Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 96: Brother Shouzhe is really a god-man


Something happened here.

After paying the indemnity, the Liu and Zhao clans had died down and left in despair, as if they were a group of defeated dogs. It is in stark contrast to the previous big fanfare to come and make trouble.

Lei Yangqiu was let go for the time being, and he didn't want to stay here for the rest of his life.

The onlookers have not dispersed for a long time, and they still talk about this matter with great interest, communicating and sharing their excitement with each other.

The lives of most civilians in this world are hard and boring, struggling on the line of food and clothing. Usually the biggest expectation is to save some money year after year without food and clothing, to buy some fields, or to find a good job for the children, marry a good wife, and so on.

Today's drama with twists and turns and climaxes is enough for them to remember for a lifetime.

Aunt Gongsun Hui brought some aunts and sisters-in-law, and the conductors set up a porridge shed, cooked some thick bacon porridge, and invited the commoners to eat.

Today these civilians, even the poor, seem to be mere melon eaters. But in fact, they are the most important part of Wang Shouzhe's plan today.

This meal is regarded as a banquet for them.

Common people, in the eyes of many children of aristocratic families, are so humble and inconspicuous, as if they are ants that can be crushed to death.

But the vast majority of families cannot live without civilians. Without the common people creating wealth for them, how can the children of the aristocratic family enjoy a good life? What else do you use to buy precious cultivation resources

And a single civilian may not be very eye-catching, but once the number increases, the power of the civilians will gradually become very powerful. Under the watchful eyes of thousands of civilians, even Lei Yangqiu, a cultivator at the Lingtai Realm, and a dignified guardian envoy dare not do whatever he wants.

Wang Shouzhe had a deep understanding of this in his previous life. Once the power of the melon-eating crowd is gathered, it must not be underestimated. Even the aristocratic family of heaven and man needs to rely on a large number of civilians to survive.

Some little girls and young men of the Wang family also took the initiative to join in the work of cooking porridge, distributing porridge, and maintaining order.

This also includes two prostitute daughters, Wang Luoyi and Wang Luomiao.

Even Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luojing, who had just made great contributions to the family, were doing things seriously, without any sign of disgust.

This made Wang Shouzhe very gratified. The children in our family, the three views are right. You will definitely not feel that you are superior and divorced from the world just because you have some force.


It seems that some strange things have been mixed in.

A man with a strong figure and a face like a pig's head sat down on the ground in front of the porridge shed, gulping down the meat porridge. One bowl was not enough, and another bowl? More than ten bowls went down in the blink of an eye.

This little guy!

Wang Shouzhe stepped forward and looked him up and down. It was found that his injury from being bitten by the spirit bee poisonous insect had already healed a lot. This resilience is really amazing.

"Is it good?" Wang Shouzhe asked with a smile.

"It's delicious." The boy Zhao Dingteng replied subconsciously, but when he looked up and saw Wang Shouzhe, he was frightened and hurriedly protected the bowl, as if he was afraid that Wang Shouzhe would snatch it away.

The corner of Wang Shouzhe's mouth twitched, this kid, is he afraid in the wrong direction

Really a naive boy? But he is still very cunning in battle? What if Wang Luoqiu meets him? It's really hard to say who will win and who will lose.

"Forget it, why don't you eat more? Go home when you're full." Wang Shouzhe waved his hand. With his bearing, he wouldn't argue with a fourteen-year-old kid with a simple mind.

Although this child looks like a child from top to bottom, he is only fourteen years old after all.

"The head of the royal family, the head of the royal family."

When the civilians saw Wang Shouzhe coming to the porridge shed, they immediately became extremely nervous. Many people's eyes were filled with awe and admiration.

Today's battle made the reputation of the Wang family, but more importantly, the reputation of the patriarch of the Wang family.

"Everyone eat as much as you want today until you are full." Wang Shouzhe greeted with a smile, "In the future, if you are not happy in the Liu and Zhao Liang clan's jurisdiction, you can move to my Wang clan's jurisdiction. In our Wang clan's jurisdiction At least you can live and work in peace and contentment, and in the event of a disaster, my family, Mrs. Wang, will also tide over the difficulties with everyone."

As soon as Wang Shouzhe's words came out, many people were moved immediately. Compared to the Liu and Zhao families who are superior and vicious, the Wang family seems to be a real family.

