Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1357: together


"Yes, so, do you accept my invitation?" Su Tang did not deny it.

Su Tang believed that Pei Xuan must have his own beliefs. This belief must be from his father whom he admired most. It was the legends passed down from generation to generation by his ancestors that he had heard since he was sensible. A firm belief in the bones.

But her simple words now have the biggest impact on his faith. Soldiers can die on the battlefield, but they cannot be deserters. Although Su Tang did not let him be a deserter, he did let him retreat after failure. .

Having been familiar with the art of war since childhood, Pei Xuan certainly knew that retreating on the battlefield was also a means. However, in the battle for the throne, if he failed and retreated, he might face the infamy left in the history and a record on the pillar of shame in history.

You can die standing, but you cannot live on your knees. Murong Zhao and Pei Xuan, two young men, have never thought that they will fail. Even if they are actually the most legitimate in name, history books are always written by the victors.

The two of them have never expressed it directly, but they have a tacit understanding that if they really fail, they will never kneel down to survive.

The advice Su Tang gave them now was not to let them live on their knees, but to start a new life, which was not so tragic, but still impacted Pei Xuan's beliefs and concepts.

"Tangtang..." Pei Xuan looked at Su Tang in confusion.

He really liked the little girl in front of him and wanted to be with her, even if it was like that time in the capital, when there were only two people in the yard every day, and there was a servant who helped cook something thing.

Then she would cook a lot of delicious food in different styles every day, and would say that she shouldn't eat some things that were not conducive to wound healing. If he made her angry, she would make something he didn't like, and she would make sure to watch him finish it. , she would deliberately add a lot of coptis to the medicine he took, and she would smile happily when he frowned in pain.

The two would play chess after dinner, and she would win every time, without giving him any face as a senior brother. At that time, he was still thinking that after his injuries were healed, he would compete with her in archery. The girl is very smart, but she is not without her weaknesses. He can definitely win in archery.

When the time comes, he can ask her to agree to his request. In fact, he can compete with calligraphers, but he doesn't dare. Competing with bows and arrows has already bullied her. If he competes with calligraphy, the little girl will definitely beat him to death.

For Pei Xuan, that period of time was the life he wanted most and all he yearned for.

But on that basis, he is still Pei Xuan of Duke Pei's palace, the eldest son of Duke Pei, and the young prince, and she is his wife, the wife of the prince, the wife of the young prince, or many years in the future, she will be Duke Pei lady.

All his imaginations are based on his own identity. Without this identity, Pei Xuan cannot imagine who he is and how he will live.

Su Tang also knew that his words would definitely have an impact on Pei Xuan. Seeing that he didn't know how to answer at this time, he continued.

"You don't have to give me an answer right away.

Pei Xuan, the outside world is really big. There is also vast land in that world, with mountains, rivers and seas, which I have always wanted to see.

The route to leave is right here with me. If you are willing, if you ask for it before I leave at sea, I will know that you have accepted my invitation.

After those three years, whether you succeed or fail, we will be together. "

(End of chapter)