Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 98: Luo Xian Young Master, please stop


Not waiting for Wang Shouzhe's objection, Chen Fangjie applauded and said: "Okay, the sound of the flute is clear and penetrating without losing the vicissitudes of life, and it is far and deep without losing the boldness. It is very suitable for our artistic conception of drinking tea and listening to lotus."

That's all, let's play the flute, and Wang Shouzhe can let her go, after all, he is the kind of flute that is going to be serious.

"Then Luoxian will show his ugliness." Then, "Zhong Luoxian" with beautiful eyes like water, raised his jade flute, his vermilion lips parted lightly, and his jade fingers flipped and began to play.

The action is very beautiful.


There is no more then.

The flute player, even a layman like Wang Shouzhe, felt flustered when he heard it, and wished he could jump into the lotus pond from the second floor.

As for Chen Fangjie, his eyes were tightly closed, his face was stiff, and he was on the verge of falling. If he didn't have good self-restraint skills, he might have lost his temper on the spot.

Showing ugliness... It really is showing ugliness.

After finishing the song, Wang Shouzhe calmed down the excitement in his heart by drinking a few sips of spiritual tea "Red Lady". He couldn't help asking curiously, "Luoxian, how courageous and confident do you have to play the flute in front of me?"

"Yeah? Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhao, both praise the concubine's body." "Zhong Luoxian" said inexplicably, "Could it be that the concubine has some shortcomings?"

Are there any shortcomings

Luoxian, you are too modest, you are useless.

Wang Shouzhe resisted the urge to splash her face with the red lady. Liu Yongzhou and Zhao Dingteng, it is true that beauty is in the eyes of the blind.

"This... Luoxian, blowing the flute, pays attention to the four elements of air, fingers, lips, and tongue. In simple terms, it is to control the gentle movement of the breath, the fluttering of the jade fingers, the movement of the lips, and the tip of the tongue. The agility." Chen Fangjie also turned pale, and then pointed out to her in a serious manner, "Every element needs to be practiced repeatedly, it doesn't take a day, it needs to be practiced for a long time,"

Wang Shouzhe's cheeks twitched, although he knew very well that Chen Fangjie was talking about the key to blowing the flute. But why he couldn't control the urge to kick him into the lotus pond.

Fortunately, at the same time.

In front of the plank road in the distance, a young man's voice sounded: "Is Miss Luoxian there? Yongzhou came to see me as promised."

This man was about twenty years old, and he looked quite energetic, but he was only wearing plain clothes. His eyes were slightly red, which could not conceal the sadness. This person is none other than Liu Yongzhou, an elite of the younger generation of Ping An Liu Clan.

Listen to Hexuan on the second floor.

Chen Fangjie drank spiritual tea and said to Hong Niangzi: "I heard that this Liu Yongzhou can be considered a famous person? He has good ability and talent, but unfortunately he is not the son of the family. It is difficult to walk the road of Lingtai in this life. Shouzhe, his father just died? Let's go Isn't it good to bully people like this?"

"Brother Chen is a hero, but I, Wang Shouzhe, am not a villain." After adding tea, Wang Shouzhe said unhurriedly. Yongzhou is not a good person? When his fishing boat team is working on the river? What if they meet some suitable targets

"You mean... water bandits?" Chen Fangjie's expression suddenly became dignified and resentful.

"It's not that he's insane, it's just that he got involved in a family like the Liu family who started out as traitors." Wang Shouzhe said indifferently. An insatiable desire to plunder resources? It’s a matter of time before it goes that way.”

"It's just that they did it very covertly. They didn't leave any survivors or ships afterwards, so they could be discovered. After all, the Anjiang River is winding for thousands of miles, and there are countless risks in it. It is not uncommon for ships to have accidents. My sixth uncle Dinghai also discovered it by accident. It was only after the other party had some clues that it was investigated. And according to follow-up investigations, Liu Yongzhou's evil deeds are not limited to water bandits, but most of them are doing things for the head of the family, Liu Shengye."

