Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 25: Shanyang Little Spirit Species (seeking PP)


"What's so good about the Shanyin Liu family?" The Chen family muttered, "Everyone's eyes are higher than the top, and they are constantly scheming. According to me..."

Shanyin Liu's and Shanyang Gongsun's are only separated by Longji Mountain, and Longji Mountain is rich in resources and minerals. There are still many frictions between the two families, and the relationship is naturally not harmonious.

"Enough! You old lady, how can you talk nonsense about the marriage between the Wang family and the Liu family?" Gongsun Mo couldn't sit still any longer, and hurriedly got up and shouted, "Gongsun Qiang, help your mother go back to rest. Shouzhe still has something to say."

Gongsun Qiang hurriedly helped the old lady who was still chattering away, and Gongsun Hui also said: "Zhe'er, you have a good chat with grandfather, I will go talk to mother first."

Gongsun Hui's goal of threading the needle has been achieved today, and it would be inappropriate to participate in the conversation between Gongsun Mo and Wang Shouzhe as her, and then she took Wang Luojing's little hand and left together.

After everyone had left, Wang Shouzhe bowed his hands to Gongsun Mo and said, "Shouzhe pays his respects to his grandfather."

"Zhe'er, you don't need to be too polite. Come here and taste the spiritual tea planted by your grandfather." Gongsun Mo had already prepared for Wang Shouzhe's arrival, and immediately ordered someone to offer spiritual tea and spiritual fruit.

Spiritual tea and spiritual fruit are luxury goods in the Xuanwu family, and they must rely on the spiritual field to grow them, and the spiritual field is an important strategic resource for each family. Gongsun Mo is nothing more than a variety of spiritual tea and spiritual fruit from several acres of spiritual fields, which are specially used to entertain distinguished guests.

As for the Ping'an Wang family, there are only spiritual fields left to grow white jade and spiritual rice, which are not enough for the tribe to consume. Naturally, they will not use it to grow spiritual tea and spiritual fruits with relatively poor economic benefits.

"Thank you, grandfather." Wang Shouzhe was naturally not polite to enjoy the spiritual tea and spiritual fruit, so he immediately sat down and began to enjoy them.

Inside the teacup carved from spirit jade, the tea color is ruddy, and the fragrance is tangy, which makes people feel refreshed and happy. After taking a sip, a slight bitterness filled the cavity of his teeth, but in the next moment, a sense of coolness filled his forehead, making Wang Shouzhe feel refreshed, and some dark and gloomy emotional thoughts were swept away.

"Good tea." Wang Shouzhe couldn't help but praise, "This spiritual tea is mellow and fragrant, with a long aftertaste. It also helps to calm the mind and wash away distracting thoughts."

"Haha, I didn't expect Zhe'er to be someone who knows tea." Gongsun Mo laohuai was relieved, suddenly felt that Mingzhu hadn't cast a secret, and proudly introduced, "This tea is called Shanyang Xiaolingzhong. The wild spiritual tea species accidentally discovered in the depths of the ridge mountain, after decades of careful cultivation, can now produce more than a catty a year stably, and even the two ancestors of the family are quite fond of it. You one or two."

When talking about Yun Yiliang, the corners of Gongsun Mo's mouth twitched imperceptibly, obviously feeling distressed. It's no wonder that cultivating spirit tea is not like white jade spirit rice, and it's not like the tea species on the earth, which can be planted densely.

Often in one mu of spiritual land, only a few spiritual tea trees can be cultivated, and daily intensive cultivation and maintenance are essential. Its picking, kneading, fermentation and other processes are also very particular.

Therefore, the cost of even one or two spirit teas is very high.

"Thank you grandfather, Zhe'er will be disrespectful." Wang Shouzhe knew that Gongsun Mo was supporting him, so naturally he would not refuse.

In today's Wang family, only Wang Shouzhe is worthy of Gongsun Mo's investment, just like Gongsun Mo married his daughter to Wang Dingyue as a sequel. If one day, Wang Shouzhe can be promoted to the Lingtai Realm, he will definitely miss this kind of incense.

More importantly, Gongsun Mo and his wife love Gongsun Hui very much. And Wang Shouzhe is Gongsun Hui's direct son, so it can be said that she will rely on her in the future of the Wang family. Therefore, for the sake of his daughter, Gongsun Mo will find a way to squeeze out some resources to support his cheap grandson Wang Shouzhe.

Of course, all of this is based on Wang Shouzhe's own potential and his relationship with Gongsun Hui, who is kind and filial.

If Wang Shouzhe was a white-eyed wolf who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, Gongsun Mo would naturally be too lazy to talk to him. If the Wang family completely declines, it is a big deal to take the daughter and granddaughter back to the Gongsun family.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, they got to the point.

