Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 67: Centennial plan


As the patriarch, Wang Shouzhe only needs to be in the middle of planning most of the time, so naturally he doesn't need to participate in every step of the plan.

Therefore, during this period of time, they all stayed in the main house, practicing daily, or "bullying" a certain younger brother or sister.

With abundant resources, his cultivation progressed rapidly, and he had already reached the peak state of the sixth floor. It only takes a few days of polishing to try to break through the seventh level of Qi Refining Realm.

But today, he needs to move.

After Wang Gui made some arrangements, he first summoned a child from the family.

Not for a moment.

A gentle woman in her early thirties with a good face led a boy about ten years old to Wang Shouzhe's side hall.

"Ms. Chen has met the Patriarch." The woman bowed curtly. The boy seemed a little afraid and hid behind his mother.

"Sixth Aunt doesn't need to be polite, just call me Shouzhe." Wang Shouzhe returned the courtesy, inviting her to take a seat and said, "Please sit down quickly."

This Chen family is the wife of the sixth uncle Wang Dinghai, who was born in the direct lineage of the Chen family in Donggang.

In the direct line of the sixth generation, the Wang family and the Chen family had very frequent intermarriages. There are two definite generations who married women from the Chen family in Donggang. There are also two aunts of the Liu family who married into the Chen family in Donggang.

Now the two families have begun intermarriage, so it can be said that the relationship between the two parties is very close.

After the young servant Wang Gui made tea and served candied fruit and other treats, he retreated to the side.

However, Wang Shouzhe exchanged pleasantries with Mrs. Chen, and after asking warmly for a while, he turned his attention to the boy and said with a smile, "Shouye, how is your homework?"

This boy is currently the youngest male of the seventh generation of Shouzi. His name is Wang Shouye. He is only ten years old this year, ranking seventh.

Why do we say it is now? Of course, the elders of the sixth generation of Dingzi are still young and strong. For example, the third uncle, Wang Dingzu, and the sixth uncle, Wang Dinghai, will give birth to smaller ones if they are not uniform.

This is not without precedent. Let's say that the uncle Wang Dingchuan was only left at the age of 50, and the fifth Wang Shouyong, who was a guardian, was really growing old and strong.

Of course, this is also due to the aunt, who was able to give birth to a baby when she was in her 40s~~ and she is also very fertile.

Gossip aside.

Wang Shouye was obviously a little shy, and he was also in awe of Wang Shouzhe. When he heard this, his face turned pale with fright, and he grabbed Chen's clothes tightly: "Fourth, fourth brother. It's okay, it's okay."

"Don't blame Shou Zhe, this kid has been shy since he was a child." Chen explained with a little embarrassment, "But recently he has been working hard..."

While speaking, he secretly glanced at Wang Shouzhe.

Wang Shouzhe understood that Lao Qi had heard about the recent reputation of being a big devil in the school exams, so he started working hard early because he was afraid that his fourth brother would be watching the school exams sometime.

That's a good thing.

Wang Shouzhe drank tea, and became more and more satisfied with the reputation of the school exam devil. This is like a sword of Damocles, hanging over the heads of younger siblings and juniors all the time.

Okay, let's take the school exam.

Wang Shouzhe began to test Wang Shouye, from basic literature, to basic arithmetic, to understanding of body skills, combat skills, and so on.

At first, Wang Shouye was terribly afraid, and he stuttered and stumbled when answering. After a while, with Wang Shouzhe's encouragement, he began to answer fluently. It can be seen that the basic skills are still solid, and he has indeed worked hard recently.

"Not bad, not bad." Wang Shouzhe smiled and praised, "Shouye is quite competitive, and this is your reward." Wang Shouzhe directly gave a reward of ten thousand gold in recognition of the first child who successfully passed his school examination.

"Thank you fourth brother." Wang Shouye's excited little face also flushed, and his eyes and speech became more confident.

The recent coercion of the Great Demon King has made everyone of the younger generation and juniors feel insecure, and giving rewards to the outstanding ones at this time will inevitably arouse some greed.

Wang Shouzhe believes that the carrot and stick policy will make the young children of the family better and better.

Wang Shouye's good performance made Mrs. Chen very happy and happy. What mother doesn't want her son to become a dragon

After the school examination was completed, Wang Shouzhe turned to the main topic and said, "Aunt Six, I will ask Shouye to accompany me to Xingsheng Farm to meet Grandpa Six." The implication is, of course, you should not go there.

Wang Shouzhe didn't object to the Chen family going together, but felt that Shouye, as the male of the family, seemed a little too dependent on his mother.