"Such a villain, death is not a pity." Chen Fangjie said bitterly, "And the entire Liu family has been rotten from the beginning to the end. Shou Zhe, Brother Yu will fully support you in eliminating the Liu family. It is a righteous act for the heavens."

"Thank you, Brother Chen." Wang Shouzhe toasted with tea instead of wine.

"You two young masters, please drink tea and rest here." 'Zhong Luoxian' smiled, "I am going to do justice for the sky, and I will be back later."

Under Wang Mei's instruction, the maid led Liu Yongzhou to the gazebo beside "Ting He Xuan". From the angle of Wang Shouzhe and the two of them drinking tea, they could see the scene inside the pavilion from a condescending height through the tulle curtains.

Zhong Luoxian waited in advance, and his demeanor was dignified and generous, which made him look like a daughter of a noble family.

Liu Yongzhou walked into the gazebo, imitating the gentle and elegant salute of a nobleman, and said: "Yongzhou has met Miss Luoxian." There was sadness and hostility in his brows that could not dissipate.

"Mr. Liu..." Zhong Luoxian sighed deeply, "The deceased is dead, and I hope to mourn. Sit down and talk first."

After all, I will make tea for myself.

"Thank you, Miss Luoxian." For the first time drinking the tea made by Zhong Luoxian, Liu Yongzhou was overwhelmed by flattery and fear, "I don't know that Miss Luoxian's invitation..."

With such a beautiful day and beautiful night, Luoxian invited him to come, could it be... At what time, Liu Yongzhou's grief over the loss of his father has dissipated a lot.

"Young Master is invited here to say goodbye to Young Master." Zhong Luoxian's tone showed a trace of alienation and indifference.

"Ah?" Liu Yongzhou almost dropped his teacup, and said in panic, "Luoxian is leaving! Why is this? Could it be that Yongzhou's hospitality is not good? Or..." His heart tightened, thinking of the arrogant and domineering Brother son.

"Mr. Liu's hospitality is naturally excellent. Thank you, Luoxian, for the spirit tea red lady you sent. The tea is not bad." The sense of alienation in Zhong Luoxian's tone became more and more intense, "Wait until Luoxian returns After the family, they will send people to repay it twice."

"This, this, this..." Liu Yongzhou panicked, stood up hastily and said, "Luoxian, did Yongzhou do something wrong? You can point it out, and I will definitely change it."

"No, it's Luoxian who's wrong, not Mr. Liu." Pain and disappointment flashed across Zhong Luoxian's eyes, "At first I thought Mr. Liu was... that's all, I can only blame Luoxian for being too simple."

Liu Yongzhou suddenly felt chills all over his body, as if he remembered something, he hurriedly distinguished: "Luoxian misunderstood, my father was framed by that Wang family. That hateful Wang Ding family, Wang Shouzhe! I, Liu Yongzhou, will never let them go. "There was a deep hatred in his eyes.

"Liu Yongzhou, you disappoint me so much." Zhong Luoxian's words were a little fierce, as if he couldn't calm down, "I thought you were an indomitable man who could be relied on, but I didn't expect you to be a person who doesn't know right from wrong, black from black You fool. You go, I don't want to see you again." When she was excited, she covered her chest and frowned as if in some pain.

"Luoxian, I, I..." Liu Yongzhou panicked and begged, "It doesn't matter if you want to be beaten or scolded, don't get mad at yourself. Or, tell me what I did wrong, and I will correct it. I really changed."

"Mr. Liu, I can tolerate my... low birth, as long as he is kind-hearted and has a heart of self-improvement." Zhong Luoxian sighed, "Forget it, your Liu family naturally has the Liu family's way of survival, and I have no right to do it." put one's oar in."

Shiver! Coolness! Liu Yongzhou understood that it was Liu's notoriety that reached Zhong Luoxian's ears, and she despised it.

Indeed, she is a dignified daughter of a family of heaven and earth, and she has put in the best effort to associate with him regardless of her family status, but now Liu's reputation is notorious, and her situation is even worse.

