Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1268: Gossip


'He, that two-legged beast named Zhou is really guarding it tightly. No one can get in. The orange cat lay on Su Tang's shoulder and communicated with her what he had just found out.

'What happened to the baby in her belly? When Su Tang heard that Orange Cat said that Zhou was on guard, he smiled disdainfully and used the excuse that his young father-in-law was not on good terms with her, so he behaved like this.

Duke Pei died in the prime of life. It was so artificial and self-protection. Why not deliberately lead others to think that Pei Xuan disrespected and did not accept her, and even made people who supported Duke Pei think that there was something wrong with Pei Xuan.

Su Tang wrote a lot of rhythmic essays on the Internet in her previous life, such secretly poking and affecting people's hearts. It's obvious at a glance what her thoughts are.

Moreover, Pei Xuan obviously knew what Zhou was thinking, but after all, he was Pei Guogong's son, so he always had to restrain himself when doing things, and he couldn't completely ignore the child in Zhou's belly.

But Su Tang was thinking about something else. The current situation was like this. Even Duke Pei was boldly and recklessly killed in this way, and the method was straightforward and did not even cover it up. This shows that these people are not afraid at all and are very arrogant. .

If there is another heir to Duke Pei's palace, even if it is a girl, Pei Xuan will face greater dangers. Therefore, Su Tang pursed her lips, no wonder she was cruel.

'Five months, it's a boy. "Is the orange cat a mythical beast? You can tell what's going on with Zhou at a glance."

After hearing this, Su Tang couldn't help but frown, "Five months?"

It is May now, and it was winter five months ago. Winter is when the Japanese pirates are at their craziest. Because the weather is cold and the Japanese pirates are short of supplies, they will come out to plunder. The Governor's Mansion is located inside Tongzhou Fucheng, and it is also a short horse ride away from the seaside. A day's journey.

This means that while Duke Pei is busy fighting the Japanese pirates on the front line, he still has time to come back and be gentle with his little wife. Isn't it true that Duke Pei is deeply in love with Princess Mingxi, but after marrying a young girl, he immediately changes his mind

'Yes, it was five months ago. I made a special trip around it. Although Zhou is young, she is ruthless. The servants in the Governor's Mansion are afraid of her because she will beat them to death when she gets angry. Yes, Duke Pei didn't come back often after marrying her, so she naturally became the king. '

The orange cat sighed a little when he talked about it. The two-legged beasts are more thoughtful than the four-legged beasts. They will not harm the same kind for no reason. They only attack in order to survive. Who would have thought of the two-legged beasts? , casually harming the same kind.

'Human beings are the most terrifying creatures, but they will never admit it. She is so unbridled and oppressive. The servants in the house must have complained a lot in their hearts. What did you find out? '

Su Tang also knew what the orange cat was thinking, so he said something, and then continued to ask it, "Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. The Zhou family is so arrogant and domineering, and the servants dare not speak out. If you don't speak, it doesn't mean there is no such thing." There must be a lot of thoughts in my heart.

They have thoughts in their hearts, and Orange Cat can read them. Su Tang also wants to see what secrets are hidden behind the incident of Duke Pei.

Sure enough, when Su Tang asked this, Orange Cat's gossipy ears stood up with excitement. "This Governor's Mansion is really lively. The main servants are very sad about the death of Pei Guogong, and they all think that he is a very good master." '

(End of chapter)