked, her heart ached so much, she walked over to her daughter and hugged her, stroked her hair and comforted her, "It's okay, it's definitely okay, my son is not afraid, my son-in-law will be fine..."

"It was fine before... I don't believe it, maybe the people there misrepresented the news, I don't know, right?"

Gu Qingci didn't want to believe it at all, but when he said this, his voice was already trembling.

After a while, she said as if she was about to collapse: "I'll ask uncle myself!"

How could he be taken away suddenly? He was fine before!

Will not…

How could the second wife not understand her daughter? I knew she was flustered.

Only by letting her hear the news herself will she be willing and believe it.

So I didn't stop her, and sighed inwardly, watching my daughter run to the big room.

Came back about half an hour later.

After returning, his complexion completely changed, and his eyes were swollen.

His eyes were red, obviously from crying.

The second wife was wrenching pain in her heart, wishing she could suffer this crime for her daughter, she pulled her to sit down, and said slowly: "Don't worry, Ci'er, our mansion will send some people to find out the whereabouts of my uncle, or rely on the barracks. It’s too difficult to get news from the side.” Besides, those who ran back and forth were either people from the military camp or flying pigeons passing letters, and any news they sent was directly presented to the emperor.

The Gu family can only listen to Master Hou when he is in court.

Now Li Cheng does not know whether he is alive or dead, saying that he was captured by the enemy, but how did it happen? What is the situation now? They all know nothing.

Lord Hou has already agreed to this matter, and the eldest lady over there is also taking care of people.

This past is not a joke, naturally we must choose some people with kung fu.

After hearing this, Gu Qingci wiped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief and said, "I'm going with you too."

She first said something to herself, and then her expression became more determined, and she repeated: "I'm going to find my husband!"

"Daughter, don't be scared of your mother. What are you going to do there? Your mother will let someone find you. How can you be a girl? Be obedient." The second wife refused directly, desperately stopping her.

She thinks that her daughter is so worried about her son-in-law, so she just coaxes people: "Don't be self-willed now, or you won't be messed up by others. Think about how big sister is, how can you leave?" mother?"

But Gu Qingci didn't have the heart to think about those things, only Li Chengze was in his mind.

Her husband had an accident, how could she calm down!

The eldest sister has to be put aside first, and there are grandmothers, nurses and maids at home, so she thinks it's not a problem.

The second wife persuaded him for a long time to no avail, she was so anxious that she walked back and forth in the room, stomping her feet, "You really are a careless child, this is going to worry my mother to death!"

Gu Qingci has already asked his servants to set up a car to take him back home.

"Mother, just leave me alone! If there is no news from Xianggong, my heart will not be able to let go for a day."

After finishing speaking, she was about to go out with the servant girl.

The second wife has nothing to do.

What else can I do? Her daughter has been very stubborn since she was a child, no one can stop her from doing what she wants to do.

He couldn't stop it, and he was worried about her safety, so he could only arrange more people to escort her there.

Originally, after the eldest lady was arranging people, the second wife picked some useful ones from her own yard, and after explaining, they sent them to Gu Qingci.

After two days, everyone packed up and set off together.

Go with the guards in Beijing, don't be afraid of insecurity.

Gu Qingci was always a proud person, but she didn't care about anything when she went out this time. She kept everything simple and even changed into men's clothes. Just because it was convenient, the girl only brought a jade bracelet.

Sitting in the carriage, no matter how tired she was from the bumps on the road, she didn't say a word.

Several servants felt that it was not easy for the master, and admired it in their hearts.

It is not easy for a woman to do this for her husband.

After hurrying away for half a month, they finally arrived at the place where the border war started.

This city is called Pingyang City.

After entering, Gu Qingci and the others followed the guards directly to the prefecture city. At this time, there was no news of the inner camp, so Gu Qingci and the others were directly arranged to rest.

Gu Qingci asked people to go out to inquire about the news, but they found nothing useful for a while.

After waiting all night, no one came from the camp until Mao the next day.

Yu Xian walked in the front.

