Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 59: Great Devil Wang Shouzhe


This woman has great training value.

Moreover, she is only twenty-three years old, but she has already reached the third level of Qi Refining Realm. Although this level of cultivation is not as good as that of the blood disciples in the family, the difference is not very far. Therefore, while her talent is not bad, she must also work very hard.

Wang Zhong, who was at the side, also took a long time to come back to his senses, and said with a wry smile: "Wang Mei, I have seen you use makeup before, but it is not as good as today, it is amazing."

"Uncle Zhong, it's just that Meimei has been plain since she was a child, and she gradually likes to put on makeup, and she closes the door to entertain herself." Wang Mei's voice was clear and melodious, and her beautiful eyes hooked Wang Zhong playfully. Small techniques, not on the stage."

Wang Zhong's heart was beating like a drum, his breathing was short of breath, he turned around and said, "Wang Mei, don't talk like that anymore, I already have a wife and a child."

He is an old man in his 30s and 40s. If he is not very familiar with Wang Mei, he might be tricked at this moment.

Seeing that Wang Shouzhe was also secretly funny, if you don't have a wife and children, are you ready to follow

"Okay, then this task will be handed over to Wang Mei." Wang Shouzhe coughed and said solemnly, "Wang Zhong, you have always been calm, and you will be in charge of the overall intelligence situation. You can apply to call the manpower in the family. You are in the middle, you must keep Wang Mei's safety in mind, and you must not take excessive risks in order to complete the task."

"Wang Zhong takes orders." Wang Zhong bowed his hands in a solemn voice, his posture extremely serious.

"Wang Mei." Wang Shouzhe said again, "Your make-up technique may seem trivial, but if you use it well, it will become a great tool in the future. However, your makeup is too heavy, and your demeanor tends to be too delicate and artificial. Deal with it Those young people who have no experience are okay, but if they are old foxes and old Jianghu on the other side, I am afraid that they will not be able to do anything."

Afterwards, Wang Shouzhe sorted out some theories he had heard in his previous life, and casually shared them with Wang Mei. Like how to cultivate a celebrity, how to make the other party feel that you are unfathomable through casual behavior.

If you want to refuse, you will welcome, if you want to welcome, you will refuse, if you want to leave, if you want to leave, if you want to leave, if you want to leave! !

In Wang Shouzhe's previous life, there were too many of these things, and there were even special training classes for celebrity development, and what's even worse, there were all kinds of PUA training and practice.

Under his influence, his theoretical knowledge is much more advanced and richer than that of Wang Mei.

Wang Mei heard that her eyes became brighter and brighter. The owner of the house opened the door to a new world for her. It turns out that there is such a vast world waiting for her to display.

Wang Zhong and Wang Gui, but the more they listened to it, the more frightening they became, and they trembled all over.

If Wang Mei can really do what the Patriarch said, is there still a way for men to survive in this world? Aren't those targets she was following one by one being manipulated in the palm of her hand

"There is one more thing to keep in mind. In the end, you can't let the target person succeed." Wang Shouzhe said, "First of all, you are the general of my Wang family, and I don't want you to sacrifice to such a degree. Second, for men, what they can't get is the most beautiful." , there is endless room for imagination, and it may not be impossible to use it a second time in the future."

"Wang Mei would like to follow the Patriarch's instruction." Wang Mei was convinced, the Patriarch is worthy of being the Patriarch. Even so well versed in human nature, so far-sighted. And the Patriarch protects her mind, which is very warm.

After accepting the task, Wang Zhong and Wang Mei resigned.

"Wang Gui, go and find Wang Yong, Wang Wu, and Wang An." Wang Shouzhe ordered again.

Unexpectedly, Wang Gui, who has always been dog-legged, didn't respond, but stood there in a daze, as if his mind was full of Wang Mei. It provoked Wang Shouzhe to kick him over: "You have some promise, can't you?"

"Patriarch, I was wrong." Wang Gui came to his senses, hurriedly begged for forgiveness, and then showed a little expectation, "Patriarch, do you think Meimei and I have a relationship? It stands to reason that our identities are quite equal..."

"Hehe~" Wang Shouzhe glared at him, "Be sober, I can tell that Wang Mei is not the kind of woman who is willing to stay at home and take care of her husband and children. Her ambition is bigger than you imagined, and you can't control it." Live with her. If you really want to start a family, I will find out for you later on which family has a collateral line from the blood of your ancestors, and get out of here and do something."

"Yes, Patriarch." Wang Gui hurriedly scrambled and ran out.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wang Shouzhe made himself a pot of spiritual tea, drank it slowly and calmly. Among the generals, there is even such an enchanting woman as Wang Mei.

However, if he, Wang Shouzhe, did not have a superior position, and Wang Dingyue, who was still rather old-fashioned, took the position of Patriarch, Wang Mei's monstrous talent would probably never come to the fore, and even her talent might not be displayed.

