Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 81: A stepping stone on the Emperor's Road


After a few days.

Hundreds of boats have been working on Zhuwei Lake, which is tens of thousands of mu.

Those ships, including transport ships, dredging ships, etc., are all suitable for use in calm inland rivers. In order to collect these ships, Wang Shouzhe also used a lot of contacts.

Especially in Donggang Chen's side, there are many waterways in the inland, there are many small boats of all kinds, and there are also a lot of shipbuilding workshops.

To say that Chen Fangjie is a good future brother-in-law, with his help, he has spared no effort to help from the purchase of small old boats to custom-made dredging boats, and he also took care of the transportation by the way.

The future brother-in-law is very good, so naturally Wang Shouzhe will not be stingy. On the pretext of the other party's previous help, Wang Shouzhe directly presented five thousand dans of newly produced wheat grains. As long as they are processed through a mill, they will be high-quality flour.

The sifted bran was used to feed meat animals in previous years, but it is also a hot commodity this year.

In previous years, although the five thousand tans of new wheat were quite valuable, this season was different. Because the output of new wheat is very small, the value is far less than that of previous years.

In this wave of cooperation with Wang Shouzhe, the Chen family of Donggang also secretly obtained a huge benefit.

You know, many children from aristocratic families are used to eating polished rice and noodles, and their requirements are not low, and they are much more difficult to serve than ordinary people.

In short, both parties are happy.

With the rapid assembly of inland river vessels, Wang Shouzhe's "Century Project" was also rapidly launched.

Before that, the family also dredged part of the river every winter, and the silt was used to fill the fields. But the working mode at that time was carried out in the form of five people and one boat.

One man drives the boat, and four men use rakes to clear the silt. Then drive to the destination, unload the silt, and then sail back to the dredging...

It sounds like there is no problem, but in fact this mode of work is very inefficient. Small-scale dredging in winter is mainly to use the slack season, so the efficiency is low.

But under the huge project, every little manpower saved will be a huge saving in the long run.

Under Wang Shouzhe's instruction, the dredgers were all strong laborers. They worked in groups of five. After a group of people boarded the empty boat, they quickly loaded the boat with a dredging rake, and then replaced the empty boat to continue dredging.

The boat drivers are all slightly older, and they don't need to participate in dredging, they only need to sail back and forth. After arriving at the destination, a group of people specialize in unloading the ship, and a group of people specialize in filling the soil.

Once emptied, ship unloaders replenish the empty rattan and bamboo baskets inside the ship. The driver immediately steered the boat back to the next round of operations.

After some trials and adjustments, a set of assembly line operations was gradually formed.

The rakes used by the dredging workers are very heavy, surrounded by iron bars, especially the sharpened iron bars at the planing mouth, and a relatively dense rattan space in the middle, which requires a lot of strength.

But with this rake, there can be fifty or sixty catties of silt, and a large rattan and bamboo basket can be filled in three or two strokes, and a smaller boat can only hold a dozen or twenty rattan and bamboo baskets.

And a larger boat, the kind specially used for dredging and inland river transportation, can hold more than a hundred rattan and bamboo baskets at once. The largest boat can hold more than 300 rattan and bamboo baskets.

A group of five dredgers, plus the time for taking turns to rest, can dig and load about 80 baskets in an average hour. Therefore, for a slightly larger boat, several groups of people board together, and finally a group of dredgers are left to finish.

In addition, there are some weak women, children, and the elderly who will be responsible for weaving rattan and bamboo baskets, cooking, cleaning, or leveling the muddy ground and other auxiliary tasks.

Overall, the dredging and filling work has been carried out very smoothly.

At present, there are 80 groups of dredgers, a total of 400 people, 150 boatmen, 50 mud unloaders, 80 mud fillers, and less than 100 other auxiliary workers.

The total number of project personnel reached nearly 800 people.

But even so, the amount of dredging and filling in one day is about three to four thousand cubic meters, which is about one-two thousandth of the first phase of the project.

According to today's manpower and material resources, even if we do this every day, it will take about six years to complete the first phase of the project. And it does not include the rainy season, severe weather such as cold winter cannot be constructed.

However, it is not easy to open up territories and open up clan property.

The ancestors of the Wang family did not know how much effort and time it took to make Pingan Town gradually have the current situation. It is not an easy task for human beings to conquer nature.

Wang Shouzhe's awning boat rowed quietly in the Zhuwei Lake, watching the intensive construction not far away.

"Brother Shou Zhe." Liu Yuanrui also said with great emotion, "It was only now that I realized how difficult it is for the ancestors to open up the family business. Every family business has the painstaking efforts of the ancestors all their lives."

"That's right, back then when the ancestors of Zhouxuan went south, the entire Pingan Town area was a barren land where fierce beasts ran rampant." Wang Shouzhe was also full of emotion, "At that time, the ancestors were much more difficult than us."

Wang Shouzhe stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the vast Zhuwei Lake. It looks like such a huge project, but in fact, the construction area only occupies a small part: "The construction scale must continue to increase. Right now, there are still many people in the Ping'an Town area who cannot afford food."

At present, many of the 800 people are tenant farmers of the Wang family, and even some collateral descendants of the Wang family who came to participate in the construction and management. The personnel recruited from outside are only four to five hundred people.

