Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 97: Why does my sister-in-law refuse to leave?


On the contrary, Wang Shouzhe knew that this idiot really didn't know much

As a son-in-law, he is also obsessed with cultivation and fighting, so he usually doesn't care about the outside world.

And it's impossible for Zhao's own people to hang words like "I'm a bad person" on their faces all day long.

Furthermore, good and bad are not absolute adjectives.

From Zhao's own point of view, they are just trying to fight for more living space for themselves, and they just use unscrupulous means. The world is cruel and full of competition.

Wang Shouzhe said calmly: "Using unscrupulous means to infringe upon and annex the interests of innocent people will naturally be annoying."

"Then you, didn't you also use unscrupulous means to invade our Zhao family?" Zhao Dingteng pointed at Liu Yuanrui with a naive face and said, "He said that your scheme murders people invisible."

"The Zhao family is not innocent. You, the Zhao family, broke the rules first and made us enemies." Wang Shouzhe said calmly. If there are too many people, my plan will naturally not be able to cause waves. In the final analysis, if an aristocratic family is not righteous, it will be wiped out sooner or later."

Wang Shouzhe was not afraid of his plan being leaked at all, because it was a majestic trend, and the Liu and Zhao families were powerless to resist it. With their reputation, even if they want to be good people again, ordinary people will not believe it.

"Then... can our two families still be friends?" Zhao Dingteng's naive face was a bit distressed, "I don't want to be a bad person."

"No." Wang Shouzhe said calmly, "Once some things have been done, there is no turning back. You have lost your meal, so go home quickly. Your father is now discussing with your great-grandfather Zeng how to get rid of me." Woolen cloth."


Zhao Dingteng looked shocked, you can even figure this out

In the end, Zhao Dingteng left with a disappointed expression on his face. He seemed to be unable to understand why he couldn't choose to be a good person

After Zhao Dingteng left.

Liu Ruolei also sighed and said: "This Zhao Hanhan is pitiful, he was born in a certain family, and he is destined to bear the indelible brand of that family in his life."

"That's why we need to become stronger." Wang Shouzhe also said with emotion, "Only when we are truly strong can we break free and control our own destiny."

"Break free and control your own destiny?" Liu Ruolei murmured softly, her eyes flickering slightly.

"Uh..." Wang Shouzhe suddenly had a bad feeling. This future sister-in-law is at the age of rebellion. Wouldn't instilling this kind of talk in her help the evildoers

Immediately, Wang Shouzhe looked serious and said seriously: "But the reason why we human beings are called a civilized world is because we have a complete society? All our actions? We need to be responsible for ourselves? We also need to be responsible for other people. Just Take myself? I want to be strong? Just because I want to protect the people around me? Protect the people I care about."

"Hmm~ Thank you Brother Shouzhe? I understand." Liu Ruolei suddenly became energetic.

Wang Shouzhe looked confused? What are you thanking? What do you understand

Right now.

Liu Yuanrui cupped his hands deeply and said: "Brother Shouzhe, our brother and sister have been lingering in the Wang family for a long time recently? It's time to say goodbye."

Wang Shouzhe froze? Did even Yuan Rui notice it

Immediately, Wang Shouzhe cupped his hands and said without hesitation: "Since Yuanrui's heart is like an arrow, Brother Yu will not keep you."

He is also afraid in his heart? Will the Liu brothers and sisters stay here any longer? This future sister-in-law who is in the rebellious period, it's better not to make a fool of yourself.

"Farewell, why are you saying goodbye? Little brother, I haven't had enough fun yet." Liu Ruolei looked displeased.

Ouch? My little aunt, Liu Yuanrui groaned and shouted in his heart? If we stay here any longer, my little brother is afraid that something will happen.

Immediately, Liu Yuanrui's eyes became serious: "Ruolei, you can't be so willful. As the patriarch, brother Shouzhe has too many things to deal with."

"It's okay, Brother Shouzhe should go and get busy." Liu Ruolei said innocently, "I can go to play with Sister Luo Yi, Sister Luo Miao, and Luo Qiu Luojing. Let me tell you, Sister Luo Miao It’s so fun, it revealed all the embarrassing things about Brother Shouzhe’s childhood.”

