Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1356: invitation


"Life is really short, Pei Xuan. I understand your heart. I originally only wanted to see that strange world alone, but if you want, I am willing to see it with you."

This was the first time Su Tang didn't hide anything and told Pei Xuan straightforwardly that she understood what he was thinking. There was actually this layer of paper between the two. Pei Xuan cautiously tested it, while Su Tang continued to pretend. stupid.

This was the case in the capital before, and it was also the case in the subsequent correspondence between the two.

Because she really cares about Su Tang, she is afraid that a little pressure or coercion will make Su Tang feel uncomfortable, so even if she feels aggrieved, even if she suddenly hears that Su Tang and Luo Xingchen are engaged, Pei Xuan can only All the grievances were suppressed.

Because Pei Xuan knew that she was not qualified to question anything, Su Tang had never responded to him even a little bit before, and even avoided him. Sometimes Pei Xuan would suspect that Su Tang knew, and sometimes she would tell herself that Su Tang was still young. He was young, so he hadn't figured it out yet. For a long time in the past, Pei Xuan had been going back and forth with this thought.

But now he was concentrating and approaching cautiously. The little girl who had tried to express his love and concern for her many times before sat upright in front of him and told him in a down-to-earth manner that she was in his heart. knew.

Su Tang looked at Pei Xuan. In fact, it was very inappropriate to say this at this time. Up to now, Su Tang either couldn't believe it, or couldn't convince himself of a reason to be tempted. Besides, Pei Xuan's father had just passed away, so it was really inappropriate to say it. These.

But if she didn't say it, Su Tang would also be worried about whether there would be any accident. She had been indifferent for so many years until now. If something happened to the boy in front of her, she would be insensitive to the world. , will it be then that I suddenly realize that I actually like it, and then will I regret it

No one knows what will happen in the future, and Su Tang doesn't know either, but since she is no longer in the same mood as before, if she tells it, it will allow the young man to remember his concerns and give him a way out, instead of rushing forward with all his strength. , then she should say it.

Everyone's life is unique. Defending one's family and country is of course great. As the saying goes, everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. Whether it is Pei Xuan or Murong Zhao, one hopes to become an excellent emperor. They are determined to inherit the legacy of their ancestors, expand territories, protect the country, and guard the peace of the people.

Of course, such an ideal is good, and there is nothing wrong with trying your best to realize it, but if you don't succeed even if you try your best, and you still get the same result after trying all your efforts, do you have to sacrifice your life for an ideal that has never been realized?

Why not try to change the perspective and restart another life? This is what Su Tang wants to tell Pei Xuan. It's not that they don't support them in pursuing what they want, but they shouldn't go to the extreme just for their ideals and ignore everything. Bar.

They are all still young, so maybe it's a change of scenery and a new stage of life. What's wrong with that

If her simple words now can help the young man in front of him survive even if he encounters a real crisis, Su Tang will think it is meaningful.

After hearing Su Tang's words, Pei Xuan suddenly opened her eyes wide, looked at Su Tang, and then couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Tangtang, are you inviting me?"

(End of chapter)