Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 146: Achievement! Shou Zhe stepped into Lingtai mirror


And the appearance of their husband and wife giving each other treasures, why doesn't it look right

It was obvious that each could pick up their own treasures, but now it has become a gift between husband and wife.

He also sprinkled a large amount of dog food by the way, and Liu Ruolei was a little drunk for a while, this operation was enough.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to her.

Everyone in the Wang family, in particular, was very excited. After all, this time, Wang's harvest is the big one.

The rest of the family, namely Liu Yuanhui, obtained a Heavenly Spirit Pill.

But they are not discouraged, as long as there is this trial site, the families will benefit sooner or later. It's just that it is necessary to train the young generation of outstanding clansmen.

Then came some finishing touches.

Although this trial site is remote, since Patriarch Zhou Xuan has the ability and luck to come in, sooner or later someone will break into it.

Therefore, Wang Shouzhe suggested that this canyon should be properly arranged, and that each family and clan would send people to guard it in turn.

All the ancestors responded one after another, and they all obeyed Wang Shouzhe's orders.

Those who should move stones moved stones, and those who should dig holes did not complain, and they worked with enthusiasm. Especially Wang Shouzhe, he expended a lot of energy and profound energy to spread a large array of vines in this valley.

The entrance is even more carefully designed. If no one inside opens the passage, it will be extremely difficult for people outside to find this place.

in the process.

Everyone in the Wang family digested the gains this time well. Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luojing all took the primary bloodline improvement liquid one after another, entered the first marrow washing and hair cutting, and the second bloodline awakening.

Their aptitudes have already reached the first grade of the middle grade, and after this time of marrow washing and hair cutting, they have all set foot on the top grade D grade. Such a terrifying bloodline qualification, even in the entire Longzuo County, is a very rare genius, and he is qualified to be called the arrogance of heaven.

The future is truly limitless.

At the same time, Wang Lici's harvest was even better. Relying on the primary bloodline improvement liquid, she once again raised her talent to a higher level.

At the same time, under the protection of her ancestors, she broke through from the peak of the Qi Refining Realm to the Spiritual Platform Realm, and became a very young monk at the Spiritual Platform Realm. She is only twenty-four or five years old, even if she is placed in the Zifu Academy, she can be called very good.

It's a pity that this girl is lazy by nature, and she is not keen on the cultivation of Xuanwu combat skills. The only thing worthy of her praise is that she is very lucky, and no one can tell where she will go in the future.

Together with Xuanwu, luck is often more important than talent.

Another thing worth mentioning is Liu Yuanhui.

With his low-rank first-class aptitude, he was able to reach the peak of the Qi refining realm at the age of thirty. It can be seen how much resources the Liu family has invested in him

And this time he also obtained a Heavenly Spirit Pill. Under the protection of the ancestor Xuanfu, he tried to break through the level, and also reached the Lingtai Realm in one fell swoop. His good fortune is also good, after all, the low-rank first-class aptitude is not 100% successful in hitting the spirit platform.

And like Wang Lici, who was originally a top-rank qualification, the probability of reaching the Lingtai Realm cannot be said to be 100%, but the probability of failure is very low. This is one of the importance of bloodline talent.

But no matter what, Liu Yuanhui's promotion to Lingtai Realm is already a matter of great luck. The Shanyin Liu family, in this way, is a family of four spiritual platforms on the bright side.

Why do you say it's the bright side

The reason is also very simple, because the Shanyin Liu Clan originally had four ancestors of the Lingtai Realm, but Liu Yuanhui and Liu Ruolan's grandfather, Liu Cunren, had already been secretly promoted to the Lingtai Realm.

It's just to keep a low profile and keep a low profile. In order not to attract more attention, Patriarch Cunren was hidden.

This is the way of survival of the aristocratic family, especially the eighth-rank aristocratic family with a family of three Lingtai like the Liu family, they must secretly have their cards in their hands.

Now that the Liu family has five spirit platform realms, once it is publicized, it will inevitably cause an uproar, and it is estimated that Liu Yuanhui will also be secretly hidden.

This time Wang has gained a lot.

Among them, Wang Shouzhe and his wife gained the most.

In the temporarily excavated mountain, Wang Shouzhe was retreating to digest the results of this battle, while Patriarch Longyan was guarding outside, escorting him.

Sitting cross-legged, Wang Shouzhe was filled with emotion. He was a little patriarch who had been in fear all day long since he traveled back then.

Today, he is qualified to hit the Lingtai Realm, and the process can be described as joyful and rewarding amidst hardships.