If he could live under the protection of the Wang family, he would feel much more at ease.

"Patriarch Wang, but my family's fields and houses are all in the village." A self-cultivator in ragged clothes said, "If we move, we won't be able to take the fields with us."

Yeah yeah.

Many people responded one after another. They wanted to relocate, but they encountered many practical difficulties. All of them became disappointed and annoyed.

Among the thousands of civilians, there are also people from the area under the jurisdiction of the Wang family.

As soon as he heard this kind of thing, he felt a sense of superiority. One of the young people in his twenties said: "How much are your shabby houses worth? Only the houses and land within our Wang's jurisdiction , is more valuable."

When the people outside the jurisdiction quit, they became angry from embarrassment: "Why is it worthless? They can both produce food and live in the same way."

The young man said proudly: "You know what, our Wang family has spirit insect masters. After a little care this year, our family's land has only reduced production by 50%."

The rest of the "locals of the Wang family" all began to respond to the young man, saying that what he said was true. On average, each household has reduced production by 50%.

Spirit insect master? Only cut production by 50%? It's only been touched a little bit.

The self-cultivators outside the jurisdiction are silent, but the self-cultivators in the territory under Wang's jurisdiction are 20% more than them in this season

If they can also increase the harvest by 20%, there should be a lot of surplus after paying the grain, so they don't have to borrow grain everywhere to survive the disaster, and they will be bullied by the aristocratic family.

All of a sudden, the "Wai's self-cultivating farmers" cast envious eyes on those locals.

"Not only that, when our Wang family collects taxes on behalf of the government, the tax belonging to the aristocratic family can be deducted directly with money parity. At present, there are more than 20 loads of grain left over."

In the harvest season of previous years, the family had an extra 20 tons of surplus grain, which was not considered rich.

But this is a disaster year!

When the self-cultivators of the Wai family heard this number, their eyes turned red. Your family is so rich, why do you come to share porridge with us

"Not only that, I have a buddy in the Wang family's collateral line, and he revealed top-secret news to me. This year, the Wang family is not prepared. When the next season starts, all the properties in our Wang family's jurisdiction can be managed by spirit insect masters. The effect of insects is better, and the cost is only half of Miecong powder." The young guy said mysteriously again.

Half of insecticide powder

Could it be that... every mu of land can save a large amount of copper a year? If the family has 20 mu of land, the input of insecticide powder alone can save 20 big copper a year, which is several loads of grain!

The self-cultivators of the Wai family were completely discouraged. Compared with the self-cultivators of the Wang family, they felt that they were a little shorter out of thin air.

"Young man, are you married yet?" A self-cultivator of the Wai family turned his mind quickly and said with a smile, "We have two girls in our family, one is sixteen years old and the other is fourteen years old. Let's have a good chat."

"Our family also has a daughter, who is just fifteen years old this year."

A group of self-cultivators from the Wai family with daughters surrounded the young man like wolves and tigers, promoting their own daughters, even talking about the bride price.

The young lad was so frightened that his face was flushed red.

In the past, the family conditions were mediocre, there was no savings, and there were not enough houses built. I asked the matchmaker several times to make marriage proposals. When people saw his conditions, they either shook their heads and refused.

Or simply open your mouth to the lion and ask for a huge gift.

He is nineteen years old, and he hasn't found a wife yet. Fortunately, just because of their status as self-cultivators in the land under Wang's jurisdiction, those self-cultivators of the foreign family are scrambling to marry their daughters to him, and several families are even willing to pay back the money.

In an instant, the young man felt that he had stepped into the pinnacle of his life.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shouzhe couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, the household registration of the area under Wang's jurisdiction began to be valuable. However, this is also the proper meaning, the prices of land and houses in different places are different.

For example, some farm houses in Changningwei are naturally more expensive than those in Ping'an Town. Even if the output and tax payment are the same, but relying on the Changning Guard there, the common people feel more secure in their lives.

What's more, it is more convenient to go to a city once in a while than the common people in Ping'an Town, and the interpersonal relationship is more complicated. Many middle and rich peasants over there would send their children to study in the city, or let their second sons learn a profitable craft.

No wonder.

More than a hundred years ago, the generation of Ping'an Town was still a barren land. If it weren't for those civilians who had a bad life, how could they migrate to places like Ping'an Town

However, after this period, the prices of land products in Ping'an Town may change.

