Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 19: The fabled fiancée


It was a well-built adult man in sackcloth working. With a bang, he left the box of salted fish on his shoulders and greeted him happily.

Wang Shouzhe collected himself and recognized that it was Wang Shouyi, the second child of the Shouzi generation. Immediately, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Second brother, why are you dressed like this, and you still have to do the work yourself?"

Wang Shouyi smiled helplessly: "Uncle Liu didn't know why he lost his mind, but he even sent someone to bring over all the salted fish in stock in Dingpu's warehouse, and ordered me to sell them quickly. The staff can't be too busy for a while. , are unloading."

As he said that, he pointed at the several carriages lined up behind him, almost blocking the road.

Uh... huh.

Of course Wang Shouzhe knew the reason. It was because of his suggestions and ideas that the catch of the fishing brigade this year was absolutely overwhelming. If the salted fish in stock is not disposed of quickly, when a large number of catches are released later, the previously stored salted fish will be thrown into the hands.

"Wang Zhong, Wang Yong, help unload the cargo together." Wang Shouzhe waved his hand.

"Yes, Patriarch." The two families will immediately unload their burdens and go to help. One of them is at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Realm, the other is at the fifth level, and their strength and temperament are many times higher than that of ordinary people.

In addition, Wang Shouyi was also on the fifth floor of the Qi Refining Realm, so the three Xuanwu practitioners unloaded the goods together, and they went up slowly.

Of course, Wang Shouzhe is already at the sixth level of Qi Refining Realm, so if he wants to go up, the speed will be even faster. It's just that the patriarch of his majestic clan moved salted fish, so it must not damage the prestige of the family

In less than a quarter of an hour, the fish goods on several carriages were moved into the warehouse, and the roadside became clear again.

Later, Wang Shouyi, who was cleaned up, was originally going to entertain Wang Shouzhe in the backyard. But was rejected, so I found a place in the fish stall to drink tea and chat.

"Fourth brother, our fish stall mainly sells dried salted and smoked fish, fresh fish, and live fish." Wang Shouyi poured tea himself and said, "Most of the dry goods such as salted fish are purchased in bulk by traveling traders and sold to the northwest. "

"Fresh fish are sold to the vendors in Changning Weicheng, and they come to our fish stall to pick up the goods every morning. Second, they supply fresh fish and live fish to several restaurants in the city. We are responsible for the delivery of this part. Goods, but the price will be slightly higher."

"Furthermore, there are aristocratic families, rich merchants, etc., who also have a lot of demand for fresh fish and live fish every day. Therefore, every morning to morning is the busiest time for our fish stall."

In a few words, Wang Shouzhe understood the operation mode of Wang's fish stall, which is mainly to maximize the selling price of the fishing brigade's catch output, and the overall net income that can be brought to the family is only about two hundred thousand gold per year. look.

It is precisely because the net income is not high that Wang Shouyi, the seventh generation of the family, is in charge here.

Wang Shouyi's aptitude is not very good, he is only low grade. Therefore, the family resources enjoyed from childhood to adulthood are far from being comparable to Wang Dingyue and Wang Shouzhe, so that at the age of thirty-three, they are at the beginning of the fifth level of Qi Refining Realm.

Fortunately, Wang Shouyi has a calm personality, endures hardships and stands hard work, and has no complaints about the family's resource allocation. Instead, he conscientiously stirs up one of the family's businesses and makes contributions to the family.

"Second brother, you have worked hard all these years." Wang Shouzhe solemnly cupped his hands.

"Fourth brother, what are you talking about?" Wang Shouyi hurriedly stood up and returned the salute, "I, Wang Shouyi, is a member of the direct bloodline of the family. It is my duty to manage the family property. What are you talking about? As long as fourth brother can reach the Lingtai Realm one day, The people of the Wang clan will definitely live a good life."

Lingtai Realm! Lingtai Realm!

Wang Shouzhe sighed in his heart. Now all the clansmen pinned their hopes on Wang Shouzhe. It is this hope that makes them work hard.

"Second brother, don't worry, our Wang family will definitely get better and better." Wang Shouzhe said with a confident smile, "By the way, I heard that nephew Zong Sheng's qualifications are good, and he looks like a low-grade third class?"

As soon as Zong Sheng was mentioned, Wang Shouyi's simple and honest face showed joy, scratched his head and said: "That kid is not bad, he is better than his father. It seems that my blood is still good."

