Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 14: Bio Army


Nine Star Bug King!

The corners of Wang Shouzhe's mouth twitched a few times. This Fifth Younger Sister usually doesn't show her beauty, but in private, she is a little... scalp-numbing.


The carapace of the nine-star bug king the size of a fist opened, and its membrane wings flapped rapidly in response to her.

At the same time, Wang Luojing took out a small green bamboo flute from her waist, and played it to her lips. It was a unique rhythm, with a sharp and high-pitched sound, which was quite jarring to the ears.

But the Nine Star Insect King was very familiar with that sound, and when his wings vibrated, he made a continuous buzzing sound. The rest of the small nine-star insects in the box spread their wings and flew around the nine-star insect king, like a group of unpredictable clouds.

Following Wang Luojing's command, the Nine Star Insect King took the lead to kill the wheat field, and then a swarm of thousands of insects followed like a gust of wind. Although they are both ladybugs, the ladybugs in this Xuanwu world are obviously more fierce.

They landed on shriveled ears of wheat, caught an aphid, and began to feast on them. Their fighting power was far beyond that of lacewing larvae. In just half an hour, each nine-star insect killed at least five or six. aphid.

Once such a biological army came out, it was really invincible.

"Luo Jing, well done, well done." Wang Shouzhe praised happily, "With your ability, our Wang family's food will be saved."

"Fourth brother, it's not enough." Wang Luojing shook her head and said, "It's only a dozen days from the grain filling stage to the maturity of the wheat. The longer the time is delayed, the easier it is to reduce production."

Her grandfather, Wang Xiaozhi, specialized in farming all his life, and she was quite familiar with it from an early age. Immediately without further ado, from the lacewing insect box, he took out two large worms the size of arms and withered all over their bodies.

"Fourth brother, these two lacewing kings have produced too many eggs, and I'm afraid they won't live for another month." Wang Luojing said with distress and guilt, "I hope they will make one last effort for the family in the last time." .”

As she spoke, she played the green bamboo flute again, this time the sound was completely different from when she was conducting the Nine Star Insect King, the sound was very low. Two haggard and gray lacewing kings suddenly woke up, flapping their wings and flying away.

Their speed was extremely fast, and they disappeared without a trace within a few breaths. When they were flying, their mouthparts were still vibrating and making low-frequency sounds.

"Fourth brother, the lacewing king has the ability to summon companions." Wang Luojing said, "I hope they can gather more companions back. Now there are fewer and fewer lacewings in the wild, only some in the mountains."

In this regard, Wang Shouzhe also thought about it. This is most likely due to the Mie Chong San pot launched by the Zifu Academy. The large reduction of aphids has also led to the reduction of the lacewing population.

Now that there are signs of an outbreak of drug-resistant aphids, but the lacewing swarm cannot be rooted. I am afraid that something big will happen this time.

An hour later, one of the lacewing kings had returned, bringing back thousands of horses and horses. They were flying in the wheat field, preying on aphids frantically, and what was even more frightening was that as they ate and ate, they began to crawl on the ears of wheat. Eggs are laid on the leaves.

When it was dark, another lacewing king returned, and it brought back more of its kind. The dense army of lacewings made Wang Shouzhe wonder if there were enough aphids in the thousands of acres of wheat fields for them to eat.

Moreover, the large number of eggs they produce can break out of their shells in just a few days, and the small larvae cannot be underestimated.

Such a spectacular scene gradually attracted the attention of the tenant farmers, and then reported it to Wang Xiaozhi. Wang Xiaozhi, who arrived later, realized that it was the good deed of his grandson, Queen Luo Jing, who was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

All of a sudden, he burst into tears and murmured, "This time, Mrs. Wang is saved, saved."

"Fourth Grandpa, our other two farms also have a lot of crops." Wang Shouzhe said, "I won't get involved in the specific matters. Fourth Grandpa, you can discuss it with Luo Jing yourself." Also planted a lot of wheat.

"This..." When Wang Xiaozhi heard that he was about to discuss with his granddaughter, who was still the youngest granddaughter, his expression collapsed.

