Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 94: Wang Shouzhe who unloads the mill and kills the donkey (4000 chapters)


Liu Shengze, Zhao Jinda.

They are all elite members of the family. Although their strength is only about the fifth or sixth level of the Qi Refining Realm, they are each in charge of a piece of property, and they are doing impressively.

It belongs to the kind of character who was always a master wherever he went.

This time, they came to the Wang family to make trouble and suppress Wang Longyan. Before coming here, they were very excited, imagining how much benefit their family would get if the Wang family was suppressed again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the Wang family, he was hit head-on with one stick after another. In the end, even the ancestor was almost killed, and he barely survived after begging for help in embarrassment.

Such a shame and shame is not the end...

At this time, Liu Shengze and Zhao Jinda were tied up, in a state of embarrassment, with no dignity on their bodies, and only fear and despair in their eyes.

He wanted to open his mouth to defend himself, but he couldn't do it. It's just because the charges listed in the indictment are all real and cannot be faked.

Perhaps, the only direction that can be justified is that these things are done for the family, not out of their selfish desires. But doing so would undoubtedly drag the family and their children into the water.

What the guardian envoy said meant saving some face for the family, how could they not understand? They also knew more or less about the relationship between the family and Lei Yangqiu. Once Lei Yangqiu is completely offended, the family will not have a good life.

After struggling violently in their hearts, the two finally made up their minds.

"Patriarch!" Liu Shengze yelled miserably, "Take care of Yongzhou. Wang Shouzhe, Wang Dingzu, you will die badly."

After all, he summoned up his profound energy and shattered his heart. Before he died, his heart convulsed violently, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, killing him directly.

And Zhao Jinda also laughed miserably: "Mr. Wang, you will not be the last one after all. My son, take good care of your mother, brothers and sisters."

As he said that, he committed suicide like Liu Shengze, saving some face for his family.

Such a "tragic sacrifice" made the members of the Liu and Zhao clans feel inexplicably sad, and many people cried out for Wang Shouzhe and Wang Ding's clan. He even had a strong sense of hatred for the entire Wang family. Wang Shouzhe? What happened today? We can't finish with you.

Especially the two sons of Liu Yongzhou and Zhao Dingtian? They roared and cried on the spot, and several generals and clansmen had to forcibly take them away from the scene.

The two patriarchs, Zhao Bojun and Liu Zhide, stared at Wang Shouzhe like a hawk. How can they be reconciled to the loss of face and the death of their descendants like this

Even some of the female family members of the Wang family couldn't bear it and covered the children's eyes. But the members of the Wang family? They don't really sympathize with the enemy. What the Liu and Zhao families have done to the Wang family has long made it difficult for each other.

"It can be regarded as two men." Lei Yangqiu was slightly moved, and turned to Wang Shouzhe with a strange air, "Patriarch Wang? Are you satisfied with this result?"

Of course he was upset? All of this was just forced by Wang Shouzhe, who forced him to take action against the Liu Zhao family.

As a result, an irreparable rift is very likely to arise between the originally obedient Liu Zhao Liang clan and his Lei clan.

at the same time.

The crowd of onlookers cheered for Lei Yangqiu as if they breathed a sigh of relief.

What is the guardian of Lei, he still enforces the law impartially. Unexpectedly, Guardian Lei actually captured the nobles of the Liu and Zhao clans for the sake of the deaths of some civilians. The Celestial-human family is the Celestial-human family and so on.

Those remarks fell into the ears of Lei Yangqiu in Lingtai Realm, which somewhat saved him some face. It's aggrieved to do this, but it finally gained a wave of prestige.

"Not satisfied." Wang Shouzhe answered loudly with a serious face.

This answer was directly beyond everyone's expectations. Even the old ancestors at the side, and the brothers and sisters of the Liu family who were onlookers felt a "thump" in their hearts. They thought it was a bad secret, and they might completely offend Lei Yangqiu.

The discussions among the onlookers also came to an abrupt end, and their faces were full of astonishment. It seemed that the guardian Lei had done a good job. The royal patriarch is still not satisfied

Some members of the Liu and Zhao clans couldn't control their ecstasy, Wang Shouzhe, Wang Shouzhe, you are trying to die. This is the opportunity to fight back, handing over to the aggrieved Lei Zhenshi.

"What?" The smugness in Lei Yangqiu's heart froze in an instant, and his anger surged out uncontrollably, and he smiled angrily, "Okay, okay, please come out, the patriarch of the royal family, Lei will take care of you today." satisfy."

