Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 33: A turning point of fate


Wang Shouzhe broke into a cold sweat. He thought of those hungry civilians, what would they do to survive when they couldn't buy food with money? Selling children? Selling a house

"This means that the more food the aristocratic family holds this time, the more they can control the situation. They can use other means to make up for the loss and make the family stronger." Qian Xuean is indeed an excellent businessman. In a few words, the follow-up of this disaster was clearly explained.

"Will the Dagan government and the Zifu Academy transfer food from other states and counties?" After all, Wang Shouzhe came here from Earth, and still couldn't bear to see civilians suffer.

"Yes. But food needs to go to the counties to raise, transport, and sell at a fair price." Qian Xuean said seriously, "Actually, starting today, the Zifu Academy and the government have started disaster relief, but they want to save it in a short time. It is almost impossible to save the entire Longzuo County. Especially our Changningwei is located in a remote place... "

Seeing that Wang Shouzhe was frowning, he persuaded him, "Brother, I know you are kind-hearted, but I really can't bear to see this scene. But we have thin arms and legs, so we can take care of ourselves at this moment." Not bad."

"Brother Qian is right, I'm a little hypocritical." Wang Shouzhe naturally knew this truth, and said with relief, "Then according to what my brother means, I should ask the commercial firm to pay me three times the contract price?"

"Brother, you have to understand. Even if the compensation is tripled, it means that Qian's Commercial Bank has breached the contract. If it is not necessary, the commercial firm is absolutely unwilling to ruin the reputation of breaching the contract." Qian Xuean blinked and said, "I will give you a number, one bite Only when we insist on 10,000 dry gold and grain worth 3,000 dry gold will we rescind the contract."


Wang Shouzhe's eyelids twitched, Qian Xuean was more ruthless than him. According to his initial estimation, the other party would be satisfied if the other party could take back the contract at twice the price.

This price has exceeded three times the indemnity, and the grain of 3,000 dry gold is more valuable.

"Anyway, you have already offended the current shopkeeper of Qian's Commercial Bank, so it's better to simply step on the line and offend him a little bit more." Qian Xue'an said with a chuckle, "Furthermore, even at this price, Qian's will not lose money. Can make a fortune."

What Qian Xuean said made sense, but is it really good to put his family in a pit like this

As if he had seen through Wang Shouzhe's mind, Qian Xue'an explained seriously: "First, the Qian family is too big, and a mere 10,000 to 20,000 yuan in compensation is a drop in the bucket. Second, I am a bastard. Without you It will be difficult for me to climb up in this life, even if I give you a little kindness in return. Third, I very much hope that you can become stronger, brother Shouzhe, and it will be more beneficial to the covenant if you are stronger."

"Okay, let's do it." Wang Shouzhe couldn't afford to refuse such a huge benefit. The Wang family is too poor now, if there is such a huge injection of funds, it will be an opportunity to rise.

"If that's the case, then let Qian come and handle this matter for my brother." Qian Xue'an seems to have made up his mind, "When I report to the shopkeeper, I will increase the price by another 30%, and then I will give him some comfort. In addition , Brother Shouzhe still needs to swear not to publicize it to the outside world, Qian's firm can't afford to lose this person."

Of course not to publicize it, making a fortune silently is the best choice.

Wang Shouzhe stood up and cupped his hands and said, "If that's the case, then there will be Lao Lao. There is also a condition that Miecongsan must not be sold to the Ping'an Zhao family and the Ping'an Liu family." For Wang Shouzhe, it is certainly a good thing to strengthen himself , but at the same time can weaken the enemy, that would be the best.

"Even if I don't mention this condition, I will take it into consideration." Qian Xue'an replied with a smile, "What's more, under this disaster, there are too many exterminators and monks, and there are too few porridge. It's hard to win the share of Mie Chong San. My brother, congratulations!"

In the eyes of Pingan Wang, both Liu and Zhao are very difficult and powerful. But in the eyes of Qian's Commercial Bank, those are just two ordinary small families.

"Same joy, same joy."

Both of them laughed, and the discussion has been made.

Immediately, Qian Xuean slammed the cup on the ground and left the field roaring: "Wang Shouzhe, you are too much, you really think that our Qian's firm is a vegetarian? Just wait for me..."

Afterwards, he angrily led the two silent guards outside the door and strode away.

Wang Shouzhe was quite satisfied with Qian Xuean's reaction and methods. It seemed that this ally did not make a wrong choice.

At this moment, the second elder brother Wang Shouyi walked in worriedly: "Shouzhe, Mr. Qian has visited you several times in the past two days. Could it be that something happened?"

