Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1328: Appalling


The reason why Ms. Zhou has always been so sure is because she knows that she has no evidence that can kill her. But now it is suddenly said that there are letters between her and Sun Hong, which can only be forged.

On the other hand, Mrs. Hu saw that Zhou was still here refusing to admit it, and she couldn't help laughing, "You are about to die and you still don't admit it. This is clearly your handwriting, and you are still quibbling."

Mrs. Hu and Mrs. Zhou had known each other before, had contact with each other, and had seen Mr. Zhou's handwriting. Moreover, these letters were placed together with Mr. Zhou's dowry in a secret compartment under the bed. Even if she hadn't put them there herself. Yes, he is definitely the servant next to her. Is that any different from her

When the other women heard Mrs. Hu say this, they looked at Mr. Zhou with a bit of certainty, as if they had been convicted.

Mrs. Zhou was so angry when she saw Mrs. Hu talking about herself like this, "You are talking nonsense. I don't know if I have written it myself. There were only land deeds and house deeds in the secret room before. There were no letters like these at all."

After Ana Shen read the letter, he glanced at Pei Xuan next to him, and handed the letter to Pei Xuan, "Your Majesty, please read it."

Pei Xuan also lowered his head and looked at it. The content of the letter was exactly what Mrs. Hu said, with many lingering words of love. In addition, it also contained Mrs. Hu and Sun Hong's plan to get rid of Pei Guogong and Pei Xuan, and then they If the child inherits Duke Pei's palace, Sun Hong will also be reused and has a bright future.

Although Su Tang had told him before that he would only need to bring people to investigate and report to the prefect, all the truth would definitely be revealed, but when Pei Xuan saw the content of the letter, he still became angry and breathless. His hands almost tore the letter into pieces. "It's really you, poisonous woman!"

Pei Xuan wanted to stab Zhou to death again. Although Pei Xuan knew in her heart that the letter was probably faked by Su Tang, the truth was this. Thinking that her father was actually killed by such a poisonous woman, she thought too much. Calm down, you can't help it after all.

Zhou had no idea what the content of the letter was. When she saw that Pei Xuan wanted to kill her after reading it, she was so frightened that she rolled around on the ground and said, "Help!"

Fortunately, Shen Yan was right next to Pei Xuan. When he saw his actions, he immediately grabbed his arm.

"Since the Crown Prince has entrusted me to deal with it impartially, please don't be impulsive. The content of the letter is so horrifying, and Mrs. Zhou is the wife of Pei Guogong, whom His Majesty has granted marriage to. It is better to be cautious and confirm the authenticity of the letter before making a decision. If Proving that the truth is the case, the Zhou family plotted to kill Duke Pei first, and planned to kill the prince later, the evidence is conclusive. According to the national law, he must be punished, and I will never let Duke Pei die in vain!"

"If I had written this, I would have been struck by lightning and would not have had a good death. After my death, I would have been put in a frying pan and had my tongue pulled out. I was framed. You have also seen it. He still wanted to kill me. It was him and the good princess. Those who joined forces to plot against me have been wrongly accused.”

Seeing Shen Yan stop Pei Xuan, Zhou gained the strength to continue to defend herself.

When Ana Shen saw her saying this, she glanced at her, "Then Madam should also be willing to let the government officials check the authenticity of these letters, right?"

They found a total of five letters, and each letter could be seen as the content of the conspiracy between Zhou and Sun Hong. It even included how they allowed Duke Pei to die on the battlefield naturally, so Shen Yan only read it after reading it. I would say that the things in this letter are really shocking, and I cannot tell the truth right away, but I need to verify it carefully.

(End of chapter)