Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 5: Patriarch Longyan! Our king fried


"Zhe'er, you... how can you say such a thing?" Gongsun Hui didn't expect Wang Shouzhe, who had always been well-behaved, to speak so surprisingly.

"Fifth sister-in-law, I think Shouzhe's words make sense." Wang Dinghai was a little convinced by Wang Shouzhe today, and immediately chimed in, "How long the ancestor of Longyan can support the family, everyone should be mentally prepared."

Gongsun Hui's face changed a few times, and finally said: "This is a family secret. When I went to report to the ancestor Longyan a few days ago, she told me that if she didn't do anything, she could still hold it for twenty years. If she did, ... I'm afraid it's hard to say."

Twenty years? Wang Shouzhe thought to himself, but it lasted much longer than he imagined, so there may not be no chance of a comeback.

"Zhe'er, you are the only hope of the family." Gongsun Hui's face was serious, "Our Wang family should continue to keep a low profile and gather the strength of the whole family to help you break through the Lingtai realm within 20 years. Don't cause trouble! "

"Yes, yes, Sixth Uncle will find a way to catch more spirit fish and sell them to raise resources for you." Wang Dinghai also agrees quite a bit, "Only if you can reach the spirit stage, our Wang family will be truly saved. "

"I rush to the Lingtai Realm? And then?" Wang Shouzhe snorted with a sneer, "Let's not talk about whether I can make it, even if I have the chance, Liu and Zhao will watch me rush? They will give me twenty years? What's more, even if I get there by chance, I'm just another Longyan Patriarch!"

Wang Shouzhe is a time traveler, so he can naturally jump out of the habitual thinking of members of the Wang clan.

His words gave Gongsun Hui and Wang Dinghai a chill. They had been living under the protection of the ancestor Longyan before, thinking that the Liu family and the Zhao family would not really tear themselves apart.

However, if Wang Shouzhe, whom they put all their hopes on, is really expected to hit the Lingtai, how can Liu and Zhao just sit idly by

"Okay, just now I deliberately showed the implication that the old ancestor's life is not long. I believe that Liu Shengye, that old fox, will never choose this time to play the striker and bite my Wang family. Therefore, I let the family continue. Secretly release the wind and give Liu and Zhao a countdown of about five years." Wang Shouzhe snorted, "Whoever dares to provoke us within five years, we will fight desperately, catch the family and beat them to death. At critical moments, we can Release... Uh~ Please leave the Longyan Ancestor Town."

From Wang Shouzhe's point of view, the ancestor of Longyan is Wang Bo. The greatest effect of Wang Bo is not the moment when it is blown out, but the deterrent power before it is blown out.

"Wonderful." Wang Dinghai patted his thigh, "The owner is very calculating. We are a dying beast. They are afraid that we will fight back before we die. In this way, they will not only dare not bully us, but also have to find a way Make good friends and coax. No wonder that old fox Liu Shengye obediently offered thirty thousand gold as an apology."

"Not only that, because now we have a clear 'death date' for our Wang family. With such a large piece of attractive fat in front of us, Liu and Zhao, who had formed an alliance because of the same hatred, would not have Other ideas?" Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, "You know, greed and dissatisfaction are the most basic human nature. The next situation will definitely become very interesting. If you try to find a way to secretly add fuel to the flames~haha"

After listening to Wang Shouzhe's analysis, both Gongsun Hui and Wang Dinghai gasped, and couldn't help but look at each other, feeling a little scared in their hearts. However, at the same time, they all gave birth to a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope that the family has a chance to make a comeback!

"Auntie, Uncle Six, this matter is a big secret of the life and death of the Wang family." Wang Shouzhe cupped his hands solemnly, "First, I hope you can keep the secret, and second, I hope you can trust me and support me unconditionally."

This is Wang Shouzhe's purpose. He is too young. Even if he has the status of patriarch, he will inevitably be criticized by others. He can only throw out some amazing ideas first to convince some key people and win allies.

Gongsunhui is his aunt, and he is also Gongsunhui's future support, and the sixth uncle Wang Dinghai is straightforward and easy to win over.

Both Gongsun Hui and Wang Dinghai took a deep breath and swore solemnly.

While the three were talking, the medium-sized fishing boat had left the deep-water wharf under the control of the boatman and entered the center of the fast-flowing Anjiang.

The vastness of Anjiang is far beyond Wang Shouzhe's imagination. At a glance, the mist is vast and endless, and the Dingpu Ferry is getting smaller and smaller and gradually becomes difficult to see clearly.

As he entered the depths of Anjiang, the wind and waves grew stronger, and the ship shook more and more violently. Even Wang Shouzhe, who was at the peak of the sixth level of Qi Refining Realm, felt a little nauseous.

Gongsun Hui, who was also pampered and pampered, also turned pale and felt uncomfortable.

"Haha, Mrs. Wu and Shou Zhe, fishing boats are not as stable as ferries. When the boat is shaking, don't use your body to resist the tilt, but follow the trend like a tumbler." Wang Dinghai patiently taught the two how to deal with the wind and waves .