"Fourth Grandpa, if you think Luo Jing is redundant, I can take her back so that she won't get in the way here." Wang Shouzhe said with a smile.

"It's not redundant, it's not in the way." Wang Xiaozhi shook his head hurriedly, his old face twisted, and he smiled flatteringly at Wang Luojing, "Luo Jing, we still have to find a way to save the other two farms. What do you want? Do it, let grandpa do it."

Wang Shouzhe smiled. Although Wang Xiaozhi is stubborn and patriarchal, his loyalty and sense of belonging to the family is absolutely no problem. As long as the concept can be reversed, he will still be the pillar of the family.

Seeing Wang Xiaozhi's change of attitude, Wang Shouzhe pulled him aside again, and said solemnly, "Fourth Grandfather, it seems that the insect plague this time is definitely not our Wang family. I dare not say Longzuo, but around Changningwei, overall I'm afraid at least 40% to 50% reduction in production will be required."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Wang Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and then said with a "simple smile", "Other families have reduced production, but ours has increased production..."

"In this world, there are often no absolutes between good and bad things." Wang Shouzhe said coldly, "Sometimes things that seem good often turn into bad things."

Wang Xiaozhi froze, and immediately realized: "Shouzhe, you mean that other families will be jealous of us?"

"It's fine if it's just jealousy." Wang Shouzhe's expression was very solemn, "As the saying goes, don't worry about the few, but the unevenness. It's okay for everyone to suffer together. If our Wang family has a good harvest, let alone those hostile families, Even a family with a good relationship may have suspicions in their hearts. One inadvertent move, my Pingan Wang family may become the target of public criticism."

"Then what should we do? Now my Wang family is already in turmoil, if..." Wang Xiaozhi became anxious all of a sudden. After all, he is only a clan elder who has been farming for a long time, and he knows too little about this way.

"Fourth grandfather, don't worry, sometimes bad things can turn into good things." Wang Shouzhe smiled confidently, "It depends on how to operate this matter and turn the situation to our advantage. Let's figure it out, first of all, the Changning Xu family, The Gongsun Clan of Shanyang and the Liu Clan of Shanyin have intermarried with our Pingan Wang Clan for a long time, and they are naturally close to each other, so naturally we must find ways to help them."

In fact, among the three clans, Wang Shouzhe has the best impression of the Gongsun clan in Shanyang. Shi didn't dislike it either.

Of course, this has something to do with the marriage between the previous direct lineages. The grandmother Wang Lingdie, the current patriarch of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Mo, is from the fourth generation of the direct lineage of the Wang family.

The Changning Xu family itself is a very powerful Xuanwu family, which is not much worse than the most powerful period of the Ping'an Wang family. At that time, the two descendants were intermarried and had a close relationship with each other.

It's a pity that later...

Wang Xiaozhi nodded regretfully with a complicated expression: "That's right, these three families have a deep marriage with our Wang family. It's just a pity for sister Zhenmei..."

Wang Shouzhe knew what he was talking about. At that time, after the upheaval of the Wang family, in order to consolidate the relationship with the Xu family in Changning. Under the operation of the ancestor of Longyan, the fifth generation of the Wang family's queen, Aunt Zhenmei, married the eldest son of the Xu family.

And Wang Zhenmei lived up to her mission, and a few years later became pregnant with the first blood, and the relationship between the two families reached the closest state. It's a pity that Aunt Wang Zhenmei died of inexplicable dystocia, resulting in a tragic ending of one dead body and two lives.

At that time, the Wang family was inexplicably sad, Xiaozi's brothers all went to the Xu family in Changning to make a big fuss, and even the ancestor Longyan was alarmed to go to the scene for an autopsy, and he gave up after finding nothing suspicious or strange.

Since then, the intimate relationship between the Wang family and the Xu family has cracked, and the intermarriage only stays in the direct line, and does not involve the direct line.

Similarly, the relationship between the Shanyin Liu family and the Wang family is somewhat complicated and difficult to describe.

It's just complicated and complicated, but the blood relationship between them cannot be erased, and they have to help each other at critical moments.