Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 163: We are so proud! My Xuanyao lineage is about to rise


Hearing this, Wang Shouzhe's heart sank suddenly.

Although the Master Changchun did not show the coercion of the Zifu Realm, nor did he deliberately suppress him. But the other party's light words still made him feel chills down his back, as if he had a feeling of imminent disaster.

"Master, I'm just joking with the primary school sister. How can I really ask for the primary school sister's money?" Wang Shouzhe smiled awkwardly, and immediately took out the more than 10,000 dry gold and handed it to Master Changchun, "Please trouble me!" The Venerable Master returned the money to the primary school sister."

"Although your things are a bit more expensive, they are full of whimsical ideas. Since Luwei likes it, let her go." Master Changchun didn't take it seriously. At his level, a little bit of money has long been ignored. What's more, it's Luwei's own money, and it's her own choice how to spend it.

"What does the Master mean?" Wang Shouzhe was a little puzzled.

"Let's all go out."

Master Changchun did not answer directly, but glanced at the others, and gave a casual order.

All the disciples of Changchun Valley immediately bowed politely and left.

Immediately, only Master Changchun and Wang Shouzhe were left in the Daoist Hall.

Master Changchun glanced at Wang Shouzhe, and Wang Shouzhe felt as if he had been seen through, and all his thoughts had nothing to hide in front of him.

Wang Shouzhe's nerves tensed up immediately.

However, just when he thought that Master Changchun was going to reprimand him, Master Changchun suddenly sighed and said leisurely: "Luwei is different from other brothers and sisters. She is not a child of a family, but I picked her up in the wild. Because she grew up in Changchun Valley, her perception of many things is different from that of ordinary people."

After a pause, his tone suddenly became serious: "Just now she offended her so much, I, as a master, apologize for her."

"The Venerable Master's words are serious." Wang Shouzhe hurriedly returned the salute with his hands tied, and said seriously, "Sister Luwei and I were just joking~ Miss Xiao has an innocent personality, so I don't find it annoying."

"Yeah. Tolerant and lenient, brave and resourceful, he is a good seedling."

Seeing him like this, Master Changchun's mood improved a lot.

He looked at Wang Shouzhe with a smile, and praised: "You heretic student is better than many of my core disciples. You have practiced "Changchun Zhenjue" to such a high level at a young age. You are really a legacy~"

"The Venerable Master praises it, praises it~" Wang Shouzhe said humbly, "There is still a big gap between me and the seniors and brothers."

"I heard from you earlier that there is no possibility of re-cultivation of Wang's No. 7 wheat seed from the root." Master Changchun called Wang Shouzhe to sit aside, with a friendly attitude, "Can you tell me?"

Wang Shouzhe thought to himself.

Could it be that the Master of Changchun already knew that Wang's No. 7 wheat seed was created by him

Although Wang's No. 7 wheat is a good seed, in the eyes of the entire academy, it is just a small thing, and Master Changchun should not covet it.

Hmm, probably just curious.

With this thought in mind, he immediately replied honestly: "I would like to tell you, the disciples have inadvertently fiddled with this wheat seed. It is different from the cultivation of grain seeds in each family. After soaking in the special liquid, there will be no seeds with secondary reproductive ability, and then continue to optimize it on this basis to increase the yield."

"I see."

Master Changchun suddenly realized, and then he couldn't help laughing and said, "Your child has a special way of thinking, and he prioritizes preventing others from cracking it. Considering the production of grain seeds, the idea is good, but it is too petty, and the structure is not high enough."

"To the Venerable Master, as the saying goes, if you are virtuous, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be good for yourself." Wang Shouzhe stood with his hands tied, and said calmly, "I have a small family and a small family, relying on these two kinds of livelihoods. Naturally, the villain should be the first, and then the gentleman. .”

The implication is that if the Wang family has the same strength as the Zifu Academy, the thinking and structure will naturally be different.

"What you said is very reasonable. Your ideas are also unique, and you have never followed others' advice." Master Changchun nodded appreciatively, "Are you willing to join the academy and become a core disciple under my sect?"

Hearing this, Wang Shouzhe was taken aback for a moment.

Others are so overwhelmed that they want to become a core disciple but can't get what they want. Fortunately, he has not said a few words, and Master Changchun actually offered him an olive branch on his own initiative.

If other people find out about his treatment, I'm afraid they will be jealous to death.

So is he picking it up or not

Needless to say

"I would like to thank Master Changchun for his kindness." Wang Shouzhe bowed his hands to Master Changchun, and bowed deeply, "However, Shouzhe is the head of the clan and has a heavy family responsibility on his shoulders. I am afraid that there is no way for him to stay in the academy for a long time to study. I hope the Master will forgive me."

"However, whenever the master can use the disciple, just give an order, and the disciple should do his best."

This is of course an excuse.

Wang Shouzhe really has no interest in studying in the academy.

