Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 78: Don't disturb Miss Ben's efforts for the rise of the family


"That being said, this development project costs tens of thousands of dollars." Liu Yuanrui calmed down, but also had some doubts, "I heard that in recent years, the Wang family..."

Over the past few years, the Wang family has been going downhill, where did they get so much money

"Yuan Rui don't worry." Wang Shouzhe said calmly, "Brother Yu has made arrangements for this."

Liu Yuanrui's expression froze, is this a question of worry or not? I'm just curious... But, after all, he knows the etiquette and the rules, so he kept silent immediately.

Of course, Wang Shouzhe knew very well that his marriage contract with the daughter of the Liu family was a morale-boosting and inspiring thing for everyone in the Wang family. After all, the Liu family was quite powerful and Wang could rely on it.

Even the elders of the family have this mentality.

But for the Liu family, the dignified eldest daughter, Qianjin, wants to marry a descendant of a declining family, and there are more or less complaints and emotions. It's just that this marriage was decided by the ancestors of both parties, so it's natural for the younger generations to object.

Because of this, Wang Shouzhe was quite calm about this marriage, neither rejoicing nor repelling it. If the Wang family wants to be really strong, it is not possible to become strong by climbing high branches and hugging their thighs.

Even though he knew that the younger generations of the Liu family would definitely complain and feel uncomfortable, he still expressed his understanding. After all, on the surface, the Wang family and the Liu family are too different, and he would naturally feel unhappy about being married like this.

"Huh? Brother Shouzhe, there are a lot of people coming over there." Liu Ruolei was quite sharp-eyed, and through the window of the carriage, she saw a group of people coming here in the distance.

And behind that group of people, far away, there are groups of people coming this way.

"Those are all civilians in our Ping'an Town." Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, "Presumably, they all heard the news of my Wang's recruitment and came to respond."

"So many people came to apply?" Liu Yuanrui was astonished, "Brother Shouzhe, how high is your Wang's salary? Stop the car, I want to see."

His curiosity was suddenly aroused. This dredging and filling project is a huge project. If the labor price is raised, the cost will be too high. How can Wang afford it

Since Liu Yuanrui wanted to see it, Wang Shouzhe would not stop him, so he ordered Wang Laoshi to stop the car. The rest of the generals also stopped one after another, guarding around the carriage.

With such an imposing manner, the civilians would not dare to come over, so they could only go far away and gather towards the work sheds.

"Everyone, don't crowd, sign up one by one." Two fourteen or fifteen-year-old boys who looked a little immature maintained order, "Our Wang family uses work as a substitute for relief, and the reward is good. As long as you are willing to do things, I guarantee that your whole family will be happy." able to eat."

"Come, come, come here to register. I, Wang, employ workers, including food and housing." Another two little girls moved tables and chairs, and began to register applicants, "Sixteen to forty years old Young and strong laborers are paid half a load of old rice per month, healthy women receive 20 catties of old rice per month, and teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 receive 20 catties per month."

The two little girls are both articulate and quick to register for others. As if it was too troublesome to explain each one, I simply found a clever young man from the collateral line, and repeated these words a hundred times a hundred times.

As for erecting a billboard or something, the two girls are not that stupid. Most of the tenant farmers and self-cultivating farmers are basically illiterate.

These young people are naturally Wang Shouzhe's younger brothers and sisters. With such an important event in the family, Wang Shouzhe didn't want them all to be idle, and getting involved together would help to train them.

Whether it is the launch of a large project or events such as work-for-relief, it will help shape their sense of honor to the family and a correct worldview.

"Did you bring your name, place of origin, and household registration documents?" Even Wang Luoqiu, who is going to "slay gods and Buddhas" in the future, is working seriously at this moment, registering every applicant who comes.

However, her eyes were sharp and serious, as if she was scrutinizing each applicant, as if she was determined not to let go of anyone with bad intentions.

"The villain's name is Ouyang Gousheng, a villager in Liuzigou Village, Ping'an Town." A sallow and emaciated young man tremblingly handed out the household registration document.

"You are only fifteen years old? You can only count as part-time work, and it is calculated as 20 catties of old rice per month." Wang Luoqiu said.

"Ah, girl." Ouyang Gousheng looked disappointed and begged, "Look at me, I am very strong and I am used to hard work. Can I count it as half a load? My mother has no rice grains for two days. It's down."

"No, the rules are the rules." Although Wang Luoqiu is young, he is very principled, "However, we have food and accommodation here. I can also give you an advance payment of 20 catties of old rice, so that your mother will not die of starvation."

"Thank you, thank you girl." Ouyang Gousheng thanked him again and again, tears of joy fell down his face.

"Bring these two bamboo tokens, you can receive 20 catties of old grain." Wang Luoqiu gave him two tokens, "Remember, you will start working from today, and you will receive grain after work. Also, give this Girl, be more aggressive and do things well, if you really perform well, this lady will give you full credit."

"Yes, the villain must not be lazy." Ouyang Gousheng held two bamboo plaques, cherishing them as if he had taken two lives.

"Hold this work card, there is a porridge shed over there, and you can drink porridge for free with the work card." After Wang Luoqiu registered the work card, he raised his hand to drive away with a serious face, "Go, don't delay this lady's work. Next , name, place of origin, age!"

