Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 22: Amethyst Spirit Bee Hive


However, this idea was only fleeting, because Wang Shouzhe only knew that the earliest monosodium glutamate was extracted from kelp, but the content of monosodium glutamate in kelp was very low, making it difficult to carry out industrial operation.

Modern technology is to extract monosodium glutamate from soybeans and other crops through microbial fermentation.

However, Wang Shouzhe knew almost nothing about the refining process and principle of sodium glutamate, so it took him a long time to develop it himself. Therefore, the idea of making a fortune had to be put aside for the time being, and it would be safer to start with improving and optimizing the family business.

"Second brother, you understand the principle. I hope you will take the time to experiment and improve. Don't let the sixth uncle's fishing team work hard to catch live fish. Of course, we must also keep our Wang's secret. How can you do it if you believe this? Knows better than I do."

After Wang Shouzhe gave a few instructions, he led his family to leave.

And after Wang Shouyi got the "inheritance", he had already felt itchy. I didn't even bother to send Wang Shouzhe, so I couldn't wait to try it. Once successful, fish stalls, a traditional family business, will be able to give full play to its advantages.

Changningwei Dongcheng Gate.

After leaving the city, there is a straight and wide official road.

Wang Shouzhe and two family generals rode straight to the gallop, and within half an hour after stopping and stopping, they arrived at Changning Ferry in Anjiang.

The Changning Ferry is Guandu, and the actual control is in the hands of the Changning Wei government. The tentacles of the three aristocratic families in Ping'an Town come to an abrupt end here, which is a clear dividing line.

A family member of the Wang family has been waiting here for a long time. As soon as he saw Wang Shouzhe and others, he greeted him: "Wang Wu sees the Patriarch."

"Excuse me, are auntie and fifth sister here?" When Wang Shouzhe left the family overnight, he left a letter for Gongsunhui to let her act according to the plan in the letter.

"Report to Patriarch." Wang Wu said respectfully, "The carriages of Mrs. Hui and Miss Fifth are already waiting in front."

Under Wang Wu's guidance, Wang Shouzhe soon joined Gongsun Hui and others. After getting into the carriage, Gongsun Hui first poured a cup of tea for Wang Shouzhe, with a worried look on his brows: "Zhe'er, is what you said in the letter really so serious?"

"I'm afraid it's more serious than I imagined." Wang Shouzhe took a sip of tea to calm himself, and said with a frown, "Qian's business is spread all over Longzuo, but they haven't noticed it yet. It can be seen that at least within Longzuo County, No major forces have issued an early warning of this disaster."

"How could this be?" Gongsun Hui said with a pale face, "There are so many wealthy families in the entire Longzuo County, but no one is aware of it? In this way, many civilians will suffer?"

"Ma'am, you're worrying too much. If the sky is going to collapse, there will be a tall man to top it. All we little Wang can do is to follow the trend. How to survive and grow is the right way." Wang Shouzhe said indifferently, "But ma'am It makes sense. The huge Longzuo County cannot be the first to notice the pest plague. Maybe most people will be negligent, but there will always be some families who are aware of the strangeness and secretly prepared in advance. Or there are already people A warning has been issued, but the news has not reached us in Changning."

Human nature is common.

After Wang Shouzhe found out about it, he immediately kept it a secret and planned to take the opportunity to make a fortune. Most of the other families who found out about it by chance or by skill probably thought the same way.

What's more, it was too late for Wang Shouzhe to discover this matter, and he only had time to adapt to the situation. Even if the matter is publicized, it will only cause the chaos to break out earlier, and it will not help the overall situation at all.

"Zhe'er, you're right, it's good that our small families can take care of themselves now." Gongsun Hui also said with relief, "The big officials, the Zifu Academy, and those rich and powerful families will definitely meet at critical moments. Take action to rescue the disaster. Zhe'er, if you can think of helping the Gongsun family at this juncture, my aunt first thank you on behalf of the Shanyang Gongsun family."

"Auntie, what are you talking about? The Gongsun family and our Wang family have been intermarried for generations, and they have long been united in blood, so they should watch over and help each other." Wang Shouzhe smiled, "It just so happens that I haven't visited my grandfather for a long time, so I pay my respects to his old man."

