Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1353: It's about to fall


Pei Xuan also wanted to be with Su Tang forever. As long as he was sure that he could keep her by his side and protect her completely, even if he risked his life to protect her, he would not say anything to let her leave.

His father had left him. How he wished he could see her by his side when he was very tired, and hear her say that she was still there, as if he suddenly had the power to fight the world.

But he had no choice. He could risk it all, but he wouldn't let her be in any danger or get even a little bit hurt. He had sworn to always protect her. He couldn't be selfish and only care about himself. She had to protect her well. Must do it well.

"Is it difficult?" Su Tang sighed and asked when he saw the young man's eyes were bloodshot, his face was tired, and he was so anxious to explain to himself.

This sentence made Pei Xuan feel even more sore in her eyes, but she still shook her head, "It's okay, I'm okay."

It was his battlefield, and no matter how difficult it was, he couldn't retreat, he could only keep going.

His father has told him since he was a child that he should be a man upholding the sky and the earth. Now he has to hold up the sky and protect the land and the people. His father has left, but he will inherit his father's legacy and his father's spirit will continue to be passed on. , will not be lost.

Seeing the young man who was so stressed that he was almost out of breath, but still stubbornly said that he could do it, the place that had always been like solid ice in Su Tang's heart seemed to have collapsed.

He had obviously said before that it was a battlefield for the two young men. He had obviously arranged everything and was ready to leave the disputes, but when he saw Pei Xuan like this, his heart ached uncontrollably.

Who still remembers that the young man in front of him was once a proud and flamboyant young master in the capital? He was the arrogant little senior brother who jumped in anger when Su Tang teased him, but would obediently guard the door to protect his junior sister. He was the kid who would be overjoyed just by calling him "senior brother" for Su Tang.

He was once such a crystal-clear and beautiful soul, how cruelly time and reality turned him into a person who shouldered the responsibility of his family, country and world with immature and broad shoulders.

It was obviously Su Tang who taught him to use a mask to protect his true self, but in the end, that crystal clear boy disappeared.

That young man became Duke Pei, and maybe one day in the future, he would become another one, the God of War worshiped by every citizen of Qihuang Kingdom, with a distinguished family and spiritual heritage. It turned out to be so.

Pei Xuan seemed to be aware of the compassion in Su Tang's eyes when she looked at him, or maybe it was the rare warmth and tenderness in those clear eyes that was tinged with her. Pei Xuan looked at Su Tang and said, "Tang Tang!"

As if he was out of control, looking at the young man staring at him pitifully, obviously so tired, obviously so hard, obviously a thousand pounds of weight on his shoulders, but still trying hard to hold on, Su Tang's hand was lifted up by mistake. , lightly touching the boy’s cheek.

When Pei Xuan saw her like this, his body trembled. His big hands covered the back of the girl's white hands, bringing her palms close to his cheeks, "Tangtang!"

Hey, seeing his actions like this, Su Tang sighed in his heart, as if he was about to fail!

Su Tang blinked, but did not take out his hand. He calmed down his breathing and then said, "I bought a big boat..."

Pei Xuan obviously didn't expect Su Tang to say this suddenly. He was stunned for a moment and looked at Su Tang "Huh?"

(End of chapter)