Ouyang Gousheng took his work card and two bamboo cards for rice, and left with gratitude.

Wang Luoqiu's style is very sloppy, never procrastinating, and often gets a job done in a few clicks.

"Wang Luojing, what are you fussing about? Can you use some snacks to do things?" Wang Luoqiu looked back, so that she didn't die of anger. She had finished five of them, but Wang Luojing was still entangled with the second applicant. endlessly.

Unable to bear it any longer, she walked over directly, glanced at the fair-looking young man, and took out his native document to take a look: "A scholar?"

"Xiaosheng is right." The young man nodded slightly, showing a bit of arrogance.

"Are you able to do this?" Wang Luoqiu was suspicious.

"Xiaosheng is a scholar, how can he do such hard work?" The young man said, "Xiaosheng has read poetry, books and classics, and can be a supervisor. He only needs to pay ten dan of food per month."

These days, the literacy rate among the common people is very low.

Therefore, scholars still have a bright future. Government agencies, family foundations, etc. all need some knowledgeable people as the backbone.

"Our family doesn't need a supervisor." Wang Luoqiu responded coldly, "You can go."

"You, you, you, how dare you look down on scholars, little girl, let me tell you that only by reading can you understand are young... ah~"

Before the scholar could finish speaking, he flew out and fell into the mud.

"It's even more verbose than Wang Shouzhe." Wang Luoqiu snorted, "Come here."

"Sister, I'm here." Wang Shoulian ran over like a dog's leg.

"Get rid of this guy and put him on my Wang's blacklist. He will never be hired." Wang Luoqiu gave an order with great momentum, and then went to do the job of recruiting and registering.

Looking at her stern and serious face, some applicants who were about to fish in troubled waters quietly left the team.

Not far away, Wang Shouzhe and others had already walked over.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Wang Shouzhe's mouth twitched slightly. Luo Qiu, this poor girl, is really full of style. If people don't know this, they really think that this little aunt is the head of the family.

Liu Yuanrui, who came after him, watched all this dumbfounded: "Brother Shou Zhe, this strong laborer receives half a load of rice every month, isn't this salary too little?"

And that little girl is so fierce, she seems to have a lot of opinions on scholars, and he, Liu Yuanrui, just claims to be a scholar... feels a little dangerous.

"Yuan Rui, less or less, you can ask those applicants who lined up." Wang Shouzhe said.

Liu Yuanrui was not hypocritical, went up and asked a few times, and said that it was enough. They all thanked Mrs. Wang for standing up at the critical moment and giving everyone a bite to eat. Many of them secretly complained about Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zhao.

After Liu Yuanrui came back, his expression was rather ugly: "Liu and Zhao are worthy of being the nouveau riche families who usurped the throne and came to power, but they are so devoid of conscience. Fortunately, brother Shou Zhe took the initiative and came up with a way to provide relief with work."

"Brother, you didn't quite agree with Brother Shouzhe's ideas before." The sister-in-law Liu Ruolei on the side started to add the knife again, "Now that the national policy is in charge, there is also a family that deceives the top and bottom to take advantage of the lack of food and engage in land annexation. If food prices are completely liberalized, the life and death of thousands of civilians will be in the hands of some top aristocratic families, and they have a lot of ways to control the rise and fall of food prices.

"Also, don't dislike Brother Shouzhe's lack of food. Now that everyone is short of food, Brother Shouzhe is already doing a lot of work."

Liu Yuanrui blushed, and glared at Liu Ruolei sullenly, what is this poor little sister doing to demolish your brother? Before you came, didn't you say that you wanted to train your future brother-in-law for your sister

Before he could reprimand his sister, Liu Ruolei had already walked towards Wang Luoqiu.

She quietly came to Wang Luoqiu's side, and said curiously, "Little sister, what's your name?"

"Little sister, you..." Wang Luoqiu was about to get angry, but saw that she was a beautiful young lady with a good temperament, and immediately restrained herself a little, but said impatiently, "I, Wang Luoqiu. Which family are you from? Go and go Go, go play elsewhere, don't disturb Miss Ben's efforts for the rise of the family."

"My name is Liu Ruolei, ah, your handwriting is so ugly." Liu Ruolei covered her mouth and chuckled, "Why don't you ask questions and I'll register, it's faster." After saying that, she took the initiative to help.

Wang Luoqiu didn't faint from anger, how dare she say that her handwriting is ugly

Hmph, even Wang Shouzhe doesn't dare to...

Then, when she saw the words written by the young lady, looked really nice, so she quickly "swallowed" the words back.

Then she thought about it, Liu Ruolei's name was so familiar, her eyes widened and she said in surprise, "Are you the rumored young lady of the Liu family?"

"That's right." Liu Ruolei replied with a smile. Unexpectedly, she was quite famous, and immediately registered the applicants even more quickly.

"But you look so small, how can you have a baby with Wang Shou, no, my fourth brother?"

"Ah?" Liu Ruolei blushed with embarrassment, she couldn't help but stop, how is this lady so young

No, no, that's not the point of focus...

The point is, where is Miss Ben so young

Phew, that's not the point either...

What's the point