But since Wang Shouzhe discovered such fine material and beautiful jade, it is impossible to waste it in vain. Dealing with those young disciples of the Liu family and the Wang family is just a small test for Wang Mei to practice her skills.

After this period, they must surround Wang Mei as the core. Created a secret agency affiliated to him, Wang Shouzhe, a complete intelligence agency.

But it's too early to tell, we have to see her performance this time.

Put it down for now.

Afterwards, several family generals including Wang Yong came to Baodao, and after some instructions, they all took orders to do what they should do.

And Wang Shouzhe also took a break for a while.

As the head of the family, of course it is impossible for him, and he does not need to do everything himself. Doing everything by himself will only wipe out their ability to do things, and it will also make him far from running out of energy and time.

Right now.

A voice came from outside the door: "Is the owner there? I am Wang Xiaoyu, the maid in Miss Luo Yi's room."

"Come in." Wang Shouzhe said.

At the entrance of the side hall, a young maid of eighteen or nineteen years old walked in. She looked quite handsome, much stronger than Wang Mei. But compared with Wang Mei's attractiveness after casting a spell, it's not at the same level at all.

I have to admit that makeup, one of the three major sorcerers, is really scary.

Wang Xiaoyu didn't dare to look up at Wang Shouzhe, so she saluted and said, "Xiaoyu pays homage to the Patriarch. Miss Luo Yi said that she hasn't seen the Patriarch for quite a while. Special Xiaoyu came over to ask the Patriarch if he has time to have dinner together."

Wang Luoyi.

That was Wang Shouzhe's biological sister. In his memory, the two siblings cuddled with each other because their mother lost their mother when they were young.

Immediately, a wave of longing came to my heart, and I nodded and said, "Go back and report to sister, I will go after making some preparations."

Wang Xiaoyu was ordered to resign.

And Wang Shouzhe, under the service of the servant Wang Gui, also washed his face, straightened his clothes, and took a picture in front of the large bronze mirror. Well, the appearance seems to be very heroic, vigorous and restrained, and the appearance is very good.

If he had such a temperament on earth, Wang Shouzhe reckoned that he could eat by his face.

Wang Shouzhe took some spiritual tea, the Haizhen brought back by Baidaowei, and a few golden pearls with a little spiritual energy. After preparing the presents, Wang Gui carried them, and then walked away leisurely.

At the beginning, the ancestor Zhou Xuan planned to build a very large main house for the sake of long-term consideration. The boudoir where sister Wang Luoyi lived was relatively quiet, and it took nearly a quarter of an hour to walk there.

In this main house, there are many kinds of vegetation, and the green air is everywhere. In particular, some ancient trees were planted at the beginning, and now more than a hundred years have passed, and they have grown into towering trees with continuous canopy. Walking under the sun is not only not exposed to the sun, but full of coolness.

It fully embodies the principle that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade.

The closer the main house is to the mountain range, the quieter it is. This place is mostly for the younger generation of the family. Except for those who are too young, they will live with their parents, and the rest will live independently.

In addition to the yard, small ponds, rockery, flower gardens, pavilion corridors, etc. have been opened up, and the scenery is quite elegant.

Wang Shouzhe was pacing, enjoying this rare quiet moment.


There was a commotion ahead.

"Wang Shoulian, if you lose, I want you to look good." A little girl's voice sounded domineering.

"Fifth brother, come on, I support you, it would be too embarrassing to lose to sixth brother." Another familiar girl's voice, well, it was Wang Luojing's voice.

at the same time.

There was a crackling sound, a sound of punching and kicking, and the sound of vigorous collision.

The old five and the sixth are discussing each other

There are a total of seven males in the Ping'an Wang family, from the oldest Wang Shouxin to the youngest Wang Shouye. Wang Shouzhe is only ranked fourth, and there are three younger brothers behind him.

The two who are competing now are the fifth brother Wang Shouyong and the sixth brother Wang Shoulian.

This is the case with aristocratic families, the older the aristocratic family, the greater the age gap among generations.

Wang Shouzhe smiled, and he didn't join in the fun, lest they be reserved.

Just when he was about to sneak away, he suddenly heard the voice of the big girl Wang Lici: "Wang Shouyong, Wang Shoulian, haven't you eaten yet? All of you are soft hands and feet, what kind of men do you look like?"

"Big girl, don't make trouble by the side." Wang Shouyong shouted, "You do what you want."

"That's right, big girl, you want to call us uncle!" Wang Shoulian chided while beating, "We are older than you."

"Sigh, what's the use of seniority. You guys ate my little fish for nothing, and your strength didn't increase at all." Wang Lici sighed, "Sigh, with you like this, how can you beat me four times?" Uncle, the Great Demon King?"

Fourth Uncle...

demon king

Wang Shouzhe touched his nose in astonishment. When did he have this nickname