Professor Li’s Married Life

Chapter 140: Extraterrestrial child


Gu Qingci was pregnant again, and the old lady was so happy that she kept saying: "Amitabha, ancestors bless you!"

First, there is a pass to worship the ancestors, and then it is to thank the gods and thank the gods, which is very busy.

Just like that, I didn't forget about Gu Qingci, and I sent them all the delicious and useful ones, so I went to have a look the next day. Although there is nothing missing in the west courtyard.

Not only the Sun family, but even the second wife at the Hou's Mansion was the same. After receiving the news that her daughter was pregnant, she came to Li's house by car the next day. I don't know how much food and supplements were brought over. She held her daughter and asked A lot of small talk.

The second wife didn't know that Gu Qingci's lack of pregnancy was due to Li Chengze's use of contraception. She only thought that her daughter had difficulties in conceiving and having children. After several years of marriage, she only had one daughter, and she was worried about her every day.

That's why she was so happy when she heard that Gu Qingci had it again this time.

The killer counted the days and found that Gu Qingci's child should have been conceived by Li Chengze before he left the capital.

Afterwards, Gu Qingci went all the way to find Li Chengze and found outside the pass, which made her a little angry, so now the family pays more attention to it, fearing that something bad will happen.

It's no wonder that Gu Qingci didn't realize that she had a body, it's because that wife was all concerned about Li Chengze.

Before, Li Cheng didn't let her conceive so quickly, saying it was hurting her body, Gu Qingci didn't care and just followed him. Thinking about it, the eldest sister is indeed too young to have a baby in a hurry.

Now I have another one in my belly, of course I like it too.

It's just that Gu Qingci felt particularly awkward and irritable seeing Sun's looking forward to her great-grandson. When the eldest sister was born, the old lady was unhappy at first. If it was still a daughter this time, the old man would be unhappy again. Not nose eyes not eyes.

No one is happy about being neglected and disliked at their own birth size.

The mood of pregnant women is changeable, and Li Chengze noticed it after Gu Qingci twisted her a few times.

One night, the two were not in a hurry to sleep and talked in the room.

Li Cheng enlightened Gu Qingci.

Li Cheng said that it doesn't matter what is born, it will always be their child, how can they not love it.

Gu Qingci asked him back, saying that everyone has a son but you have no son. You are still so old, won't you feel unhappy? And everyone will laugh at you and scold me in private.

Li Cheng, who was forced to grow old in his twenties and less than thirties, could only sigh silently.

Then he reached out and pinched Gu Qingci's face, and slowly said that having a child is a gift from heaven, why bother to care too much, let alone what other people think.

However, Gu Qingci shook her head fiercely, saying no, if a family doesn't have a son, then the incense will be cut off. Seeing that the old lady burns incense and worships Buddha all day long, isn't it just to beg for a male.

Li Cheng tasted it slowly, Gu Qingci was under pressure.

Although I have no demands on her, others, everyone around, including Mrs. Sun, Li Baode, the second wife, and a room full of maids and nuns, are all looking forward to her giving birth to a son this time.

The Li family is counting on inheriting the incense, while the second wife thinks that the daughter can gain a firm foothold after giving birth to a son.

In this way, their emotional behavior will naturally affect Gu Qingci, and it is normal for her to be anxious and depressed.

So Li Chengze's rhetoric could not comfort her much.

Li Cheng didn't mind, didn't care if he had a son, but everyone else did.

Gu Qingci lives in this environment, it is impossible not to completely ignore other gossip.

No matter how proud and powerful she is, as long as she doesn't give birth to a boy, people around her can criticize and condemn her.

Li Chengze suddenly realized that some things were not just words taken for granted and self-righteous.

The current social environment naturally places women in a disadvantaged position.

Although Gu Qingci is his wife and lover, she is more of an independent person first.

The two of them can't stick together all the time, so I can't actually make her feel safe all the time.

He said that she didn't need her to have a son, but in fact, everyone in the Li family except him had expectations and requirements for Gu Qingci to have a son.

That's why Gu Qingci made Xiaozi sulk.

Because she herself could feel the suffocation, the pressure was all on Gu Qingci, but Li Cheng didn't feel it, saying lightly that both men and women like this, in reality, it can't help Gu Qingci relieve the pressure.

In the blink of an eye, many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Li Cheng let out a low sigh, hugged Gu Qingci beside him and sat down. This time, he changed his rhetoric and said, "It doesn't matter. Does the official like children? If he likes it, it's okay to have a daughter this time and have another one next time. You are still so young. If you feel that the child doesn’t want to have another child, you don’t have to be afraid. This is a girl. You will set up a female household to recruit the eldest sister in the future. I will tell my grandmother and father when I turn back. Don’t be afraid, my husband will accompany you you."

When Gu Qingci heard this, his eyes and nose were sore, and tears fell down when he opened his eyes.

She herself didn't know what was going on, she was always bored or bored at first, but suddenly she became unhappy, not at all like her usual appearance.

She called her husband, and buried her head in Li Chengze's arms for a long time.

Holding the person's waist, it took a long time before he said in a slow tone: "It's better to have another one, our family doesn't have many children."

After she finished speaking, she felt a little embarrassed again, so she turned her head to one side.

It is true that in the eyes of others, the Li family has a small number of people. After all, Gu Qingci is a girl who grew up in ancient times, and she also thinks that only when the descendants are prosperous can the family prosper.

Even if you don't mention those far away, the house with a few more children is also lively.

Li Cheng would depend on her for everything.

After this time, Gu Qingci's knots disappeared, and her body gradually recovered.

Li Cheng found an opportunity to talk to Mrs. Sun.

He told Sun that Gu Qingci had never been pregnant before, not because she was difficult to conceive and her health was poor, but because she didn't want to have a child too early, so she kept taking medicine to avoid children.

Now that he is a few years older, he gradually likes children. He also said that the Li family has few children, regardless of gender, and it is a good thing to have more children. It also faintly revealed that Gu Qingci and the others talked in front of her for a long time, worried that the baby would not be a boy, and there was a knot in her heart, and she didn't think about eating and drinking.

After Mrs. Sun heard this, she scolded Li Chengze for a long time, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but then became anxious when she heard that Gu Qingci's fetus was not well-raised, and it was easy to talk about it.

However, I gradually figured out what my grandson meant.

After a while, Mrs. Sun said with a stern face on purpose: "Then you can't do such unreasonable things anymore! Others are hoping that their wives will get pregnant, but you are better off, and even give people the decoction to avoid children. What nonsense!"

Li Cheng knew that the old lady understood what he meant, so he smiled and said no.

After that, the old lady no longer called the unborn child to be a great-grandson in front of Gu Qingci, and she didn't always stare at her stomach. She only called the two of them over for dinner every now and then, and she was relieved to see that the fetus was well-raised. .

Gu Qingci's pregnancy looks good, and after being in a good mood, it's the same every day, and she doesn't have much morning sickness or picky eaters.

After being pregnant for nearly a month in peace, it was activated one night.

The second child was more prepared than the first and there were no surprises.

In the early morning, when the sky was bright and the morning sun first appeared, a boy was born.

The midwife smiled and came out to announce the good news.

Mrs. Sun, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, was naturally smiling, happy!

The caregiver hurriedly went to hang a firecracker outside the gate, and then directed the servants to the kitchen to bring soup, saying that her granddaughter-in-law had worked hard.

At this time, Li Cheng had already gone to the room to see his wife and baby.

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