Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1349: Reputation flipped


Su Tang slept until almost noon before getting up. There were always servants coming to ask questions. The housekeeper Lao Zhang took care of some of them by himself. There were also some that he couldn't make his own decisions. Those who were not in a hurry were asked to keep them and wait for Su Tang. Sugar wake up processing.

After Su Tang woke up, she read what Jiang Nian had recorded and how the housekeeper handled it during this period. Most of them had no problems. Some of them were rearranged if they felt inappropriate.

At noon, I had cold noodles to cool down. In the afternoon, I continued to arrange things in the Governor's Mansion, and then entertained the female family members who came to express their condolences.

Some of the guests who came today were well-informed and already knew that something had happened to Mrs. Pei Guogong. After Shen Yan investigated at the Governor's Mansion, he took Zhou, the relevant servants and Sun Hong away to the Yamen. This commotion was really quite big. Naturally, someone with a heart saw it, and the news spread.

Knowing that there was a funeral for Duke Pei in the Governor's Mansion, something happened to Duke Pei's wife. Many guests were worried that the funeral would be chaotic. However, when they came to express their condolences, they found that everything was in order and in order.

Some people who had visited the Governor's Mansion before even felt that it was more well-behaved and clean than when Zhou was the housekeeper.

This is also the first time that Su Tang, a good princess, has appeared in the circle of these official female relatives. What everyone has known before has always been those legends about peasant girls of low origin and vulgarity who would not hesitate to marry into a high family. Fame, the unclear relationship with Pei Xuan, etc.

A idiot with looks but no substance, a princess who was almost beaten to death by Pei Xuan because of his madness, and was granted the title of princess by the emperor in order to protect his nephew's reputation.

All these legends or prejudices turned out to be completely different concepts after they actually met Su Tang. The legendary vulgar little peasant girl and good princess was not only really elegant and good-looking, but also well-mannered and a child of a big family. Generally speaking, although it lacks the coquettishness of a daughter's family, it has more of the elegance and freedom of a young man from a big family.

It completely overturned everyone's previous understanding, and they also found out that the good princess had already been engaged, and she was not engaged to the young master Pei Xuan. The two of them were now only senior brothers and junior sisters, and it was Pei Xuan who took the initiative to get along. Princess, please be careful.

In just one day, these legends were spread everywhere among the official female relatives in Tongzhou Mansion. The Zhou family was also taken away. The Governor's Mansion also became peaceful. Orange Mao was free to listen to gossip everywhere. , told Su Tang all this.

It made Su Tang feel funny, so people, no matter what their status is, they can't escape what others say. It's the same in all eras. If you set the rhythm, everything will be different. This is because Su Tang didn't intentionally set the pace. Her reputation as a good princess has taken a turn for the worse. If she had been careful, she doesn't know what she would have become.

It can only be said that no matter what time and space it is, human nature is the same.

To Su Tang, these outside voices were just noises. She didn't care whether the outside world viewed her favorably or negatively.

Just like this, the day passed. The next morning, when Su Tang woke up, a servant came in and reported, "Princess, the young master is here!"

Su Tang was washing up when she heard the servant say that Pei Xuan was here. She felt a little clear in her heart, so she asked Pei Xuan to come in, "You came to my place specifically to have breakfast, right?"

Pei Xuan heard Su Tang ask herself this when she entered the door. He looked up and saw the girl had changed into a tooth-colored chest-length undershirt. Her figure was even more slender, like a scorching white pool, and she was quiet and elegant.

(End of chapter)