Lingtai realm.

In a sense, in this basalt world, the Lingtai Realm is only just getting started.

Only then did he really have the ability to protect himself.

He restrained his mind and eliminated distracting thoughts until he adjusted himself to an ethereal state. Only then did he take out the Heavenly Spirit Pill, and swallowed it with neither joy nor sorrow.

The Tianling Pill suddenly turned into streams of pure and domineering energy, impacting his internal organs, and the great pain distorted his handsome face.

Wang Shouzhe hastily operated the last stage of the top-grade wood-based kung fu method, Changchun Zhenjue Qi Refining Chapter, to control that energy and use it for his own use.

And in conjunction with the warm and pure Changchun Qi, enter the stage of breaking through.

Qi refining environment is a long process of accumulation. But if you want to hit the spiritual platform, you must open up the second bridge of heaven and earth to enter the great cycle of profound energy circulation, and open up a spiritual platform to obtain a steady stream of spiritual knowledge.

Spiritual consciousness, which can be commonly referred to as spiritual power, can be regarded as a superpower when placed on the earth.

Some people with strong bloodlines already possessed preliminary spiritual consciousness when they were in the Qi refining state. For example, Wang Shouzhe already possessed some weak spiritual consciousness.

As for Wang Luojing, her spiritual consciousness was not weak when she was in the Qi Refining Realm.

Possessing preliminary spiritual knowledge is somewhat beneficial to the level of opening up the spiritual platform, but there are some shortcuts.

But the most important thing about Wang Shouzhe's first step is to open up the second bridge between heaven and earth.

He drives the wood-type profound energy, engulfed in the energy of Tianling Pill, and runs the small circular cycle over and over again. Wherever he passes, all the acupuncture points resonate, the blood in the body is boiling and burning, and every cell in the body All resonate.

After a few small weekends, when his body was in the best condition, he began to hit the second bridge of heaven and earth.

Then he didn't taste the state of wanting to die. Under the huge energy, the second bridge of heaven and earth broke down one after another after only resisting the time of a stick of incense.

Since then, the profound energy has been unobstructed, helping Wang Shouzhe to form a great cycle.

The Second Bridge of Heaven and Earth is too careless, right? Wang Shouzhe complained secretly that he didn't even need to use other prepared auxiliary pills.

But this is also reasonable, he has taken the Tiancaidibao of bloodline improvement and evolution time and time again, and now he has reached the top grade D, and has entered the ranks of Tianjiao who have awakened the bloodline for the second time.

With such excellent aptitude, it would be extremely painful to cross the second bridge of heaven and earth. Doesn't this make the word "Tianjiao" ashamed

It is said that in ancient times, some extremely arrogant arrogances did not even need a celestial spirit pill to reach the Lingtai stage. However, this kind of arrogance is really far away from Wang Shouzhe, and it is a question of whether he can meet one in this life.

When Wang Shouzhe completed the Great Zhoutian cycle for the first time.

Suddenly, all the acupoints in his great cycle resonated at the same time, driving his qi and blood into a boiling state, and the mist on his entire body rose, entering a mysterious transformation.

Countless cells are dying, and the reborn cells of the body have become very strong, far from being comparable to the Qi Refining Realm.

This is the metamorphosis of life, the evolution of physique.

Stepping from the Qi Refining Realm to the Lingtai Realm is a huge change. Even with the level of life, there will be a big leap.

This is naturally reasonable, otherwise how could one live in the Lingtai Realm for two hundred years

Wang Shouzhe's body was undergoing rapid evolution, and dead cells were discharged through the capillary pores along the steam and sweat, forming a layer of black dirt. But at this time, he obviously can't control so much, and he must not stop at this time.

The great cycle is running again and again, and every cycle of the great cycle is driving his body to evolve. And his own profound energy and the energy of the Heavenly Spirit Pill are also being consumed rapidly.

That's why it is necessary to take the Tianling Pill to attack the Lingtai Realm. Without the majestic energy support of Tianling Pill, how can the energy in the body of ordinary Xuanwu practitioners be used

Wang Shouzhe didn't achieve the ultimate evolution of his body until he completed the ninth Great Zhou. Next, you need to practice slowly, step by step, until you step into the realm of heaven and man.

At this time, there is still a very important thing waiting for Wang Shouzhe to do, and that is to open up the Lingtai.

Only after opening up the spiritual platform, can one be regarded as a real spiritual platform monk.

The location of the Lingtai is above the eyebrows and in the Yintang. This is a very mysterious and mysterious part of the human body, which is related to the existence of human spiritual power.

