Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 12: Symptoms of pest infestation


There are so many good fields in Fenggu Farm alone, and there are two hundred tenant farmers

Wang Shouzhe looked at the criss-crossing fields and ditches of different sizes intertwined among them, and felt a little emotional in his heart. This is the family foundation that has been passed down for a hundred years.

"Our Fenggu Farm adopts the traditional rotation of winter wheat and summer grain. Now is the busy season for winter wheat to mature and summer grain seedling cultivation." Wang Shounuo said with a smile on his face, "This spring has plenty of rain but not too much. Flooding, the sun is strong but not scorching, which is very beneficial to the growth of winter wheat, and it looks like it will be a bumper harvest."

This time, even Wang Shouzhe was a little happy. There was a big difference between a good harvest and a poor harvest. More grain harvests meant that the family had more funds for development.

"No, no." Wang Luojing, who was like a little follower, pouted and said, "Third brother, you are wrong. This year's winter wheat harvest will fail."


Wang Shounuo's smiling face suddenly stiffened, and he said sharply, "Luo Jing, you little girl can't talk nonsense. Even grandpa and some experienced tenant farmers said that this year's harvest is likely to be bumper. You are young, What do you know? If Grandpa hears you cursing the bad harvest like this, I'm afraid he will blame you again."

Scared by him, Wang Luojing immediately hid behind Wang Shouzhe.

"Third Brother, Fifth Sister is still young, Tong Yan Wuji, what do you care about with her?" Wang Shouzhe smiled and patted her head twice to comfort her.

"Fourth brother, you don't know something." Wang Shounuo smiled helplessly, "You don't know, our fifth sister is very young, but she is very weird. She likes to play with all kinds of bugs all day long. When I was two or three years old, I could watch ants squatting in the yard for a few days. Some time ago, she even asked me to help her catch some grass or insect king. I caught two~ I was covered in mosquito bites."

"It's the lacewing king. It's recorded in the ancient insect classics." Wang Luojing poked out half of her head from behind Wang Shouzhe again, and seriously corrected Wang Shounuo, "Brother, you are too shameful, your handsome head is empty. Empty. Although the Xuanwu family established their family with martial arts, their culture and knowledge are also the foundation of a family inheritance."

Especially the second half of the sentence, it was imitating what Wang Shouzhe said to blame them, to bury Wang Shounuo.

No, Wang Shounuo's face turned dark, so he could only say sullenly: "Yes, yes, I have no experience. Next time you ask me, I won't help you catch bugs."

"My fourth brother, my brother, is 10,000 times stronger than you." Wang Luojing pulled Wang Shouzhe's skirt, as if he had found a backer, full of confidence.

This made Wang Shouzhe couldn't help but smile. It seemed that he was really a bit eccentric, but he was just stiff in front of him. It seemed that Wang Shounuo was so angry that he almost fainted.

"Okay, okay, Luo Jing, tell me, why is the harvest bad this year?" Wang Shouzhe asked casually, "Don't be afraid, it doesn't matter if you say something wrong."

With Wang Shouzhe's support, Wang Luojing became more courageous: "Last year's winter was too warm, and there was only a light snowfall."

Wang Shounuo immediately rolled his eyes: "Although auspicious snow heralds a good year, it's just a saying. If it doesn't snow, the harvest will definitely be poor this year?"

"It's not the same." Wang Luojing said very seriously, "Last year was a warm winter, and this year's spring has really good rain. But it hasn't rained for more than ten days recently, and the weather is hot and dry."

"Luo Jing." Wang Shounuo said disapprovingly, "We have opened the gates to release water in the Fenggu tributary, so the winter wheat will not be short of water. And the sunshine is good, which helps the wheat grains to grow full."

"It can also help honey bugs grow." Wang Luojing rolled her eyes.

honey bug

Wang Shounuo shuddered shiveringly, and said with some hesitation: "Honey bugs are inevitable. There will be honey bugs every year, and it is normal to cause some production reduction... What's more, last winter, we also planted insecticides in the farmland." Insects scattered."

But when he said this, his confidence was a little lacking. Honey bugs are the natural enemies of winter wheat. A small-scale outbreak is okay, at most it will reduce food production, and a large-scale outbreak will be a disaster.

In the records of the Wang family, the most serious one was the honey bug disaster 73 years ago, which spread throughout Longzuo County. The winter wheat production dropped by 80% that year, and the price of grain soared in a short period of time. maintain. But many freedmen with weak assets will suffer, and there will be more children and daughters.

What's even more frightening is that the insect plague lasted until the third year, and even some aristocratic families couldn't bear it anymore. If it hadn't been for the Zifu Academy to transfer a large amount of grain to Longzuo County and refine a large amount of ancient prescription Mie Chong San. I'm afraid that the entire Longzuo County will be starved for thousands of miles, desolate and desolate.

For a while, Wang Shouzhe frowned: "Luo Jing, can you prove what you said?"

Fenggu Farm and Xingsheng Farm are the two major grain production bases of the Wang family. If there is an outbreak of aphids, it will be even worse for the Wang family today.

"Brother, try to check a few more grain-filled ears." Wang Luojing's expression was also a little dignified.

Wang Shounuo was a little apprehensive after being told, so he went to the field, grabbed a wheat ear and turned it over, only to see some small green spots on the wheat ear that had just begun to fill.

