Professor Li’s Married Life

Chapter 139


Several people exchanged winks in private, Gu Qingci raised his hand, touched his lips with the wine glass as if nothing had happened, and the others drank from each other.

I don't know how long it took, the people at several tables inside and outside suddenly fell down.

Seeing this, Gu Qingci, Yu Xian and the others fell to the ground.

After a while, I heard footsteps outside, and someone came in.

Then someone said: "My lord, everyone has already fallen, and the person you are looking for is at that table."

Gu Qingci still had his eyes closed and did not move, his ears were pricked up, and he could only hear some people walking forward to the innermost table.

Then a soft female voice sounded: "Tie up that young master alone, and send the rest to the underground dungeon."

Gu Qingci faintly felt that this voice was a little familiar, but he didn't remember it for a while.

She knew that the group of people were all ahead, so she kept her prone position, squinted secretly, and looked ahead.

She saw the figure of a woman standing sideways, so she looked up again.

It wasn't until she saw the other person's face that she was shocked.

It turned out to be Jiang Yun!

Didn't she escape? How come here

How could Jiang Yun get involved in this matter? What's her purpose

Gu Qingci was in disbelief and amazement, but he closed his eyes immediately.

She has already followed Li Chengze's strange method, and sprinkled a dose of medicinal powder on the ground.

Mixed in a pool of wine.

Those people wanted to mix medicine with wine to pour them out, and they responded with extraordinary means, which was regarded as their own way to treat their bodies.

Gu Qingci took a look just now, and the young master mentioned in those few people was one of the people who came in behind them and was guarded by a group of strong men.

But he didn't know how he had an enmity with Jiang Yun.

The medicine evaporated quickly, and within a quarter of an hour, there was only a sound of "Peng Dong", which was the sound of a person falling down.

The people on Jiang Yun's side were shocked immediately, and someone immediately yelled: "No! There is smoke!" Then they covered their mouth and nose in time.

In fact, it is not a smoke, but a rare thing that can be mixed with alcohol and then volatilized. It is a colorless and odorless gas that makes people feel weak and lose consciousness after smelling it.

Seeing that they were about to fall, Gu Qingci made a gesture, and Yu Xian and his subordinates at the two tables next to him stood up at once, and quickly walked over with their knives in hand, knocking down the group of people and subduing them.

Gu Qingci greeted Yu Xian again, then ran out to find Li Chengze.

Li Chengze also arrested another person.

"Master!" Gu Qingci called out.

He ran over and hugged Li Chengze.

With a hoarse voice, "Master, are you okay?"

The experience of the past few days, as well as the suffering and grievance after learning of Li Chengze's disappearance, all broke out after seeing Li Chengze.

She even wished she could keep pestering him not to separate.

Li Cheng sensed his emotions, he was hugged for a while, and he coaxed her over and over again.

It seemed that Yu Xian had dealt with it well, and his subordinates tied up all the captured people and took them back for interrogation.

Then came to see Li Chengze.

He couldn't say a word, but he couldn't hide the excited expression on his face, so he just tapped Li Chengze's shoulder as a signal.

"Let's go, let's talk here first." There are still many things that Yu Xian and the others don't understand, and Li Cheng must clarify with him.

Obviously this is not a good place to talk.

So the group left in a carriage, leaving only Yu Xian's two subordinates to handle the rest of the winery.

After returning to the city, Li Cheng hugged Gu Qingci who was already asleep to rest, and then asked the servant girl to take care of her, while he himself went to the front hall to explain some things to Yu Xian.

It turned out that after Li Chengze was captured, he had no means to escape, but he discovered a secret, so he took advantage of the situation and was kidnapped by them.

Then it was locked in the basement.

The enemy army has a den outside their city, which is Shili Shop.

On the surface, it sells wine here, but in fact it is a news delivery station, a big network, and all spies and spies deliver news on the street here.

Li Chengze didn't know about this incident until he was imprisoned in the dungeon. He originally wanted to find out the traitors in the army, but he didn't expect to follow the clues and bring out a whole bunch of them.

At that time, it was to prevent someone from coming to him, so Yu Jue stayed with him.

It's just that he never thought that Gu Qingci would really come back, and he made up those few words subconsciously. He only thought that Yu Jue Yu Xian would definitely recognize him.

After sneaking into the winery, Li Cheng had to subdue two people before he was able to work here, otherwise he really couldn't carry out his plan.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet the woman surnamed Jiang here, and she became the concubine of Prince Qing of Yan Kingdom.

The original plan was more complicated to catch these people, but Yu Xian and the others arrived in time, saving Li Chengze a lot of effort.

Finally caught the man behind the scenes.

After listening to it, Yu Xian fully understood, and felt more and more that Li Cheng was careful, courageous and resourceful.

It was so powerful that he really admired it.

The two talked for an hour before leaving, and Li Cheng returned to the yard arranged for him and Gu Qingci.

After a good wash, she went back to her room, took off her clothes and went to bed, hugged Gu Qingci and rested there.

Those who captured people were free to interrogate, and the spies hiding in the army were also caught.

Li Chengze and Gu Qingci rested for a few days, and then took a group of people who came over and set off for the capital.

Walked all the way for half a month.

Arrived home.

Both the old lady and Li Baode came out, and the old lady cried out heartily while holding Li Cheng, crying for a while.

After that, he looked up and said, "Why is your wife missing?"

Li Cheng then said: "She fell ill and was not feeling well. She vomited several times on the way, and now she is still asleep."

The old lady was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "What's wrong with this, quickly take it down and send it to the house to rest!" Immediately afterwards, she sent someone to invite the doctor.

Gu Qingci was really uncomfortable, his complexion was pale, and he had lost weight just by looking at it.

Li Cheng looked at it with distress.

The doctor came and quickly invited people in.

It took a quarter of an hour.

The old doctor stroked his beard and retracted his hand.

Li Cheng quickly asked: "Doctor, how is my wife, is there any problem?"

The old doctor shook his head with a smile, and said: "Congratulations, young master, Mrs. Madam is happy. It's been more than three months, and now my body is a little weak, so I need to take good care of it."

Li Cheng was stunned for a while, then came back to his senses, bowed to the doctor with his hands together, and said: "More doctors! Can my wife take medicine?"

The doctor said no, just take a good rest for a while.

The maids in the room looked happy, not to mention Nanny Zhang, and sent the little maids to inform the old lady and the master.

He turned around and went to the kitchen, and asked the cook to make soup.

Li Cheng sat on the edge of the bed and touched Gu Qingci's face. After a while, the person on the bed woke up with eyes wide open.

Opening his mouth, he called out: "Sanggong." The voice was close and dependent.

Li Cheng suddenly smiled.

Then leaned over and kissed Gu Qingci on the forehead.

The author has something to say: Finally finished! Sorry for the delay for a few days!