Master Changchun glanced at him unexpectedly, his expression seemed to be a bit regretful, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"In that case, that's all."

He just saw that Wang Shouzhe said he had some potential, and he couldn't bear the dust on the pearl. Since Fang Zhi is not here, with his majesty as a master, he will not invite him again.

"However, you child has some potential." The Changchun Master said again, "Since I have a destiny today, and I also drank your spirit wine, I will give you half an hour. Is there anything you don't know about cultivation? "

Wang Shouzhe was pleasantly surprised.

He thought that rejecting Master Changchun might offend him, but he didn't expect him to be so talkative, not only not angry, but willing to point him out.

He straightened out his train of thought immediately, and explained the perplexities, perplexities, and bewilderments he had encountered while practicing the Changchun zhenjue over the years.

And Master Changchun, like the honest teacher, patiently answered Wang Shouzhe's questions one by one.

He speaks in an orderly manner, and often solves the doubts in Wang Shouzhe's heart in two or three sentences, making him feel suddenly enlightened.

As time went by, Wang Shouzhe's respect for Master Changchun became deeper and deeper.

Really worthy of being the Venerable Master.

I heard that he is still a very old master.

The two asked and answered, and half an hour passed quickly.

All the questions accumulated in Wang Shouzhe's mind were answered satisfactorily, and all kinds of puzzles and obscure points became clear.

Grateful in his heart, he took out the gifts he had prepared for Master Changchun from the storage ring one by one.

During his visit this time, he had had various plans, and he had pestered Patriarch Xuanfu to get a rough idea of the likes and dispositions of all the masters in Zifu Academy.

It's just that Xuan Fu's ancestor is not good at this, so what he said is vague. Wang Shouzhe could only guess and understand, and drew up several gift-giving plans in a targeted manner.

Master Changchun is the oldest master in Zifu Academy.

The longer you live, the more you see, the less desire you will naturally have.

According to Patriarch Xuanfu, Master Changchun is most aloof from the world, has a peaceful nature, and looks like he has no desires or desires.

Therefore, Wang Shouzhe could only find a way to prepare some high-quality spiritual wine, as well as some white jade spiritual rice and red crystal spiritual rice seeds. These seeds are not Wang Shouzhe's latest varieties, but exist as eliminated products during the research and development process.

But even the eliminated products have their own uniqueness.

"Master." Wang Shouzhe presented these local products one by one, "These are all produced on our own land, just to express our gratitude to the Master."

Master Changchun saw that they were all small things.

In this regard, he rejoiced instead: "You child has a heart."

With his temperament, if Wang Shouzhe really wanted to take out a lot of valuables, he would be kicked out immediately.

His affection for Wang Shouzhe increased a bit.

There are not many seeds of Baiyulingmi and Chijinglingmi.

Master Changchun glanced at them and said, "These two are common spirit rice, but they are slightly larger. They must be new spirit seeds cultivated by your family."

Wang Shouzhe described the characteristics of these two new varieties of Lingmi. The larger the particles, the higher the yield. One by one and Changchun Master Daoming, the biggest feature is that he can breed twice.

"You child. You are quite spiritual." The Master Changchun said, "How many aristocratic families have bred two kinds, and they are often cherished. So, these two kinds of spiritual rice and spiritual species. spread out."

In his life, he has seen countless spiritual species, many of which have been improved. Although Wang Shouzhe and Wang Shouzhe have their own characteristics, many of the top Xuanwu families are much more powerful than this.

"Since it was given to the Venerable Master, it is up to the Venerable Master how to deal with it." Wang Shouzhe said indifferently.

What can be given away is naturally because it has better ones. And he is very clear that as long as he is given time, the future Wang family will have a more powerful spiritual seed.

Now these are just elementary spiritual species.

"By the way, since your surname is Wang." The Master Changchun suddenly remembered something, "You don't know Wang Longyan, do you?"

He was just asking casually, after all, there are many people surnamed Wang in the world. But in the past two days, Master Binglan said that he wanted to take Wang Longyan back to the door wall, and he also expressed some objections, and suddenly thought of it, so he asked casually.


Wang Shouzhe was a little baffled, but also a little uneasy, and couldn't help but asked cautiously: "The one the Master mentioned... is the disciple's great-grandmother. I wonder what's wrong with it?"

What is the problem

Master Changchun's immortal demeanor stagnated, and he suddenly stopped talking.

After a while, he was suddenly discouraged and said: "Forget it~ You are a heretic student, and these traditions in the academy have nothing to do with you."

"That's all, this matter has nothing to do with you, you can step back now."

As he spoke, he waved his hands, as if he didn't want to talk more.

Wang Shouzhe was terrified, but he didn't dare to refuse, so he bowed his hands to Master Changchun and said, "If that's the case, then Shouzhe will leave."

It made him puzzled.