"Hehe, second brother, that's the blood of the second sister-in-law." Wang Shouzhe joked with a smile, "I know that when the second sister-in-law was in Jinsha Xu's concubine, she was a famous beauty. There were many of them. The whole family has gone to propose marriage. But I didn't expect you to break out of the encirclement and win the heart of the second sister-in-law."

"Fourth brother, you still remember this. You were still a child at that time, right? Hehe, your second sister-in-law doesn't like those flamboyant young masters, so she likes your second brother's honesty." Wang Shouyi recalled this incident, full of emotion. With a proud face, "Being able to marry your second sister-in-law is the greatest victory in my life, Wang Shouyi. By the way, fourth brother, are you eighteen this year? When are you going to marry the daughter of the Liu family back home?"

The daughter of the Liu family

Wang Shouzhe froze. If Wang Shouyi hadn't mentioned this matter, he would have forgotten that he was already engaged to the eldest daughter of the Liu family.

It stands to reason that it is very difficult for the declining Wang family to get along with Liu's direct line, and the relationship between the two parties is only maintained at the stage of Zhimai's occasional intermarriage. It has been more than a hundred years ago since the last time the Wang family and the Liu family had an intermarriage.

At that time, the first daughter of the Liu family married Wang Yuyou, the second son of the ancestor Zhouxuan, and Zhuwei, the second son of the ancestor Zhouxuan, married into the first line of the Liu family.

It is worth mentioning that Grandma Zhuwei gave birth to two sons and a daughter in Liu's family. Now there are two living ancestors of Lingtai Realm in Liu's family, one is the son of Grandma Zhuwei, and the other is her grandson.

It is precisely because of this that the Sanyin Liu family has always had a burning love for the Wang family.

But the most powerful member of the Liu family is not the two ancestors of the Lingtai Realm, but Liu Xuanfu, the daughter of Aunt Zhuwei's grandmother.

Back then, Liu Xuanfu of the Liu family and Wang Longyan of the Wang family were cousins, and they were both rare heavenly beauties. They were both admitted to the Zifu Academy, which shocked the entire Changningwei area at that time.

They are called Changning Shuangjiao, and their reputation is stronger than that of the Lingtai ancestors of ordinary families. Moreover, they have all developed well in the Zifu Academy, and have a bright future in the future.


After the Wang family suffered a catastrophe, Patriarch Longyan had to give up his status as an elite disciple of the academy and return to the family. In the end, he was seriously injured and his lifespan was greatly reduced. He has never left Changning until now.

As for Liu Xuanfu, she has been developing in the Purple Mansion Academy, and her recent situation is unclear. But seeing that the Shanyin Liu Clan is getting stronger and stronger, one can infer that Liu Xuanfu should be developing smoothly in the Zifu Academy.

Therefore, the marriage contract between Wang Shouzhe and the daughter of the Liu family was a marriage that Longyan's ancestor came to propose in person, and it was also her old man's plan to leave a final guarantee for the family.

Maybe Longyan Patriarch paid some unknown price, maybe Liu's family still misses the old love from the beginning, in short, this marriage contract is settled like this.

"Fourth brother, what are you thinking about?" Wang Shouyi said with a smile, "Isn't it thinking about your unmarried daughter-in-law—Liu Ruolan, Miss Liu?"

"Hehe~Second brother, let's think about how to grow the family." Wang Shouzhe changed the subject and said, "If Uncle Six's fishing brigade doubles the annual output of previous years, will your fish stall be able to handle it?"

"What, doubling?" Wang Shouyi's face brightened, and he whispered, "Fourth brother, the family is willing to expand the fishing boat? This is a good thing for the family. If it is true, I will keep it so that it will not hinder you."

"What about twice?" Wang Shouzhe said with a smile.

"Hiss~" Wang Shouyi gasped, "Fourth brother, don't you want to entertain your second brother."

When Wang Shouzhe was about to explain a few words, suddenly, there was a sinister laughter from outside: "The second child of the Wang family, is Wang Shouyi there? I am Ding Youde, the second shopkeeper of Fa Cai Gambling House. Your nephew owes us a bet." Fang Fang's money, when are you going to pay it back?"

Get rich gambling house? Gambling debt? nephew

At the same time that Wang Shouyi's face changed drastically, the smile on Wang Shouzhe's face also froze, and his eyes became sharper.