As soon as this statement came out.

Liu Yuanrui trembled all over, almost crying.

Sister, sister, you like Wang's sisters and sisters so much, are you planning to hang on? If something really happens, how will I, Yuan Rui, explain it when I get home

Didn't you say well before you came that you were going to train your future brother-in-law for your sister? Why in the blink of an eye did you get yourself into it

Soon, while Liu Yuanrui was trembling with fear, he had already imagined a big scene of grievances and hatred, and the sisters turned their faces.

How is this good? What should I do

"This, what Yuanrui said is correct." Wang Shouzhe also said, "In recent days, there will be more major events on my side, and I'm afraid it will be really difficult to take care of you."

"All right."

Although Liu Ruolei was somewhat reluctant, she could hear Wang Shouzhe's scornful voice, and said displeasedly, "Brother Shouzhe can go to the Liu family as a guest after finishing his business. It's not convenient for my sister to come and receive you, so I can entertain you for my sister."

"Forget it..." Wang Shouzhe declined politely, "Your sister and I haven't married yet, so I went to the Liu family rashly, I'm afraid it will affect badly."

This is the unspoken etiquette among the Xuanwu family.

Just like Wang Shouzhe's future brother-in-law Chen Fangjie, if he went to Wang's main house all day long, he would probably be kicked out by Wang Shouzhe once or twice.

Therefore, even if Chen Fangjie came to help Wang Shouzhe with affairs, he would not step into the Wang family's main house, lest Wang's people treat him as an irresistible prodigal son.

"Well, after Brother Shouzhe and his sister get married, I won't have so many scruples." Liu Ruolei said with a look of regret, "Brother Shouzhe, the yard where I live recently is reserved for me, and no one else is allowed to live in it." gone."

Wang Shouzhe broke into a cold sweat.

This little aunt really plans to live in the Wang family forever? However, there was no way to refuse her request, so she had to say: "Okay, then I will give orders later."

Liu Yuanrui on the side wanted to shed tears.

Why is it that Liu's daughter-in-law seems to be marrying one and giving one away.

Almost at the same time, in a hidden manor.

Here, the elders and senior officials of the Liu and Zhao clans gathered together. As for the two ancestors, they sat upright in the main seats, each with very ugly expressions on their faces.

This time I went to Wang's to make trouble, originally I was full of confidence. Unexpectedly, the soldiers were lost and the generals were disgraced. What's more, the reputation of Liu and Zhao's two families has been bald by Wang Shouzhe, and the hearts of the people have been lost, and they have been reduced to a laughing stock.

"Brother Zhide." Zhao Bojun, the patriarch of the Zhao family, said with a serious face, "With the methods of that boy surnamed Wang, there will be blows to us one after another. At such a critical moment of life and death, the two clans, you and I, must plan for the present. Abandon suspicion and overcome difficulties together.”

"That's right, that kid is really powerful." Liu Zhide said seriously, "But, he underestimated the background of our two clans. Brother Bojun, your family, Zhao Daoyuan, is probably about to be promoted to the Lingtai Realm?"

Zhao Bojun's face froze, and then he smiled heartily: "I'll just say, this matter must not be hidden from Brother Zhide. But Zhao Shenghao from Brother Zhide's family, good things are coming soon, right?"

Zhao Daoyuan and Liu Shenghao are both clansmen with good talents, and they walked the road of Lingtai.

Not all families will definitely try their best to cultivate the patriarch at any time. Sometimes for the sake of long-term interests, some direct veins with good qualifications are preferred.

Just like the Wang family, they also worked hard to train Wang Xiaohan.

"Okay, then let's open the skylight and speak clearly." Liu Zhide said, "You and I will spare no expense to buy back those auxiliary materials so that Dao Yuan and Shenghao can hit the Lingtai Realm. We only need one more Lingtai Realm Patriarch , even with Gongsun Shu and Wang Longyan guarding him, he is sure to forcibly kill Wang Shouzhe. When the time comes, the Wang clan will have no king, so what are we afraid of? Let us decide."

After this time, their number one feared target had already been placed on Wang Shouzhe.