Even on the earth, there are many studies and records on this location, but the human beings on the earth cannot cultivate profound energy, and it is even more difficult to actively open up a spiritual platform.

The location of Lingtai needs to be entered through the Second Heaven and Earth Bridge.

This is also the reason why the Second Bridge of Heaven and Earth needs to be opened before the Lingtai can be opened.

Wang Shouzhe circulated his profound energy, passed through the Second Bridge of Heaven and Earth, and slowly invaded the Lingtai bit by bit in a silent way.

One must not be hasty in opening up the spiritual platform, this is the most vulnerable place of human beings, if a little carelessness can cause the spiritual platform to be injured, that would be a big trouble.

Mysterious energy gradually filled the altar, as if the majesty had just opened. The altar, which was originally chaotic, gradually filled and swelled, and slowly became clear.

At this moment, Wang Shouzhe closed his eyes.

But he can gradually feel everything around him miraculously. That feeling is completely different from what he sees with his eyes, and it is also different from the feeling of radar exploration. It's as if, where the mental power is shrouded, everything around is directly reflected in the mind.

It was difficult for him to describe this wonderful feeling. For example, he could feel the rocks on the ground so clearly that he could even feel the unevenness and roughness of the surface, as if he was gently stroking it with his hands.

But he couldn't feel the color of the rock. After all, color is perceived through the human body's eye organs to capture light.

This feeling is getting clearer and clearer, which also means that his spiritual consciousness is getting stronger and stronger.

It wasn't until there was a swollen, uncomfortable, and slightly tingling sensation in the altar that he stopped continuing to open the altar.

He knew that this had reached the limit, and if he continued to forcibly open it up, the damage to the Lingtai might not be worth the loss.

And if you want to strengthen the Lingtai, you have to continue to practice and reach the second level of the Lingtai stage.

Wang Shouzhe slowly opened his eyes, and his vision was very clear. The cave opened for cultivation had a very rough appearance, and his eyes could clearly see those rough and uneven places.

It's like a myopic eye. When I put on glasses for the first time, the world turns out to be so clear.

At the same time, his ears became very sensitive, and he could even faintly hear the faint breathing of Patriarch Longyan who was really waiting outside the door.

Of course, this is the reason why Patriarch Longyan didn't deliberately hide his breath, otherwise Wang Shouzhe would not be able to find her.

This is the transformation of the body after entering the Lingtai mirror. There has been a huge improvement in all aspects of physical fitness, vision and hearing, which are only one part.

This is a leap of life.

Wang Shouzhe felt a surge of excitement in his heart. When he stood up, he suddenly felt that his body was as light as a feather.

Every step taken casually seems to be light and fluffy, about to fly. Compared to the Qi Refining Realm, the Lingtai Mirror is like the fairy among the gods, ready to fly away at any time.

No wonder Xiaohan Patriarch, after he was promoted, would walk on water and skim at low altitude at every turn. This was due to his body's instinct.

Wang Shouzhe lightly tapped, and his body floated up lightly. After reaching the top of the cave, it slowly fell down like a feather.

This feeling is like being on a low-gravity planet, and the body seems to have no weight.

Just when Wang Shouzhe was three feet above the ground, the profound energy in his body suddenly swelled up. Suddenly, the speed of his body's falling stopped abruptly, and he was suspended in the air abruptly.

Suspension and flight are all dreams that human beings have had in history.

But in this basalt world, as long as one reaches the Lingtai Realm, one can temporarily levitate in the sky.

This made Wang Shouzhe's heart flutter for a while, and he was suspended for three feet, his body still suspended in the air.


This feeling of breaking away from the gravity of the earth really made his heart throb. This is far different from the feeling of jumping or even gliding when using agility.

This is real flying.

It's just that if you want to fight against the gravity of the earth, your profound energy will be consumed extremely quickly. In just such a short while, Wang Shouzhe can feel the massive loss of profound energy.

It is also because of this that monks at the Lingtai Realm will never use flying to rush their way, because they will have to land and resume their studies before flying a few miles away.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shouzhe simply tested his strength and speed again, and it was natural that he was no longer at the peak of Qi Refining Realm.

Such an all-round improvement.

At that time, Wang Shouzhe felt full of security in his heart. Only when he was strong, he was qualified to live well in this fantasy world full of dangers.

For this step, he worked hard for nearly nine years.

These nine years of hard work were not in vain.

Immediately, his heart was full of pride.

Now that he is not yet twenty-six years old, he already wants to see the demeanor after stepping into the realm of heaven and man in his heart.