Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1355: the world is huge


Even though everyone in the world thinks she is cold and selfish, Pei Xuan still remembers the soft hand that helped her up when she was dying in a daze, and the fragrance of her body.

He will never forget it in his life, and he will remember it until his death.

When Su Tang heard what the young man said, she sighed again in her heart. With such trust and focus and enthusiasm, she finally failed.

"Only you think I'm good!" Su Tang said this, and then looked seriously into Pei Xuan's eyes before he could open his mouth.

"Before I come here to see you, let Xingchen stay in Qingzhuo County. I will arrange a merchant ship in advance. If, Pei Xuan, you look into my eyes, if things are really out of control and unmanageable, follow what I have prepared for you. Good route, I’ll wait for you overseas.”

Su Tang has no conscience, she admits it herself, but she has said it before, she worked hard to save Pei Xuan, how could he just die for her so casually, so she made a simple arrangement The back road.

Just like what Su Tang and Luo Xingchen said before, no one can guarantee 100% success, even if it is by chance, it may fail.

After coming here to see Pei Xuan, the two of them had actually been busy with a lot of things. Now that there are rules for Duke Pei's funeral, Su Tang originally wanted to wait until Luo Xingchen and his brother arrived before talking to him about it. , but since the two sat down to talk like this today, Su Tang told Pei Xuan directly.

"I knew you wouldn't leave us alone!" Pei Xuan heard Su Tang say this and said, how can this be called heartless

"But neither you nor Murong Zhao are willing to leave this land!" Looking at Pei Xuan, Su Tang's eyes made him unable to hide.

Su Tang can arrange everything, but Pei Xuan and Murong Zhao may not accept it. Not only is it hard to leave their homeland, but the proud young man must die standing up even if he fails, rather than flee in a hurry.

I don't want to leave and go to a strange overseas country, and I don't want to run away in a panic and join this little girl Su Tang. Self-esteem and pride will lead to this.

Apparently Su Tang hit the point. After she said this, Pei Xuan stopped talking.

"Pei Xuan, life is not just the glory of the Pei family. This land, even without you and Murong Zhao, will be protected by others. But for everyone around you, you are all unique. I I can guarantee that when you come, I will laugh at you less."

Su Tang added that what she was afraid of was that she would really watch two young men lose their young lives in the so-called fight for the throne.

"You and Murong Zhao have lived in the capital since childhood. You also read a lot of books and think you understand the world very well.

But you don’t know that the land we are standing on is round, so we take a boat from here and walk in the same direction. In a year or more, we will return to the same starting point.

You don't know that there is a land far away overseas, which is very fertile, with many fresh plants and animals and different people.

The world is really big, don’t you want to see it

The world is not just about the throne, it is not just about defending the country. If the country needs you and the people need your protection, you have to go up, that's no problem.

But if you are no longer needed, can you remember that you are still just an ordinary person and enjoy the life of the most ordinary person? "

(End of chapter)