Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1337: I'm so perfect


These words were really hurtful. Ms. Zhou was so angry that she almost lost her temper. "You are not just talking to yourselves. You have already done all the work to find a man. Now, in order to protect a man, it doesn't matter if you lie and say you are engaged." ?”

Zhou still didn't believe that Su Tang was engaged. How could it be possible? Didn't this little peasant girl cause so many embarrassing things just to marry into Duke Pei's house? How could she be engaged to another man

Su Tang raised her eyebrows. She really didn't want to give up until she saw Huang He. She said directly, "You are really tough-talking. Can you talk nonsense about a woman's engagement?"

After speaking, Su Tang took the marriage document signed by Luo Xingchen to Shen Yan, asked him to check it, and then continued.

"Master Shen, come and confirm, because this person in this county is smart, beautiful and capable, and looks perfect no matter how you look at it, so God is fair. If he thinks a person is too perfect, he will take away some of the benefits.

There is one thing wrong with such a perfect person in this county. He has a tough life and can overcome his parents and relatives.

Hey, so there happened to be a very outstanding young man who fell in love with me at first sight, life and death, three lives and three lives, and I was deeply in love. Seeing how infatuated she was, I agreed to let her come to my door to be my live-in husband. Isn't that just waiting? Do you think I will agree to get married in a few years? "

Su Tang was quite rude for cheating on his best friend. After saying this, Pei Xuan's expression twitched a little when she knew who Su Tang was betrothed to.

Luo Xingchen, who was far away in Qingzhuo County, sneezed hard and touched his nose, "Did that guy Tang scold me again?"

Luo Xingchen didn't know that although she didn't have the truth, it was not far away.

Ana Shen really had nothing to say about Su Tang's boasting. Ever since he met this good princess, he felt that his brain was a bit unable to keep up and it was not enough.

This is for those who are not familiar with Su Tang. Those who have had more contact with her and been deceived by her will know that Su Tang is best at cheating. Don't listen to her talk too much, or you will be fooled by her accidentally. Go, forget your own logic and thoughts, but Su Tang himself has a clear mind and will not waver at all.

At this moment, Su Tang was talking nonsense, making everyone dizzy. Even Zhou forgot that she could actually be looking for another way to bite Su Tang, and could only continue in this direction.

But Ana Shen checked the document Su Tang gave her and immediately recognized that the document was genuine. It clearly stated that Su Tang had already had a son-in-law, so Zhou said that now Su Tang wanted to marry Pei Xuan, so it would not be smooth for him to join forces with Pei Xuan to frame her and pave the way for him to marry Pei Xuan.

"This is indeed a marriage document. The princess has been engaged and cannot marry again. Madam Zhou, do you have anything else to say?"

Not only does the logic make no sense, it is even more impossible for Su Tang, a twelve-year-old girl, to enter Zhou's room unnoticed and bring a grown man with her. Shen Yan now feels that the good princess has a venomous tongue. , but his experience was indeed a waste of time.

"If you have to tell me whether this is true or not, she said I came in by myself and brought a man with me.

Where did I come in? Are there any footprints? How did I bring the man in? Are there any witnesses

If there is no evidence, you can testify at will. I also said that Mrs. Hu came to my room yesterday and gave me money to let her do the funeral. "

When Su Tang said this, she glanced at Mrs. Hu. When Mrs. Hu heard what she said, her face turned red with anger, "Nonsense!"

(End of chapter)