Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1326: Awkward Su Tang


Su Tang is a very rational person. She sees everything as logic and reason. Even her understanding of herself is very calm and rational. So when she found that she actually felt sorry for Pei Xuan, she stopped and thought about what to do next. How to do.

So Pei Xuan once again asked, somewhat tentatively, if she could support him for the rest of his life, and Su Tang's answer was that she needed to think about it.

In the past long time, Pei Xuan had been tempted by words like this more than once, but every time Su Tang ignored it and never responded. But this time she found that everything was different and she would not avoid it. The problem arose. Of course not to avoid it, but to face it and solve it.

Su Tang is very calm, but she hasn't thought it through yet. This is true. Pei Xuan is only eighteen years old this year, and her own mental age is already thirty. It is difficult for her to understand. This kind of heartache is pity for such an outstanding young man to suffer such pain, whether it is for his younger brother or for someone else.

So she still didn't give Pei Xuan a clear answer. When Orange Cat talked about it, she also chose to put it down temporarily. As a result, Orange Cat said that she was cowardly. She didn't think it was cowardly. She was just treating herself and Pei Xuan. Xuan is just responsible.

It would be irresponsible to make decisions easily without careful consideration of important matters that determine life. No matter what, Pei Xuan still has to observe filial piety and is not in a hurry. She is relatively insensitive to feelings because of her previous life experience, so she must It also takes more time to think it through.

Su Tang is such a person who is completely calm and rational about herself. When she talks about thinking, she really means analyzing and thinking without adding water.

However, the orange cat felt what his master, the dark lolita, was thinking, and couldn't help but roll his eyes hard, "Master, have you ever heard a saying, when a woman loves a man, love is already in your heart?"

Isn't this an obvious thing? Why does the owner have to go through so much trouble to analyze and think about it? Isn't that the same thing as liking and loving

Just after it finished speaking, Su Tang hit it on the head, "Can you listen to such pretentious words on the modern Internet?"

"Master, love is so hypocritical. Master, come on, I support you!" The orange cat put two paws on his head and looked at Su Tang.

Su Tang looked at its big fleshy face and couldn't help but smile, "Whatever you want to do, it doesn't matter. You won't miss it because of fate. If you don't force it, it will collapse."

Su Tang is actually more confused because she doesn't know whether she has the ability to love someone. In her previous life, she even suspected that she was completely indifferent to the world and didn't have much emotion.

In fact, she has very few mood swings now. Even when faced with Su Yonggui's family looking for trouble, she remains calm, or at least calm, but in fact she feels that she is just indifferent.

If you are not sure of your own feelings, not sure that your feeling of distress is like you or even love, but you respond easily to Pei Xuan, it will hurt such a young man even more, and Su Tang doesn't want to do this.

Fortunately, her body was still young, and Pei Xuan had just experienced the pain of losing her father, so there was still a lot of time left for her. She believed that she could still think of the answer.

"Awkward!" The orange cat complained after hearing Su Tang's words.

She also always said that Pei Xuan's two-legged beast was awkward, but she herself was even more awkward. After Pei Xuan understood her own thoughts, she never changed her mind, and its owner was still here analyzing and analyzing. What was there to think about? If you like it, just fall in love. Isn't love a simple thing

(End of chapter)