Look at Wang Luoqiu, who is only one year older than Shouye, and he has already started to hate the air, clamoring every day to slaughter gods and Buddhas, and to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the family's rise alone.

Although Wang Shouzhe couldn't understand, there is an inevitable connection between the rise of the family and the slaughter of gods and Buddhas... In addition, her so-called lonely girl bears the fate of the family... Among them, the strong aura of a middle-school girl also made him want to Smacking people, is this taking everyone from a large family as pig teammates

But it didn't prevent Wang Shouzhe from admiring Wang Luoqiu's energetic and enterprising spirit.

Therefore, Wang Shouzhe still wants to let Lao Qi leave his mother's arms earlier and grow into a little man quickly.

"Everything is according to Shouzhe." Aunt Chen, although she felt sorry for Lao Qi, she still followed her words.


Wang Shouzhe took Wang Shouye along the waterway in the backyard to Xingsheng Farm. He now prefers to walk by water more and more. It is quiet and natural, with a wide field of vision, and he is in line with nature, so he can have enough time to plan the overall situation of the family.

For example, on the waterway leading to Xingsheng Farm, there are low-lying water pools on the left and right sides, which are full of reeds in this season. Some farmers in nearby villages stepped on the mud and took the opportunity to harvest reeds.

Although reeds are worthless, they have many uses. For example, after drying, we can cover some earthen houses or weave some reed mats, which can make the following summer cooler, and if it is not good enough, it can be used as firewood after drying.

It's just that the reed wadding is not very effective. It looks like cotton, but it has no warmth retention effect. If it is on earth, reeds can also be used to make paper or something.

Some information deposited in the brain faintly appears when touched by this situation.


Cotton, paper

Cotton has long been grown in the Dagan country, and some aristocratic families rely on a large amount of cotton as an industry. If Wang Shouzhe wanted to intervene, it would not be easy, after all, those aristocratic families were excellent at guarding the cotton seeds.

But for paper

Of course there is paper in this world, books, letters, paper is used everywhere. The quality of paper varies from high to low, and most of them are more expensive. The reason is simple, papermaking is monopolized by some minority forces.

He rummaged through his memory, at least he hadn't heard of any family in Changningwei who had papermaking skills.

The paper everyone used was shipped from far away by Qian's firm.

The principle of papermaking is very simple, much easier than making monosodium glutamate or Jenny looms. Even Wang Shouzhe has a rough idea of the steps of papermaking.

This thing has a head.

Wang Shouzhe secretly recorded this idea and included it in his future plans. At the same time, Wang Shouzhe also had some ideas about the large swamps on the left and right banks.

When the ancestors opened up wasteland back then, they naturally chose better areas to open up wasteland. For example, factors such as abundant water sources, flat terrain, fertile soil, and strong scalability can reduce the cost of land reclamation to a relatively low level.

With generations of ancestors occupying and expanding the advantageous areas, the remaining uncultivated land has various disadvantages.

For example, these swampy areas on both sides of the strait are low-lying. Once it rains, large-scale swamps are formed. Even in the dry season, there are potholes and muddy ponds everywhere.

If you want to turn it into a farmland, you have to fill in a large scale to raise the entire terrain. Even in the era of mechanization, this is a huge project, let alone in a world with underdeveloped productivity.

But now among the relatively safe cultivated land in Ping'an Town, it is difficult to find a large area of land that is relatively easy to reclaim and turn into fertile land. Either annex the land of the owner farmers, or squeeze the living space of the rival family.

Therefore, when Wang Shouzhe passed by these two large wastelands several times, he would always think about how to develop this area.

If the policy of filling the swamp is implemented, where does the soil come from? How to ship

In addition, if the two swamps are elevated, once the rainy season comes, the water storage capacity of the two swamps will disappear. Under the premise that the total amount of water remains unchanged, this part of the water will enter rivers, Zhuwei Lake and other waters.

If the rainfall is even greater, it is very likely that the water levels in the river and Zhuwei Lake will overflow, causing floods.

The best way is to carry out large-scale dredging of Zhuwei Lake and fill the silt into the swamp. In this way, it can not only increase the water storage capacity of Zhuwei Lake during the rainy season, but also gradually turn the swamp into fertile land.

In addition, after the water level becomes deeper, Zhuwei Lake can also carry out artificial breeding of large fish, which is really wonderful.

But the only problem!

This project is too big, and the amount of manpower, material resources and time required is even greater than that of the ancestors who opened up Fenggu Farm back then.