Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1354: I'm very heartless


"A super big ship, a big ship that can go out to sea far away." Su Tang continued after seeing the question marks on the young man's head.

At this time, Pei Xuan finally understood what Su Tang was going to say. He pursed his lips and said, "Well, it's not dangerous!"

Rather than staying in the country, it might be safer to live overseas. Originally, he and his cousin thought that they had a high chance of winning, but this time the person who assassinated the Zhou family was the third prince. This man had always been quiet before, and even The prince also showed his support for the prince's tendency. If not for this time, they had even considered joining forces with the third prince before.

Although the father-in-law of the third prince cannot compare with Pei Guogong's appeal in the military, he is also from a family of military commanders. If Pei Xuan's father was still alive, he would definitely not let this man make any splash, but if it were Pei Xuan, the number of wins and losses would be , but it is impossible to estimate.

This was also the biggest risk and change that Pei Xuan encountered yesterday. It was also the most important reason why Pei Xuan didn't say a word to let her avoid Su Tang for a while after seeing Su Tang, but now she was clearly reluctant and still wanted Su Tang to leave. .

Now when I heard that Su Tang said that he had prepared a big ship and was ready to go to sea, Pei Xuan was not an idiot and understood the arrangement. Su Tang must have been prepared in advance to go to sea and escape danger.

If the situation had been the same as before, Pei Xuan would have definitely complained about the little heartless person in front of her, but now she was a little lucky that with Su Tang's arrangement, he didn't have to worry about her getting involved with him and his cousin.

Then he was worried about whether Su Tang would be in danger when he went to sea like this. If something happened on the sea, he might not even have a chance to ask for help.

"Pei Xuan!" Seeing the young man like this, Su Tang understood that he actually knew what she was thinking, but it was rare for him to speak in a serious tone.

The last time Su Tang spoke to him so seriously was when he was scolded by Luo Xingchen because he was angry with her.

"Yeah!" When Pei Xuan heard Su Tang calling herself this, she subconsciously raised her head and looked at Su Tang.

Then he saw the beauty of the girl in front of him in full bloom, as delicate and beautiful as a painting. Her clear eyes reflected his shadow. "I am a person without many emotions. When I was a child, I was betrayed by too many of my closest people." , hurt, so it’s hard for me to trust others, so things that are easy for most people to have, such as feelings, are not simple at all for me.”

Su Tang said such words, which made Pei Xuan open his eyes in surprise, but Su Tang still looked at him, "I won't deny it. I'm prepared to avoid risks. If you and senior brother don't succeed and any risks arise, I will I won’t just follow you. If there are conditions, I may help you get revenge, but if there are no conditions, I probably won’t do it. I am such a heartless person.”

"No, you are fine, Tangtang, we all know that you are fine!" Even though Su Tang said this about herself, Pei Xuan still shook her head.

If she was really selfish and heartless, how could she have come to the capital to save his life at the risk of her reputation being ruined? If she hadn't come, how could he have survived until today.

It's just because she has been betrayed and hurt too much that she doesn't make trouble and doesn't allow people to get close to her easily.

In fact, she clearly has the hardest shell, but the softest and kindest heart. He understands it all.

(End of chapter)