Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 54: Wang Shouzhe was very pleased


In fact, Wang Shouzhe also operated this matter with the mentality of trying it out.

Of course it's wrong to be addicted to gambling with stones, but if Wang Lici really has some weird and inexplicable talent, it's to use it to pick up leaks. This may not be an unexpected way of making money to supplement the family's resources.

It is very similar to those novels like Golden Eyes that I have read in my previous life.

The Wang family was too poor, so poor that Longyan Patriarch sold the tortoise scale treasure shield, a portable spiritual weapon, to raise a sum of resources. Especially the third-order panacea good luck pill is really too expensive, a full one thousand thousand gold.

From the looks of it, alchemist is the most profitable profession in the world.

However, if an alchemist wants to achieve something, he has very high requirements for talent. Moreover, to train an alchemist, the investment in the early stage is absolutely sky-high, and it is possible to lose one's fortune by accident.

But if a family wants to have great development, the training of alchemists is inevitable.

Gossip aside.

Wang Shouzhe and Patriarch Longyan entered the cultivation mode again.

In the evening, when Wang Shouzhe got up from meditation. Wang Lici and his family had already returned, and this time they did not bring back three gambling stones, but a stone the size of a football.

"Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle, there is nothing delicious among the other small stones, but this big one has something delicious." Wang Lici handed over a big stone as if asking for credit.

That's a lot of nonsense to say.

"Patriarch." Wang Zhong explained from the side, "We walked around with Ms. Li Ci for a long time, and Ms. Li Ci picked this one. After bargaining, it cost 45 thousand gold, and Wang Yong and I pooled 15 thousand gold. "

"Thank you for your hard work." Wang Shouzhe returned the dry money from the family subsidy and asked Wang Zhong to cut it.

This time, Wang Zhong got a file and slowly fumbled along the skin to avoid wasting any spirit stones.

Wang Shouzhe watched from the side, and couldn't help feeling nervous. This unremarkable broken stone cost a full 45 thousand gold. This is a bet, and it's all in vain.

Soon, Wang Zhong broke off the two to three centimeters thick skin, revealing a white crystal jade-like material, and he was overjoyed immediately: "Congratulations, Patriarch, Congratulations, Patriarch, it has risen, it has risen greatly."

It's really...

Even with Wang Shouzhe's state of mind, he couldn't help feeling excited and feeling light all over. I have to admit that gambling is very stimulating to people, no wonder it is difficult to quit after being addicted.

It seems that after going back this time, we must increase the power of Dafa again, and the younger generation of the family must not get involved in gambling.

But the talent of the big girl is terrible, she has completely transcended the word "gambling", purely relying on the inexplicable talent of foodie, she is sure that there is a spirit stone in this stone.

This is completely two concepts from gambling. It is basically to pick up money.

Even Wang Shouzhe had to smells so good.

After half a quarter of an hour.

Wang Zhong shaved off all the stone skins, and there was a whole large piece of spirit stone in his hand. If it was cut properly, it would probably look like a dozen or so standard spirit stones.

Everyone was stunned, and so was Longyan Patriarch.

Through the explanation of the family general, Wang Lici also understood that although Lingshi cannot be eaten, it is a good thing, and it can be exchanged for many delicious things. She was very happy all of a sudden, and looked at Wang Shouzhe eagerly, as if she was expecting some reward from fourth uncle.

At this moment, Wang Shouzhe was also drunk, and the way he looked at Wang Lici became strange.

He is also very surprised that this heartless and foodie niece can do this step. Could it be that forcing her to study has stimulated the awakening of some strange potential in her

This possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

For the sake of the family's development, Wang Shouzhe looked at Wang Lici more kindly.

Familiar eyes, familiar smile.

Wang Lici suddenly felt like five thunderbolts, and felt that the end was coming. Living like this, what is the meaning of life

Tears, could not stop streaming down.

"Okay, okay, I'm teasing you." Wang Shouzhe pinched her baby's fat cheeks with a smile, "You have made meritorious service for the family this time, so tell me, what do you want to eat? Fourth Uncle's treat."


Wang Lici suddenly came back to life, blinking his shining eyes, salivating: "Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle. I want to eat big steamed lobster, the kind that weighs ten catties. And abalone, the kind that is as big as a sea bowl. You have to eat five in one sitting. And the shark's fin... "

"So that's it. Let's talk about studying first." Wang Shouzhe smiled more cordially.

"No, Uncle Si, big lobsters are fine without crayfish, not five catties, two catties are fine. Abalone is just the size of a fist..."

Of course, in the end Wang Shouzhe still took her to have a feast, all according to her expectations.

In this world, many animals and plants grow bigger, non-spiritual species are not expensive, Baidaowei lacks everything else, but there is no shortage of sea treasures, which are still within the affordable range.

