Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1348: Lie to Meow Meow


"I'm here to ask questions. If there are details, let the housekeeper handle them first according to the rules. Nian'er, you have already memorized it. Then tell me when I wake up. If it's a big deal, wait until I wake up."

After Su Tang and Pei Xuan separated, they returned to the guest house. Seeing that there were still people in the yard who came to talk to her, Su Tang directly told Jiang Nian and Su Lan.

She really didn't get much rest last night. Although she had space and her mental and physical strength were good, sleep couldn't be replaced. She still wanted to sleep for a while. Anyway, it was weeks now. The weather has also cooled down, and nothing serious will happen for the time being.

Su Tang has already laid out the general direction for Duke Pei's funeral, so it would be okay to leave out the small details for the time being.

When Jiang Nian heard Su Tang explain himself in this way, he saluted and agreed, "Yes!"

Su Lan hurried over to tidy up Su Tang's bed so that she could have a good rest. Su Tang continued to tell the two of them, "By the way, at noon you go to the kitchen and make cold noodles. I will ask for one here and give one to Pei Xuan." go."

Seeing that the weather here was very hot, Su Tang thought about eating something refreshing. Thinking that Pei Xuan also wanted to observe filial piety, he could also eat the cold noodles, so he explained it together.

When Jiang Nian and Su Lan heard her order, they naturally agreed. They had been serving Su Tang for a long time, and they knew that when the weather was hot, Su Tang would eat such cool meals, so they explained like this now Not surprising either.

After Su Tang finished her explanation, she entered the bedroom, closed the door from the inside, and after confirming that no one came in, entered the space directly.

As soon as he came in, he saw a big-faced cat staring at him with a pair of big blue eyes.

"I'll make two portions of cold noodles, one for you!" Seeing the orange cat like this, Su Tang blinked and said.

"Do you want to bribe me with just a serving of cold noodles?" The orange cat said that as a mythical beast, it is not so easy to be bribed.

When had my owner cared so much about what other people ate, except for his own brother? The orange cat continued to stare at Su Tang with his big eyes. The owner was lying, too much!

He also said that he didn't understand it, but he was obviously very nice to others.

Su Tang looked at the orange cat, why did it smell sour for no reason

"What two portions?" Su Tang asked Orange Cat with a smile.

The orange cat jumped on Su Tang and said, "Master is lying!"

"That's wrong. Where did this person come from? How could I lie to him if there is no one else?" Su Tang rubbed its big head.

But when Su Tang said this, the orange cat bared its teeth at Su Tang, and Su Tang laughed when he saw it, "I said Si'er, when I despised him, you said the beautiful two-legged beast is good" It's miserable. You keep saying that he is sincere. I am treating him better now, but you are still sour. Si'er, tell yourself, what do you really want?"

"Master, have you really thought about it?" The orange cat twitched his ears when he heard Su Tang complaining about him.

Su Tang heard it asking herself and pinched its ears, "Of course not, I'm just concerned about it."

"Liar!" Orange Cat said, he didn't believe it.

Su Tang smiled and blinked this time, "You lied to a certain little meow, haha, aren't you tired? Stop gossiping and go get some sleep!"

After saying that, he took the orange cat directly to the second floor of the cabin. Regardless of its attitude, he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

The orange cat wanted to say something else, but he fell asleep soon after seeing her lying down. In the end, he could only move his beard and "Bully!"

With a complaint, he lay down next to Su Tang's pillow and closed his eyes to sleep. Su Tang touched an orange cat behind him while he was sleeping. The corners of his mouth turned up and the space slowly darkened. It's been a tiring day. Let's rest!

(End of chapter)