As far as Wang Shouzhe knew, the intermarriage between Gongsun and Wang was really deep. Take Gongsun Mo, the contemporary patriarch of the Gongsun clan, for example. His real grandmother is from Wang Lingdie, the fourth-generation concubine of the Wang clan, and the aunt Gongsun Hui has to call her great-grandmother.

When the Wang family was in the fourth generation, they also married the daughter of the Gongsun family, who was Wang Shouzhe's great-grandmother.

It can be seen from this that the relationship between the Gongsun family and the Wang family is very close.

As soon as the word "grandfather" was mentioned, Gongsun Hui was a little taken aback, and then she was overjoyed, and said with emotion: "Zhe'er, you have really grown up and become sensible."

Although Gongsun Hui was not Wang Shouzhe's biological mother, she was his aunt. Her father, Gongsun Mo, was naturally Wang Shouzhe's grandfather. It's just that Wang Shouzhe's predecessor was relatively withdrawn since he was a child, and he was relatively indifferent when he visited Gongsun Mo several times since he was a child, and he was not very close to each other.

As for Gongsun Hui, Xuxian only gave birth to a daughter and no son after marrying Wang Dingyue, so all his attention was put on the son Wang Shouzhe.

This is the case with the laws of the Dagan Kingdom and the rules that all Xuanwu families abide by. Regardless of whether it is biological or not, the relationship between the aunt and the son is a serious mother-child relationship.

While Gongsunhui was chatting, fifth sister Wang Luojing sat obediently all the time, even if it sounded boring, she just blinked her eyes and dared not talk much.

"Luo Jing, fourth brother brought you a gift, do you like it?" Wang Shouzhe took out a package and handed it over.

Wang Luojing opened it and saw that it was a honeycomb. She immediately covered her mouth in surprise, and said, "Well, this honeycomb is like a ball, with a hexagonal mouth and a slightly crystal-like color. Could it be the legendary honeycomb?" Amethyst spirit bee hive? Thank you fourth brother, that's great."

Wait, what the hell is the Purple Crystal Spirit Bee

Wang Shouzhe's face was slightly astonished: "Luo Jing, you are not good at learning, this is clearly a tiger-headed spirit bee hive."

Wang Luojing was slightly taken aback, bit her jade finger and said, "I see, fourth brother, you are here to test me again. It is recorded in the Insect Classic that the Tiger-headed Spirit Bee and the Purple Crystal Spirit Bee looked more alike in the first-order body. The difference is that the Amethyst Spirit Bee is more slender in shape. But their hives are quite different. The Tiger Head Spirit Bee hive is usually flat and the mouth of the nest is slightly rough. The Amethyst Spirit Bee hive is usually round, and the hive body is crystal jade. This is the hive of amethyst spirit bees that is still at the level of the first-order body, but slightly crystallized. If they are promoted to the second-order body, the honeycomb will be more than ten times larger than this, and the whole body will gradually take on the shape of amethyst jade. shape."

While speaking, Wang Luojing carefully laid down a few bee chrysalis, and her little face was filled with distress: "The people who pick the hive are really idiots, many pupated larvae died, woo~ this is really Amethyst Spirit Bee, there are only dozens of bee pupae alive, what a pity!"

"Is it really the Amethyst Spirit Bee?" Wang Shouzhe's face became a little weird. In general, it is relatively common, and he is quite familiar with it.

But the Amethyst Spirit Bee doesn't know much about it, only that it is a rare species that can grow to a second-order spirit bee.

Gongsun Hui on the side also stared sideways, covered her mouth and said, "Zhe'er, it's not true that you bought this as a hive of tiger-headed spirit bees, did you? How much money did you spend?"

"I just wandered around the market and found this beehive. When I thought of the potential of the fifth sister as a spirit insect master, I bought it for her to play with..." Wang Shouzhe laughed. It’s the rogue cultivator and I who both punched eyes, hehe~”

"It's more than just punching eyes, you are blind." Gongsun Hui also joked with a smile, "Amethyst spirit bees among the second-order spirit bees, once they are truly mature, the amethyst spirit honey they produce has a solid foundation and a strong foundation. The effect of beauty and beauty is the main raw material in many second-order panacea. If amethyst royal honey can be produced, it is a standard third-level spiritual material, and it is one of the main spiritual materials of the famous third-level panacea Qi Lingdan .”

"Hiss~" Wang Shouzhe sucked in a breath of cold air, "Qi Ling Pill, isn't that the legendary panacea that can improve Xuanwu's aptitude?"