I turned over several ears of wheat one after another, some were more and some were less, but there was no doubt that they were all honey worms.

Wang Shouzhe is at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Realm, and his physical fitness and eyesight are far beyond that of ordinary people. At a glance, he found that those green dots were fat little bugs. He was slightly taken aback. It seems to be aphids, right

Wang Shouzhe had accumulated very little knowledge in this area, so he could barely guess that it was some kind of aphid. He is not interested in agriculture, and those apps with powerful algorithms will naturally not push this piece of content.

"It's true that there are more honey bugs this year than in previous years." Wang Shounuo said suspiciously, "But it doesn't mean there will be a pest disaster, right? Mixing some insect powder with plant ash juice can cure it. At most, it will be slightly less than last year. .”

"Brother!" Wang Luojing paused and said, "I have already said that the climate is a big problem. There are too many eggs of last year's insects left in the soil. If it is short, it will be tomorrow, and if it is three or four days later, a large number of honey worms will break through the soil. However, after seven or eight days, the second wave is very likely to erupt."

"You guys come here." Wang Shouzhe recruited a few tenant farmers who were working not far away, "pull out this small piece of wheat, and turn up the soil."

"This...Master Shou Nuo..." The tenant farmers shrunk their heads and looked at Wang Shou Nuo suspiciously, not daring to do it, and a little bit reluctant to do it. The wheat can be harvested in ten days or so, and it is all white grain.

"Listen to the patriarch." Wang Shounuo didn't dare to offend Wang Shouzhe, so he stepped forward and pulled out the wheat.

Several tenant farmers also carried hoes and began to dig the soil.

After a while, the small piece of wheat was pulled out, and the land was turned over again.

"This..." Wang Shounuo carefully inspected the roots of the pulled out wheat, and his face gradually became serious to the point of shock, "How could this be, how could this be?"

There are many white fine spots on those roots, which is shocking. And most of the wheat roots have it, it's just the amount.

And in the opened soil, if you look carefully, you will find a lot of white fine spots.

Wang Shounuo's heart thumped, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously: "Quick, hurry up and call grandpa over."

"Hurry up, notify grandpa and all the tenant farmers to soak the accumulated plant ash quickly." Wang Shounuo studied agriculture with his grandfather for two years, and he has some basic skills.

Shareholders get busy.

Not long after, the fourth old master Wang Xiaozhi had come to meet him, his face extremely embarrassing: "How could this be? How could there be so many honey beetle eggs growing in the land? After the autumn harvest last year, it was obviously the same as usual, and the After the world was plowed deeply, Miecong powder was sprinkled, is there something wrong with those Miechong powder?"

"Grandpa, last year was a warm winter..." Wang Luojing carefully reminded from the side.

"Little girl Pianzi, grandpa has been farming all his life, can you understand better?" Wang Xiaozhi reprimanded angrily as if he had been stepped on his tail, "Ten years ago was also a warm winter, and the climate was exactly the same as this year. From my point of view, the problem is with Miechong powder, the damn Qian’s firm must be selling fake Miechong powder, luckily I have stockpiled a large amount of Miechong powder at a low price!”

Following their words, Wang Shouzhe also remembered some scattered knowledge, and couldn't help frowning: "Qian's commercial firm is spread all over Longzuo, and they always pay attention to goodwill. I'm afraid I can't afford such consequences. Is there such a possibility? Aphids, no, honey worms have survived the confrontation with Miecongsan again and again, and gradually formed a large area. drug resistance?"

Although Wang Shouzhe in his previous life had no contact with agriculture, he also knew that no matter bacteria, viruses or organisms, they would constantly undergo genetic mutation and evolution. This kind of evolution was almost irregular, but most of them would be eliminated naturally.

It is also reasonable that some honey worms that evolved towards drug resistance survived the confrontation with Miecongsan again and again, and gradually multiplied.

But Wang Xiaozhi couldn't understand what biological evolution is at all, he just frowned and said, "Shouzhe, don't talk nonsense here, the previous insecticide powder worked fine, why didn't it work this year?"

"Grandpa, I think what the fourth brother said makes sense." Wang Luojing said, "Grandpa, you forgot, I have been hearing you complaining for the past few years, it seems that Miecong powder is not working anymore, why are there honey bugs every year? "

Wang Xiaozhi's face froze, and his face became more and more ugly. In recent years, especially since the high harvest ten years ago, there has been a gradual increase in honey worms, but because the overall situation is still within the acceptable range, it is just an annoyance.

Wang Shouzhe is almost certain that the highly resistant aphids have multiplied and spread. The warm winter of last season also allowed most of the eggs to survive, and this year's climate is suitable for the growth of aphids, so this scene happened.

This wave of troubles is serious, even Wang Shouzhe can't help his scalp tingling, he is not capable of compounding new "pesticides"...

It's just the house leaking and it's raining all night! Under this disaster, life will become more and more difficult for the Wang family, right

"Fourth brother." Wang Luojing pulled Wang Shouzhe aside, and she whispered, "I have a way to deal with honey bugs, but I'm afraid of grandpa, so I dare not say it!"


Wang Shouzhe was taken aback, and looked at her in disbelief.