"But before that, we have to sign a 100-year common development contract to avoid mutual suspicion."

"It should be so. You and I are in charge of Ping'an Town. Move faster and try to sprint within a month."

after the covenant.

The Liu family and the Zhao family seemed to have lost their voices at all, their flags and drums died down without any movement. As for the Wang family, they are showing off their banners and drums, constantly expanding the scale of the Zhuwei Lake project. The three clans seem to have entered a short period of peace.

However, among them, a dangerous undercurrent is already brewing.

this day.

Dingpu Ferry is not far away.

There is a small manor with an elegant environment, named "Summer Garden" because the large pond is full of lotus.

This season is the time when the lotus is in full bloom. In the pond of no less than 200 mu, there are scenes of various lotus blooming everywhere.

A winding plank road leads to the center of the pond, and there is a bamboo and wooden house with a log and high structure - "Tinghexuan".

Beautiful scenery on this beautiful day.

Living in Tinghexuan, with the night breeze blowing, looking at the bright moonlight, admiring the enchanting lotus flowers, and hearing the endless croaking of frogs, it is very elegant.

It's a pity that Hexuan is only suitable for living at this time of the year.

This other courtyard, which cost the Liu family a lot of money and energy, was originally intended to please a noble daughter of the Lei family, a family of heaven and man.

It's just that at present, it is now under the name of "Goddess" Zhong Luoxian.

Tonight, the moon is bright and the wind is high.

Two aristocratic young men in brocade robes with cloud patterns were sitting cross-legged on the second floor of Hexuan, drinking the high-quality spiritual tea - "Red Lady", chatting casually about some anecdotes.

On the other hand, a beautiful and elegant woman served the two noble gentlemen, and her eyes fell on one of the younger and handsome young masters from time to time.

"Brother Chen, have you been bored lately?" The young man dressed in brocade patterns is the current head of the Wang family, Wang Shouzhe. He was a little impatient in his words, "If you have nothing to do, run to me safely, and the influence will not be good."

Wang Shouzhe was also a little drunk, this is the sister-in-law who just sent away and refused to leave. It hasn't been quiet for two days, and this future brother-in-law is harassing again. Life is not peaceful.

"It's not very free." The other one was naturally Chen Fangjie, the young patriarch of the Chen Clan in Donggang. He said with a cheeky smile, "It's the big drama that you, Shouzhe, have been planning for a long time. I have also participated in one of the villains. I always feel a little regretful if I don't come to finish it."

"I heard that, Shou Zhe, you shined brilliantly in Wang's main residence, and you beat Liu and Zhao's families to the brink of death, and left in a state of embarrassment," Chen Fangjie said, "I have already missed one big show, and I don't want to miss the second one. I don't know much about it." I understand, Shou Zhe, why don't you want me to participate in the end scene? Don't worry, I'm just here to watch the excitement, and I don't want any benefits."

Wang Shouzhe was speechless, the future brother-in-law has a thick skin and insists on making fun of it, so it's not easy to drive him away, right? That's all, if you want to like the feeling of "envy, jealousy and hatred", I will help you.

Wang Mei who was serving at the side, no, it was "Zhong Luoxian", covered her mouth and smiled softly, and said softly, "Patriarch, before the main show starts, do you want me to give you two some foreplay to cheer you up? "


"Ahem~" Wang Shouzhe, who was drinking tea, was almost choked to death by coughing.

"Zhong Luoxian" and Chen Fangjie looked at Wang Shouzhe with strange eyes, wasn't it just foreplay? Why

"Ahem~" Wang Shouzhe coughed more violently. Well, he also admitted that his thinking was much "advanced" than these people. From this point of view, brother-in-law and Wang Mei are still very innocent.

Resisting the weird emotions, Wang Shouzhe said seriously: "Wang Mei, what kind of foreplay have you prepared?"

"Patriarch, please ask him to fall into immortality." She seemed angry but not angry, and gave Wang Shouzhe a playful look, and then pulled out a jade flute, "I'm very bored these days, so I learned the skill of playing flute. Long nights of drinking I'm bored, so I let the concubine play a flute with the Patriarch to help the Patriarch enjoy himself."