How could she continue to associate with him regardless of resistance

"Miss Luoxian, listen to me." Liu Yongzhou hurriedly said, "Now our Liu family's downfall is only temporarily dormant, and we are planning a counterattack. After the Wang family is cleaned up, our Liu family will become the real master of Ping'an Town. And I , will also walk the road of Lingtai, and strive to be worthy of you."

"Liu Yongzhou, you still don't understand." Zhong Luoxian was extremely disappointed, "If I am greedy for the power of my husband's family, how many families of heaven and earth are waiting for me to choose. Is a cultivator in the Lingtai realm really amazing?"

"I never despise your family being poor. But now I despise your family being dirty and despicable. For a little profit, you can do any shameless thing. Do you think I can accept it, or the Zhong family?" Zhong Luoxian's eyes were shocked and disgusted, "Don't pour dirty water on other people's heads, you know what your family is like."


If Liu Yongzhou was struck by lightning, he finally understood the reason. After a long time, he said helplessly, "Luoxian, you are right, I am not good enough for you. It's just that I can't choose which family I come from. If there is a choice, I want to..."

Zhong Luoxian's eyes gradually softened: "I know, you are a good person at heart. Yongzhou, can you leave that vortex?"

"Leave?" Liu Yongzhou was startled, then overjoyed, "Luoxian means... Yes, I can marry."

But just after he was pleasantly surprised, he fell into sorrow again: "But if I marry, the family status must not be high, and even the Zhong family may not necessarily support me on the road to Lingtai."

Zhong Luoxian's pretty face was already slightly red, and there was a touch of tenderness in her eyes: "Didn't you say last time that your Liu family is going to support you on the road to Lingtai? If you can get support..."

"Luoxian, you are right." Liu Yongzhou nodded again and again, "I have made so many contributions to the Liu family, and now I ask him for some compensation, the Patriarch will definitely not refuse."

"Liu Lang, you have to be careful of Liu Shengye, he is as cunning as a fox, he is not a kind person."

With a cry of Liu Lang, Liu Yongzhou's heart ached.

"It's okay, he promised me. Okay, okay, Luoxian, don't worry, I will be more careful, and try first."

"You have to be careful in everything, I'm afraid that Liu Shengye..." Zhong Luoxian bit his lips and said, "Well, for our future, I'll give you an idea."

"Luoxian's plan is very clever, just wait, there will be news in a few days."

Afterwards, Liu Yongzhou left Xia Yuan with a burning heart. Since dating Luoxian, this is the first time that they have really entered the stage of talking about marriage. What about the son-in-law? The daughter-in-law and son-in-law of a family of heaven and man, the future is not bad, and Luoxian is...

Listen to Hexuan on the second floor.

Chen Fangjie was shocked by Zhong Luoxian's improvement in acting at first, but after hearing it, he could tell something was wrong.

After the people left, Chen Fangjie took a sip of tea, still unable to hide his shocked expression: "Shou Zhe, you are going against the heavens. What are you going to do to Mrs. Liu? Could it be... Tianling Pill?"

With his wisdom, if he deduces from the perspective of God, he still can't hide it from him.

However, Wang Shouzhe drank his tea leisurely and said, "Mr. Liu murdered my ancestor Wang and stole my ancestor's foundation. I just collect some interest first, so there's no need to make a fuss. Is it possible that I can still watch them enjoy the heaven and earth?" Panacea, and then come to deal with our Wang family? Even if I don't get it, I will destroy it."

"Great, amazing." Chen Fangjie said with a look of envy and hatred, "I'm so jealous."

Hehe, I told you not to suffer, but Wang Shouzhe ignored him. He came here only to give Wang Mei ideas, write scripts, and escort her.

An hour passed.

On the plank road outside Hexuan, another young man's voice came: "Dingtian came as promised to meet Miss Luoxian."

This man is none other than Zhao Dingtian, a disciple of the Zhao Clan's elite clan.

"Master Zhao, Miss Luoxian is here to invite you." A maid led Zhao Dingtian to the gazebo.