Gu Qingci had seen this person twice, so he naturally recognized him.

So he hurried forward.

Before she could speak, the other party called her first: "Sister-in-law."

"Where is my husband, where is she, and how is it?" Gu Qingci's voice was trembling, and he gritted his teeth and asked.

Yu Xian also felt uncomfortable, and suddenly took a few steps back, put his hands together, and gave Gu Qingci a big gift.

He made amends to her and said: "It's my fault. I was negligent and others took advantage of the loophole. If it wasn't for saving me, Brother Cheng wouldn't have been arrested!"

Gu Qingci's mood was surging, she had never felt so uncomfortable.

The bottom of my heart was trembling, icy cold, and an emotion called fear was spreading, gradually attacking my whole body.

But she knows that she can't cry or make trouble now, she has to be strong, because Xianggong is still waiting to find him.

Gu Qingci clenched his fist, then let it go, and after calming down, he said to Yu Xian: "Sister-in-law, he must be fine. He promised me to go back early. My husband has never broken his promise to me. Will not break my promise."

Holding back her tears, Gu Qingci faced the other people who were still the noble and proud sixth girl of the Gu family.

"Where was Xianggong arrested? Did you send someone to look for it?"

Yu Xian respects Gu Qingci very much, after all, she is Li Chengze's wife.

So she asked her to sit on a chair beside her and talk, and then she replied, "They were taken away outside the city. At that time, I led a dozen people to investigate outside. Cheng Zezhong found something wrong in the camp, and then he rushed out of the city immediately." Look for me and arrive in time, which prevents me from being tricked by the enemy, but we did not protect properly, brother Cheng Ze and the other two were taken away, we have been sending people to look for them these days, but..."

Yu Xian couldn't continue.

He looked pained and felt very guilty in his heart.

If it wasn't for him, Li Cheng wouldn't have been arrested at all.

It had been nearly twenty days since Li Chengze was taken away, but they still had no clue.

Yan Guo arrested people, but they didn't use people to threaten them with conditions.

Yu Xian had a bad premonition in his heart.

After a while, I only heard Gu Qingci say: "Can you take me to Xianggong's former house to have a look?"

She thought that since the husband could find something wrong, would there be some clues left in the house

In short, no matter whether there is one or not, Gu Qingci has to go and have a look.

Of course Yu Xian would not refuse, and led her there personally.

Li Chengze's room is nothing special, the inner room is a bed, and the outer room has a desk and a few chairs.

There are pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the table, as well as a few books.

Without hesitation, Gu Qingci began to look through the pages.

After reading for a while, I didn't see any difference, and I turned around in the book again, but I didn't find any special clues.

Yu Xian had seen it earlier, and now he no longer places his hopes on it.

Only a lot of people were sent out of the city to search.

In fact, the most likely one is the enemy's barracks, but they couldn't easily enter that place, but Yu Xian didn't give up. He has been planning for a night attack on the enemy's barracks these days.

In fact, several lieutenants disagreed with this plan, they always felt that all this was planned by the enemy army, and this plan was to capture Yu Xian.

You don't even need to think about it, you know it must be dangerous.

But let them say that they can't save people, even the lieutenants who know that the overall situation should be the top priority can't say it.

I can only grit my teeth and fight again.

Although he was not sure whether it would be successful, Yu Xian still told Gu Qingci about the plan.

Just because I can't bear to let the other party feel that there is no hope at all, I feel uncomfortable.

Sure enough, after telling their plan, Gu Qingci's eyes burst into light.

His teeth were chattering, but he didn't cry.

In the end, he only said one word: "Okay."

Night raids are dangerous, so they must be carefully planned.

None of this was hidden from Gu Qingci.

Gu Qingci listened beside him, never missing a word.

Soon the day of action will come.

The twilight is all together, and everything is silent.

It was like a huge black curtain covering the whole world.

Dark and silent.

Yu Xian personally led the team, more than a dozen people all wore black night clothes, masks, and sharp weapons.

Quietly lurk into the enemy's camp.