Originally, he had planned to find a way to deal with Wang Shouzhe after this incident, and then find faults with the Wang family. In short, Wang Shouzhe made up for it ten times, a hundred times, by playing with him in his hands today.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shouzhe directly handed over the handle to him. If he didn't explain the matter clearly, Lei Yangqiu would find fault with him on the spot.

"First, the guardian envoy called them the two men, with a touch of respect in his words." Wang Shouzhe said in a deep voice, "Although they have not been tried, according to the crimes, these two men are the behind-the-scenes instigators of many massacres. The hands are full of blood, and the crime is heinous. The adults express their respect and admiration for such a cruel beast. Obviously, they instinctively agree with their actions. This makes Wang faintly worried whether it is appropriate to use the three views and virtues of an adult Sitting in Ping'an Town."

"You..." Lei Yangqiu's complexion changed drastically, and a wave of anger gushed out of his chest, "Wang Shouzhe, you actually put on your hat indiscriminately."

"It's true to buckle the hat, but whether it's a random buckle or not is naturally to be judged." Wang Shouzhe said leisurely, "The second point is not dissatisfaction, but my Wang Shouzhe's moral conduct towards adults. level, raised deep doubts. Sir also knows that our aristocratic family also has the right to supervise the rules of conduct of Lord Guardian Envoy."

"My lord, as a guardian envoy, should abide by the law and handle the case impartially. Look at what your lord has done?"

"You... the guardian envoy didn't deal with it fairly?" Although Lei Yangqiu was furious, he felt a little bit bad in his heart.

Wang Shouzhe was upright, and said in a loud voice: "Law-making, naturally has its own legal procedures. First, the adults used coercive means to directly block the self-justification of the two suspects who have not been convicted without trial."

"Secondly, the adults did not ask any questions, nor did they listen to their confession whether the crime was consistent with the investigation, nor did they interrogate whether they still had accomplices, whether there were behind-the-scenes instigators, whether there were other secrets in the case, or whether there were any secrets that had not been discovered. The old cases and so on, so they can be concluded in one word, and they are unforgivable criminals. I would like to see how the adults' closed case files are written. This is the professionalism of the official side, which makes Wang disagree."

"Thirdly, Your Excellency hastily decided the case after interrogation, and the procedure is not correct. Wang really didn't expect that Your Excellency would imply incitement in his words and vaguely threaten the unconvicted suspect to commit suicide. There are only two explanations for this. One, Your Excellency I am afraid that more people will be involved in the interrogation of the suspect. Second, my lord is quite impatient with this matter, and just wants to close the case hastily. No matter which of these two points, I, Wang, feel great fear."

"Today, Your Excellency has so hastily dealt with the blood clan members of the Liu and Zhao Clans. Tomorrow, Your Excellency can convict members of my Wang Clan at will. Wang, I'm really scared."

"You..." Lei Yangqiu's face flushed red, and Wang Shouzhe stepped back a few steps, his eyes widened, "Wang Shouzhe, you are so brave, you dare to spout blood."

A huge coercive atmosphere enveloped Wang Shouzhe.

"My lord really has great official authority." Wang Shouzhe was not afraid of that coercion. Most of the coercion in the Lingtai realm is the psychological shock of the high end of the food chain to the low end of the food chain. Some of the spiritual power contained in it, with Wang Shouzhe's strength at the seventh level of Qi Refining Realm, he can't help him.

Seeing Lei Yangqiu exerting the coercion of the Lingtai realm, the old ancestor Wu originally wanted to stand in front of Wang Shouzhe and rescue him, but he didn't want him to ignore it and not be affected. While marveling in his heart, he felt admiration for this great-grandson .

I have to admit that what the great-grandson said is very reasonable. Lei Yangqiu's behavior obviously did not meet Dagan's requirements for a guard envoy.

He had a vague feeling that with his great-grandson's methods, this Lei Yangqiu might be in trouble. His great-grandson does things, but he doesn't talk about them casually.

Even Patriarch Wu had some sympathy for Lei Yangqiu. This kid can be regarded as a monk at the Lingtai Realm. He was first forced by Shou Zhe to deal with Liu and Zhao's two clans, and killed someone with his sword.

After using it, Shou Zhe immediately disliked him for starting to cross rivers and demolish bridges, kill donkeys, as if he was dealing with a piece of dirty paper that had wiped his ass.

It's not just the old ancestor who has such a mentality.

The members of the Wang family, the brothers and sisters of the Liu family, all felt that what Wang Shouzhe said was quite reasonable. This Lei Yangqiu was either incapable of serving as the guardian envoy, or he had ulterior motives to collude deeply with the Liu and Zhao families.