Naturally, Wang Lici ate to his heart's content. After getting off the carriage, he supported the wall all the way back to the room, his heart full of gratitude to Wang Shouzhe.

Hehe~ It's so simple that it's scary.

What followed went quite smoothly. Deacon Zhong delivered the resources on the list as agreed, with a total value of 31,300 dry gold. Due to the large amount of one-time purchases, Deacon Zhong specially used his authority to erase a fraction of the 300 dry gold. President Wang Shouzhe Spend 31000 dry gold.

Among these resources, the biggest ones are 20 Fortune Pills, which cost a full 24,000 dry gold. It can be seen from this that the cost of cultivators at the spiritual stage of the family is far greater than that of the Qi refining stage, and for poorer families, the cultivators at the spiritual stage can't even afford to be injured.

However, for a Xuanwu family, if there are no monks in the Lingtai realm, it is a dish in the eyes of others.

In order to express his gratitude to Deacon Zhong Xingwang Zhong, Wang Shouzhe specially treated him once. It's just that the ancestor Longyan didn't go, which somewhat disappointed Deacon Zhong, but he was used to the aloofness of the senior sister and goddess, and soon chatted with Wang Shouzhe with great interest.

After all, Wang Shouzhe lived up to the name of a time traveler. His broad horizons and completely different consciousness often made Deacon Zhong overwhelmed. After drinking a few glasses of spiritual wine, he began to call Wang Shouzhe brothers.

This made Wang Shouzhe break out in a cold sweat. This Deacon Zhong really didn't have the demeanor and bearing of the ancestor of the Lingtai Realm. Not to mention comparing with ancestor Zhouxuan and ancestor Longyan. It's just that he's not even in the same bearing as Ming Sheng Patriarch.

But it's normal to think about it carefully. Zhong Xingwang was born in a family of heaven and man, and there must be a large number of spiritual platform monks in the family, and he doesn't need to provoke the burden of the family's rise and fall.

Moreover, he himself is not a talented, self-confident and strong person, otherwise he would not have to go through the back door to enter the Zifu Academy.

How can such a character be admired by the proud and self-willed ancestor Longyan

But even if he doesn't like it, Wang Shouzhe still has to find a way to make friends with Deacon Zhong because of his status as a senior sister and junior student of Longyan's ancestor. The Celestial Family is too large, and its comprehensive strength is far from comparable to that of a small family like the Wang family. With such a network, it will be easier to handle things in the future.

The next few days were uneventful.

After the big girl searched all the gambling stones in the loose cultivator market again, she got back two and sold six spirit stones, but she couldn't find any more gambling stones that interested her.

From this we can see how deceitful the real stone gambling market is. Wanting to make a fortune from this is almost a dream.

Wang Shouzhe and his party took the Junyao merchant ship very low-key and returned to Donggang. At this time, the sixth uncle Wang Dinghai was already waiting here by boat as agreed.

Because of Chen Fangjie's work, Wang Shouzhe simply thanked Chen Dewei, the patriarch of the Chen clan, and then left.

Some of the carry-on luggage was carried to Wang Dinghai's boat. They were all rare sea products bought from Baidaowei, and there was also a bag of oyster ash that Wang Shouzhe had high hopes for. I have to say that the price of the ash is really high. The price of food is not much cheaper than food.

Of course, Wang Shouzhe, who really loves his eldest niece, did not forget to buy some famous classics unique to Baidaowei. He could already foresee Wang Lici's cute and joyful expression.

The biggest gain in this line of work is the solution to the injury of Longyan Patriarch. Over the past few days, Patriarch Longyan has completely mastered the method of refining evil spirits, and began to gradually refine the evil spirits in his body one by one.

Wang Shouzhe could even see a trace of scorching and impatient aura in the old ancestor Longyan's eyes. He thought to himself that the ancestor would definitely give the two old rivals of the Zhao family and the Liu family a big surprise.

Thinking of this, Wang Shouzhe's mood became very different.

Returning from Donggang to Ping'an Town, one must pinpoint the trend of the tide. There is also a large satellite hanging in the sky of this world, and the tide also ebbs and flows. When the tide gradually rises, the water flowing down Anjiang will be much more stable.

At this time, sails and manpower paddling are needed.

When the boatmen's oars chanted, Wang Shouzhe felt like returning home.

But this time when I went back, there were some unexpected waves.

Wang Shouzhe was meditating in the cabin, and the boat had only been traveling for more than half an hour. Suddenly, the hull of the boat "bang", as if it had hit something, and the whole boat shook a little.

at the same time.

There was a roar of joy and anger from the sixth uncle Wang Dinghai outside: "Shou Zhe, come out to help, there is a fierce beast, it is a second-order aquatic beast!"

Tier 2 aquatic beast!

Wang Shouzhe was stunned for a moment, instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed that this was a spiritual food delivered to his door. There are dozens of people in the family, young and old, all waiting to be fed.