To really quell the disaster, it is not enough to recruit so many workers. The team has to be expanded, and the dredging boats have to be expanded. At least, the entire construction team must reach two to three thousand people.

It is not easy to carry out large-scale projects under such relatively low productivity conditions, and the progress is slow under the use of a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, for basic projects such as dredging and filling, there is no good way except for the assembly line construction. He does not have the ability to manufacture large excavators.

After satisfying Liu Yuanrui's interest in swimming in the lake, the awning boat returned to the main house.

At this time, Wang Zhong sent someone to report that the casual cultivator who killed a rich peasant family before had been found out where he was hiding. Not far from the Dingpu Ferry, in a remote warehouse.

Wang Shouzhe's eyes froze, revealing killing intent.

He does not discriminate against casual cultivators, and many casual cultivators also have a hard time. However, what he hates the most are those casual cultivators who committed crimes recklessly, and then had the mentality of patting their ass and leaving.

time flies.

A remote warehouse is a place specially used by a certain family to stock up on salted and smoked fish.

Recently, the sales of smoked fish and the like have been excellent, and the inventory has been emptied, but it is still full of fishy smell.

Several casual cultivators with fierce faces were all sitting weakly, their morale was quite low.

"Boss, is there no news from the Liu family?" A man in his thirties said anxiously, "Isn't it so difficult to arrange a boat to cross the river?"

"The Wang family doesn't know what's going on. They actually let the deputy guard Wang Dingzu blockade the Dingpu Ferry, and even sent officers and soldiers to guard some wild ferries. It's clear that they are targeting us." A 40-something year old , the middle-aged Sanxiu with a scar on his face said with a cold face, "Everyone just endure it a little longer, just survive this wave of limelight."

"Boss, I heard that Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Liu got into a fight." Another casual cultivator said worriedly, "Do you think Mrs. Liu will kill us?"

"They dare!" the casual cultivator with the scar sneered, "It's not the first time we've done some shameful things for Mrs. Liu. I've already kept all kinds of evidence in my hand. Once something happens to us, someone will The evidence has been sent to Wang Dingzu, the deputy guardian envoy. Given the relationship between the Wang family and the Liu family, it is inevitable that they will not let it go."

Loose cultivators hang out all over the world, and go where there is interest. Naturally, some aristocratic families have to use them as gunmen, and the story of crossing rivers and demolishing bridges to kill people has been heard a lot.

Therefore, casual cultivators are not fools. It is natural to use money to do things for you, but it is almost impossible to eat and clean up afterward. Loose cultivators who can hang around until they are dozens of years old and are still alive are all human beings. How can they experience dangers in their lives that are comparable to those of the children of the aristocratic family

"Boss is wise, boss is wise. Turn around and take a breath, and you must cut a piece of flesh from Mrs. Liu."

The rest of the rogue cultivators also breathed a sigh of relief, praising the boss one after another and hating Mrs. Liu.

It doesn't matter if you endure it for a while, it's fine if you survive the limelight. Those people in the Wang family are just putting on a show to gain a wave of prestige, and it's not the rich peasants in your family's jurisdiction who died.

Right now.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

There was applause, and at the same time, a young man's voice came from outside: "Listen, all of you, how do these casual cultivators do things? Learn a little, and you have to leave a way out for yourself in everything. It's all a good philosophy of life."

"Yes, fourth brother." The two boys answered honestly.

"Don't be wordy, just do it."

"Luo Qiu, what the fourth brother said is very reasonable. No matter how powerful you are, there will always be someone stronger than you in this world."

The faces of those casual cultivators became very ugly.

The Scar loose cultivator, who is the leader, has a calm demeanor: "Since your Excellency has come to the door, you must have come prepared, why don't you talk about it."

During the conversation.

Wang Shouzhe walked into the warehouse with his two younger brothers and two younger sisters.

He didn't directly answer Sanxiu's words, but continued to say to his brothers and sisters: "You must remember that if you want people to know, you have to do nothing. Our ancestor Zhouxuan of the Wang family went south to open up Ping'an Town, slaying monsters and killing monsters. Territory, let my children of the Wang family and thousands of civilians have a place to live. We descendants, dare not say that we want to compare with the achievements of our ancestors, but we must also protect our home and our bottom line. Let the ancestors be ashamed."

"You have to keep in mind that families like the Liu family and the Zhao family do things regardless of the law and have no bottom line." Wang Shouzhe said calmly, "It can be rampant for a while, but it can't be arrogant for a lifetime. Those clansmen will sooner or later bring the whole family to their knees." disaster."

"Yes, fourth brother." Wang Luojing nodded heavily.

Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian were also a little excited, their faces flushed with excitement. Our Wang family is an orthodox family inherited from the ancestor of Zhouxuan, and it is completely different from the jackal family like the Liu family and Zhao family.

"I, Wang Luoqiu, you don't need to remember my name." Wang Luoqiu's eyes burst out with a fierce and sturdy breath, "I shoulder the expectations of my ancestors in the sky, and I will shoulder the important task of the rise of the Wang family. You little villains are all stepping stones on this young lady's road to emperor, you have strange experience!"


Wang Luoqiu rushed into the casual cultivator group like a cannonball.

The corner of Wang Shouzhe's mouth twitched.

Can this little aunt take it easy, my sense of family honor and the correct three-view education are not over yet

This girl's petty temper!