Regardless of the point, serving as the guardian of Ping'an Town is a disaster.

Thousands of onlookers thought at first that the guardian Lei had dealt with it fairly and that he was a good guardian. As a result, after hearing such an analysis by the head of the royal family, everyone's hairs stood on end, and their hearts felt chills.

Yes, is it really okay to be such a guard who ignores the laws of the country, acts recklessly, and decides the case hastily? Today he can deal with the Liu and Zhao clans at will, tomorrow he can deal with the Wang family at will, and the day after tomorrow, he may start to use the butcher knife against the civilians in the jurisdiction.

The guardian envoy was supposed to guard and appease one side.

Now everyone is afraid, who is not afraid of an unstoppable guardian

Under the rhythm of the caring people, the voices of the civilians became louder and more excited, and they all felt that there was a big problem with the Lei guard.

One after another, the voices of discussion fell into Lei Yangqiu's ears, causing his heart to sink gradually, and public opinion boiled over.

Even the members of the Liu and Zhao clans, even Liu Zhide and Zhao Bojun, the two patriarchs, were all sneering, showing no sympathy for Lei Yangqiu's plight, but rather gloating.

Lei Yangqiu, Lei Yangqiu, when you dealt with us just now, did you think of this scene

Wang Shouzhe saw that the fire was almost ready, he cupped his hands and said with a sneer, "Wang has learned the prestige of Lei Zhenshi. But this Changning Guard is not covered by your heavenly man Lei."

"In this matter, Wang will truthfully record all the details from the beginning to the end, and copy several copies. One will be sent to Mr. Fu Jun, the capital of the city, one will be sent to the Zifu Academy, and one will be sent to the Prince's Mansion of Longzuo County. Right or wrong is up to the adults to judge. Wang doesn’t believe in this evil, our country is so powerful that we don’t have a place to plead for the people. It’s really not possible, Wang went to the capital.”

"Brother Shouzhe is right. I also feel that Lord Lei Zhenshi does not meet the requirements to sit on the side." Liu Ruolei walked out excitedly, "I will entrust Patriarch Xuanfu to deliver this letter from Zifu Academy. Academy."

"Thank you, sister Ruolei, for speaking out." Wang Shouzhe cupped his hands in thanks, "It's just that my family, Wang, also has some contacts in the academy who can handle this matter."

"Could it be... Bing?" Liu Ruolei was overwhelmed with surprise, "Did she forgive grandparents?"

"Don't say it, don't say it." Wang Shouzhe pulled Master Binglan's tiger skin half-covertly, but he didn't dare to tell a lie directly, if it fell into Master Binglan's ears, it would be a big trouble.

Leave some room for your imagination.

Sure enough, Liu Ruolei said with a smile: "Since Brother Shouzhe has already planned, I will not worry about it. With that person around, the academy will definitely respond."

Lei Yangqiu was really stunned, and his heart suddenly felt cold.

Following Wang Shouzhe's words, there was no one around him standing beside him. If Shangfeng, the capital of the city, was really alarmed and the inspectors were sent down to investigate briefly, I am afraid that no one would speak well of him.

What's more, some of Wang Shouzhe's words are not groundless, how can he stand up to investigation

As Wang Shouzhe said, this Changningwei is not the Lei family's single-handedly covering the sky. It took some effort for the family to put him in this position. If the trouble comes to the family, he will be the first to fail to get good results.

This kid Wang Shouzhe, his ability to turn his hands into clouds and his hands into rain is too terrifying!

Immediately, he hastily withdrew his momentum, and saluted Wang Shouzhe kindly: "Brother Wang, may I take a step to speak?"

Wang Shouzhe bowed his hands to return the salute, and declined politely: "Master Guardian Envoy is joking, you and I have nothing to do with each other. If you have anything to say, please speak face to face."

Lei Yangqiu was furious in his heart, but today's situation is being manipulated to death, and the future of his life is at the whim of the other party.

Immediately, he couldn't care less about his face, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Patriarch Wang, what do you think is more appropriate for Mr. Lei? Don't worry, I can swear that I will never embarrass your family Wang in the future."

"Master Guardian, my Wang family is upright and has not violated the law. Why do you need to swear that you will not be embarrassing? The matter has come to this point, and Wang can only give you a word." Wang Shouzhe bowed his hands.

"What?" Lei Yangqiu's heart trembled.

"I suggest that you save some face for the family." After Wang Shouzhe finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and turned to leave.


Isn't this what he just sent to Liu Shengze and Zhao Jinda

"Wang Shouzhe, you..." Lei Yangqiu was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.