Today's Wang family can no longer withstand too much storm.

"Second brother, don't worry, it's a good thing for the family." Wang Shouzhe replied with a smile, and then changed the subject, "By the way, how is the research on live fish equipment these two days?"

As soon as this problem was mentioned, Wang Shouyi became energetic immediately: "Not to mention, Shouzhe, your idea is really unique and wonderful. Just spraying to increase vitality, pump to change water and increase air, etc., are enough to change the storage and transportation of aquatic products. It’s ready, I tried it initially and the results are very good, the next step is to modify the carriage buckets and the breeding ponds in the store.”

"Second brother, you must hurry up and build more breeding ponds in this backyard." Wang Shouzhe smiled, "Otherwise Uncle Six will definitely come and beat you."

"That's right, there have been more and more live fish at Sixth Uncle's side these past two days..." Wang Shouyi cupped his hands and said, "Fourth brother, I'm sorry." After finishing speaking, Wang Shouyi ran out in a hurry.

Hehe, Wang Shouyi's initiative is getting stronger and stronger, which is a good thing. It's no wonder that when the family's momentum improves, it will stimulate the morale of the clan.

Wang Shouzhe attached great importance to the two family properties of the fishing brigade and the fish stall. Originally, when these two places were added up, the annual net profit on the books was only four to five hundred thousand gold. But after some suggestions and adjustments from him, it was a piece of cake to make more than a thousand profits.

He is even confident that after next year, the fishing brigade and fish stalls will exceed the combined profits of the three major farms.

It is of course something to be happy about seizing the opportunity to hype up Miecong San and make a fortune. However, the development of the family business is the foundation of a truly powerful family.

In addition, the 3,000 dry gold worth of grain that Qian Xuean mentioned also gave Wang Shouzhe a little headache. It is true that it is true to grasp the food in the disaster year, that is to grasp the opportunity.

But what is the concept of three thousand dry gold for food storage? Calculated according to the current grain price, there are about 50,000 to 60,000 dans, which is enough to feed 20,000 people for a year!

You know, the total population of Ping'an Town is less than 30,000.

With such a huge amount of food, transportation and hoarding alone are a big problem. Naturally, there are also granaries in the major farms of the Ping'an Wang family. However, those granaries have hoarded some old grains from last year, plus the reserved space for this output, they are already at a loss, and they will be stuffed with another 10,000 to 20,000 tan.

But the solution is all people come up with.

When the ancestor Zhouxuan built the main house, he considered the future development of the family. There were 50 yards for the important clan members alone, and no less than hundreds of other houses.

Most of them are empty, and it is easy to tidy up and stock up tens of thousands of dans of grain. In a disaster year, the safest place is the family's main residence.

The main house of each family is built in a place where the terrain is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the defense force is the strongest. Putting food there makes people feel at ease.

In addition, it was also mentioned earlier that Wang's main residence was built by mountains and rivers.

The mountain is naturally a branch of Liuping Mountain, and beside the water is a small lake called Zhuwei Lake. This lake was named by the ancestor Zhouxuan himself, and it was named after the maiden name of Zhuwei, the queen who was most beloved by the ancestor Zhouxuan. .

Zhuwei Lake is not very big, covering an area of less than 10,000 mu of water, but she is the natural barrier and back garden of Wang's main house.

The most important thing is that she also has a river that was originally natural and then artificially repaired. A few miles ahead of the river, there is a fork, which can lead to the other two farms besides Canzhuang.

Among them, the main river of Fenggu Farm is connected with Zhuwei Lake in a meandering way, and the total distance of the twists and turns is about 20 miles.

The upper reaches of the Fenggu Farm's river is the tributary gate repaired by the ancestor Zhouxuan, named Fenggu Gate. This gate is a water conservancy facility and is mainly used to adjust the water level of the inland river. However, because it adopts the winch type single gate mode, there is no way for ships to pass through.

But it doesn’t matter too much. In order to keep the inside and outside of Fenggu Sluice unobstructed, regular dredging and maintenance are required, so the water level is very deep...

Wang Shouzhe quickly straightened out his train of thought, and immediately, after writing two letters, called Wang Zhong and Wang Yong in.

"Patriarch." The morale of the two generals is good, obviously they are optimistic about the future development of the family.

Wang Shouzhe handed over the letter to Wang Zhong and Wang Yong's family generals to pass it on, and said: "After you deliver the letter, you don't have to come back for the time being, and stay there to help."

After the family general took the order to leave, Wang Shouzhe drank tea slowly by himself, and his eyes flashed, showing that his heart was not at peace. If everything went well, this insect plague would be a turning point in the decline of Wang's fate.