Why did Master Changchun's attitude towards Patriarch Longyan become indifferent all of a sudden

Could it be that Patriarch Longyan offended Master Changchun? But it shouldn't be.

After all, there is a big gap between their identities and cultivation.

Just a little earlier.

The other side of Zifu Academy.

A majestic mountain stands among the peaks, like standing out from a group of chickens, outstanding.

Silky mist wraps around from the mountainside to the top of the mountain. From a distance, the whole mountain seems to be covered with a layer of hazy veil.

This mountain is called Xiaoyao Peak.

On Xiaoyao Peak, there is a Xiaoyao Hall.

Xiaoyao Hall is located on the edge of a steep cliff, thunderbolt thousands of feet, majestic, full of fairy charm.

It belongs to Master Xuanyao, one of the masters of Zifu Academy, who sits here.

Among all the peaks, valleys and palaces, Xiaoyao Peak is not the most powerful one. Only because Master Xuanyao is the youngest among the Masters, he is not yet five hundred years old.

Therefore, when he recruited disciples, he often lowered the threshold and recruited more disciples to strengthen his momentum. But it is precisely because of this that although there are many Xiaoyao Peak disciples, they are mixed with good and bad.

Moreover, it has been less than 200 years since he was promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm, and the disciples under his name are only two or three direct disciples, and there are only twenty or thirty core disciples, but there are a lot of ordinary disciples and outstanding disciples.

Every time the academy starts recruiting disciples, the number of newly recruited disciples is quite a lot. But very few are available. Looking at the overall situation, even if it is not at the bottom, it is at most in the middle.

There is a tradition in the Zifu Academy. After the recruiting meeting every three years, there will be seniors in each peak, valley, and hall, and the seniors will take the juniors to other peaks, other valleys, and go for a walk to see and see. .

As the name suggests, I will introduce you to disciples from other lines. In fact, it is to demonstrate the strength of our lineage and the excellence of the new disciples we recruit.

Based on this unspoken rule.

Naturally, a characteristic was derived, that is, the seniors would only take the juniors to those who can fight well.

As for those who can't be beaten, they are usually "being" seen and seen.

Master Xuanyao's lineage usually goes to see and recognize people, and at the same time be seen and seen by others.

But this time, everything is different.

In Xiaoyao Hall, a group of disciples from Xiaoyao Peak are gathering together.

Master Xuanyao sat high above the main hall, lowering his head slightly, looking down at the group of disciples under the steps.

He is now in the prime of life, his brows are drooping, and his expression is majestic.

Curls of cigarette smoke rose from the brass censer beside him, blurring his figure, but it couldn't conceal his majestic demeanor like a mountain, like a majestic mountain.

A huge stone sword was inlaid on the wall of the nave behind him. It looked simple and unpretentious, but it seemed to exude a majestic sword spirit.

Against the background of this stone sword, Master Xuanyao's aura seemed to be a little thicker and fiercer. When people saw it, they couldn't help but feel awed and dare not look directly at it.

Gathered in the main hall are the core disciples on Xiaoyao Peak, as well as some quasi-core disciples who are about to step into the ranks of the core, a total of more than 30 people. Except for some special reasons, the core disciples who are working in other places, etc., all gathered together.

This time they are all very excited and discussing with each other, this year is obviously different.

"Senior Brother Xiuping." A "young handsome man" said vigorously, "Last time you took the juniors out to see and see. This time it must be my turn."

"Junior Brother Yuanbai, don't you know what happened last time? None of the newly recruited apprentices can be trusted." The senior brother Xiuping said angrily, "I'm not taking them to see them, it's obvious that I have been seen all the time. .”

"This time, I finally took in a peerless genius and ushered in a turning point. You can't take my chance for revenge."

Those core disciples who are at the forefront. One after another you look at me. Discuss contenders. This year's juniors and younger sisters have the opportunity to go out and see the team leaders.

In case of disagreement.

In the end, they set their sights on their master, Master Xuanyao.

It seems to be waiting for the master to make a decision.

Master Xuanyao stood up slowly, and stood with his hands behind his back. Under his majestic face, there was a trace of excitement in his eyes that could not be concealed: "Stop arguing. This time, Master personally brought new disciples to other veins to experience experience."

His expression was very calm, but he was laughing and laughing in his heart.

How could he miss such a glorious situation? How many years, how many years has he been aggrieved by Xuan Yao

The core disciples are helpless, and the master is rushing to go, what else can they do? Find a way to follow, and you can more or less follow the scenery.

Some disciples asked curiously: "Master, which branch shall we go to see first this time? We won't go directly to the Xuanbing Temple, right?" The Xuanbing Temple has been a popular place to meet and recognize people over the years.

"Hmph! This time, I must go to the Xuanbing Palace. However, it is still better to go to the Changchun Valley first to warm up."

"Master is wise."

Everyone agreed in unison, with excited expressions on their faces.