"Don't worry, everyone." Wang Shouzhe said loudly, "I believe you have heard that our Wang family is dredging and filling soil to open up wasteland farmland. Those future farmlands are all fertile fields with silt-based fertilizer. Our Wang family will soon launch , Pioneer Qitian replacement plan, and Qitian pre-purchase plan.”

"Qida" replacement plan

What the hell is that? This is a word that countless civilians have never heard of.

"To put it simply, it is to replace your farms and houses that are currently under the jurisdiction of Liu and Zhao's two clans with our newly reclaimed fields and houses." Wang Shouzhe narrowed his eyes, "Of course, because Qitian is temporarily unavailable, we need a The cycle is about two years, so it is called Qitian. However, at present, we only accept internal workers who participated in the pioneering project for the replacement of Qitian. If you plan to relocate our Wang's site, this is the only way for now."

The self-cultivators of the Wai family were silent for a while.

But soon someone jumped out and said, "Change, why not. Damn it, I've had enough of Zhao's bastards all these years."

"Change, as long as Mrs. Wang pays us so that we don't starve to death. Isn't it just two years, change."

"I believe in the Wang family, and I believe that the patriarch Wang will not let us suffer, so change it."

One after another, one after another. Owner farmers are not stupid, they naturally have their shrewdness. On the surface, although it seems a bit of a disadvantage, in fact, if this continues, the household registration of Wang's land will become more and more valuable.

"A detailed plan for the specific replacement will be released in the near future. Please pay attention to our Wang's promotion." After whetting his appetite, Wang Shouzhe turned and left.

Not far away, the Liu brothers and sisters followed up again, and they both looked at Wang Shouzhe with strange eyes.

"Yuanrui, sister Ruolei." Wang Shouzhe cupped his hands and said, "Why do you look at me like that?"

"Tall, really tall." Liu Yuanrui gave a thumbs up, praised twice, and said, "Brother Shouzhe's plan is really wonderful. Yuanrui's admiration for Brother Shouzhe is just like that of An Jiang's brother." The water is endless. Not only is it self-interested, but it also kills the enemy invisibly."

Wang Shouzhe was left speechless by him.

"Little brother, I can see selfishness, where is killing invisible?" Liu Ruolei asked curiously.

"Self-interest is more obvious. Brother Shouzhe's such a huge project lacks a large number of manpower. Using the method of replacing land for a large number of farmers to participate in the project is tantamount to leveraging strength. In the end, those manpower The city will be turned into a self-cultivator under the Wang family."

"Secondly, the farmlands replaced by the Wang family were originally in the territory of the Liu and Zhao families. With a little integration and replacement, a private farm can be established in the enemy's hinterland, and that land will be owned by the Wang family."

"The most powerful thing is that the trend of migrating the Wang Clan has formed, and many people are eager to join the Wang Clan. Brother Shou Zhe only needs to operate step by step, and the territory of the Liu and Zhao Clans will become smaller and smaller. The number will also decrease dramatically.”

"Under the invisible vicious circle, the Liu and Zhao clans will become weaker and weaker, unable to fight against the Wang clan. Sooner or later, it will be two words, perish!"

Liu Yuanrui's explanation made Liu Ruolei's eyes shine continuously, and she praised: "Brother Shouzhe is really a god, and sister is really lucky."

"Uh… "

Wang Shouzhe rubbed his nose, as if he was not as complicated as Liu Yuanrui thought just now, he just wanted to solve the problem of labor shortage, he didn't want to really come up with a century-old plan.

But this future brother-in-law's brain is really good. From what he said, the plan seemed pretty good.

Also, Ruolei, can you stop talking to me with this look and tone? It made Wang Shouzhe feel a little nervous.

Right now.

A voice sounded so angry: "Well, everyone, let me ask. Is our Zhao family really that annoying?"

Zhao Dingteng!

Wang Shouzhe glanced at him, and found that most of the toxin lumps on his face had disappeared, and he was speechless for a moment. This idiot's physical resilience is really terrifying!

Liu Ruolei and Liu Yuanrui also stared at Zhao Dingteng with strange eyes.

What kind of notoriety does your Zhao family have? Don't you, a tough kid, have no points