After Gongsun Mo drank a cup of tea, his expression gradually became serious: "Zhe'er, after receiving the letter you sent this morning, I had some doubts. Then I went to the farm to check it out, and communicate with the family members. The final decision was made after the exchange of Nongsang veterans. As you said, there is indeed a possibility of a honey bug disaster, which may reduce production by more than 60% compared to last year. Zheer, this old man represents the Gongsun family... "

"Grandfather, don't say such out-of-the-ordinary words." Wang Shouzhe interrupted, "Even if I don't issue an early warning, with the outbreak speed of honey bugs in the past two days, the shortest time for each family is today, and the later is tomorrow. Everyone will be alert."

The symptoms of aphids are not obvious at the beginning, and the production will be more or less affected by aphids every year. Therefore, farmers will get used to some aphids at the beginning. But once it erupts, the aphid eggs buried in the soil will crawl out in a very short time, catching people by surprise.

"This statement is absurd." Gongsun Mo shook his head and said, "My Shanyang Gongsun family has 16,000 mu of fertile land, and this season's winter wheat harvest is calculated at 15 dong per mu, which is 240,000 dong. Converted into dry gold, it is 2,400 dry gold. Now it is the early stage of the honey bug outbreak, even if the production is reduced by 20%, it will still recover the loss of 4,500 dry gold. What's more, I still listen to your arrangement and send the tribe early He Jia will go into the mountains to catch lacewing insects and nine-star insects."

Lacewing insects, nine-star insects, even insect kings are still mere mortal things after all, not even first-order spirit insects, and basically no one pays attention to them. In the deep mountains of Sanyo Generation, at least some can still be found.

While the two were talking, a general came to report that the first batch of lacewing insects and nine-star insects captured had been sent back.

"Since that's the case, then there's no need to delay. Grandpa, please send his confidantes to go with us." Wang Shouzhe got up and said, "Rescue is like fighting a fire. There should be no delay."

Soon, the maid went to call Gongsun Hui and Wang Luojing back, and rode to the largest farm of the Gongsun family together. It was a huge farm with seven thousand acres of fertile land.

It can be seen that the background of the Shanyang Gongsun family is far superior to that of the Ping'an Wang family.

The sharecroppers in the entire farm have been operating crazily. They use the traditional plant ash juice, and then mix it with a double dose of insecticide powder. This operation, the effect is not bad, if they have enough insect killer powder, it seems that they can contain the outbreak of the insect disaster.

It's a pity that the Gongsun family only hoarded a small amount of insecticide powder, and it was difficult to control the overall situation with a drop in the bucket.

"Fourth brother~" Wang Luojing spent more than an hour domesticating three lacewing insect kings and one nine-star insect king, and her spirit seemed very exhausted. "Because the time is too short, these insect kings can only be tamed briefly. You can command them to act and let the generals release the wild lacewing insects and nine star insects."

"Luo Jing, it's really hard work for you." Wang Shouzhe stroked her head with some distress, and took out the spiritual fruit he just took from his arms, "You should refresh yourself first, and the disaster relief will not be delayed after all."

"Fourth brother, don't worry." Wang Luojing nodded obediently. After eating the spiritual fruit, her physical strength recovered a lot. "As long as the insect king can be controlled, those lacewing insects and nine-star insects will not run around. But I want them to go It’s not enough to gather the bugs by yourself and then fly back.”

Afterwards, Wang Luojing followed the gourd painting and reluctantly directed the insect king and the insects into the thousands of acres of wheat fields. After some tossing, it was already dark.

At this time, Gongsun Mo came to the scene in person, and brought the cook and a lot of spiritual food, cooked dinner on the spot, and packed up a room in this farm, the patriarch, the young patriarch, and a clansman named Gongsun Zhong Accompanied by his wife Wang Liuyu.

Wang Liuyu is a member of the Wang clan. She should be forty years old at this time, but because of the good maintenance, she looks only in her early thirties. Judging from her clothes, she seems to be living a good life.

"Shouzhe met the third aunt, the third uncle." Wang Shouzhe first bowed his hands.

"This, this, it's more polite." Gongsun Zhong is thicker and darker. It is said that he is in charge of the work in the mine of the Gongsun family. The status among the Zhimai clan is not low, but his personality is relatively simple and dull.

Wang Liuyu also returned the salute repeatedly, showing great respect for Wang Shouzhe. Although her seniority is one generation older than Wang Shouzhe, Wang Shouzhe is a direct descendant, the patriarch of the Wang clan.

On the contrary, Wang Luojing threw herself into Wang Liuyu's arms, calling sweetly, "Auntie."

Compared to the blood relationship, Wang Liuyu is the second daughter of the fourth old master Wang Xiaozhi. She is also Wang Luojing's serious aunt, so the relationship is naturally close.