Both Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui were basalt fighters, with their profound energy and physical fitness, they had already adapted to the bumps in a short while. Especially Wang Shouzhe imitated Wang Dinghai's feet nailed to the deck like stakes, and his body swayed rhythmically with the ups and downs of the wind and waves, and his posture gradually became relaxed and comfortable.

"Shou Zhe is really talented. Uncle Liu will show you how he usually fishes." Wang Dinghai was eagerly preparing to show himself. Few people in the family would like to go to the fishing boat to watch him fish.

"I believe that Uncle Six must have extraordinary skills, but let ordinary fishermen try first." Wang Shouzhe suggested.

Wang Dinghai was taken aback for a moment, but then smiled and said, "Shouzhe, you are here to assess the standard of the fishing boat. Well, all the fishermen on the flagship fishing boat of your sixth uncle are good hands. Wang Goudan, come and show the patriarch a handful."

"Yes, Lord Hai." A young man in his twenties jumped down from the mast, moving nimbly like a monkey, picked up a fishing net and adjusted it, twisted his waist, and the fishing net fell from the side of the ship. flew up, opened a beautiful big circle pocket in the air,


Buckling the heavy fishing net, it fell into the water like an upside-down big bowl, and sank to the bottom within a few breaths.

"it is good!"

All the fishermen around gave a thumbs up.

It's... casting a net, and it's technically strong.

Wang Shouzhe also judged it immediately. Before crossing, he was an ordinary office worker, and he usually went fishing with his friends occasionally. Therefore, when browsing video apps such as Xingyin and Xingshan, the algorithm will recommend some fishing videos, among which there are many videos and live broadcasts of some masters of net casting.

Although Wang Shouzhe doesn't know how to play himself, he can tell whether the net is good or bad. I have to admit that this young man named Goudan is of a good standard.

After Wang Goudan waited for the net to sink to the bottom, he began to carefully draw in the rope, and after pulling the net close to the bottom of the river, he pulled it up little by little. Finally, with a sudden jerk, he pulled the entire fishing net onto the boat in an instant.


A big fish with gray dorsal fin was caught in the fishing net. Wang Goudan released the fish from the net bag, and after catching it, he happily came over to ask for credit: "Brother Hai, it's a nine-star perch, it must weigh five catties."

"Your boy is not bad, throw it in the live water tank." Wang Dinghai patted him on the shoulder and praised him, then turned his head and explained to Wang Shouzhe, "Although the nine-star perch is not a spiritual fish, it has a smooth and refreshing taste and belongs to the top-grade fish. Even if one is sold to a fishmonger, it will cost a big copper. However, our family has a fish shop in Changning City, and we all produce and sell it ourselves, so we can earn a few more dimes."

Wang Shouzhe nodded in appreciation. The currency of the Dagan Kingdom is calculated in terms of dime, big copper, and dry gold. Generally speaking, a catty of rice is only five to ten dime, and one hundred dime can be exchanged for a large copper, so this fish is worth a large copper.

Wang Goudan puts the catch into the living water cabin in the center of the fishing boat. This cabin is unimpeded with the outside water, which can keep the activity of the catch to the maximum extent.

However, according to Wang Dinghai, this treatment is only available for some high-value catches. The living water tank is also divided into several areas, which are dedicated to storing different types of catches.

With Wang Goudan's performance, the rest of the fishermen also performed their unique skills one after another. Each of them was very skilled. The nets they cast were big and round, but the catch was not guaranteed.

Most of the nets pulled up are empty nets, and occasionally there are some surprises.

After more than an hour, all kinds of catches gradually increased. There were three nine-star perch, and one more expensive mountain-surfing leopard mandarin fish. Although it was only more than two catties, Wang Dinghai said that this fish should be at least 1 large. Copper 60 cents, all good catches are reserved for the patriarch to enjoy.

Wang Shouzhe smiled on the surface, but he was always thinking in his heart. The Thirty Li Fishing and Hunting Ground is the fishing and hunting area of the Pingan Wang family, and the family also values this family property very much, and it should be one of the important financial income of the family.

As time passed, Wang Shouzhe gradually became impatient, and said directly: "Uncle Liu, our performance is almost done, and the fishing workers are all very good at casting nets. Can we quickly get to the point and demonstrate the real fishing skills?" Fish work."

Wang Dinghai's originally red-glowing expression froze for a moment, and he was a little puzzled and said: Shouzhe, aren't we already demonstrating real fishing? Could it be that you want to watch the catching of spirit fish? Some smaller spirit fish are all caught by luck, and some large spirit fish are so fierce that they need fishing and hunting arrows to deal with them. "

Is this professional fishing

Wang Shouzhe's face turned dark. In his previous life, out of curiosity, he went to experience professional fishing with the professional fishing boat of his colleagues and relatives. In the end, the net collected was more than 40,000 catties, and it was considered a bad harvest...

As for casting nets, it is a purely fishing tool on Earth, better than fishing or something. Players are all looking for leisure and entertainment. Anyone who really uses casting nets as a professional fishing to support his family will starve to death.