Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1362: Bragging


Seeing Luo Xingchen's hesitant refusal, Su Tang couldn't help but sigh. Such a heavy heart knot was probably more difficult for her. She could adjust it on her own, at least she could face her heartache for Pei Xuan. After that, consider whether you like it and are willing to try it.

She may be insensitive to many emotions and may be slow to detect emotions, but if she detects them, she will not escape them.

But Luo Xingchen was different from her. Su Tang could clearly see that the girl had fallen into it, but she was holding back. She did not lack the sensitivity to perceive emotions, but she lacked the courage to accept it. She would rather just stay the way she is now.

"Xingchen, don't think so much. As long as you think about it, I will help you solve everything." Su Tang said to Luo Xingchen, telling her not to have so many worries, and she would help her.

Su Tang said before that life is neither long nor short. Really, even if you encounter a ghost one day or even become a ghost yourself, you may not have the chance to meet true love. So if you encounter it, don't give up easily, cherish it.

There are definitely more methods than difficulties. Being timid and regressing may be a big regret. If you miss it, you will miss it. Just like herself, she didn't think she liked Pei Xuan before, but she will be moved by the young man's eager focus and love. .

She thought that she had never wavered or been moved, like an old aunt watching the young man express his joy carefully, but in fact, she was insensitive, but she was nourished by Pei Xuan's feelings step by step, bit by bit. .

So when she suddenly saw the young man who had lost his family and was alone and immersed in pain, the feelings that had been shallowly penetrated into her heart suddenly burst out.

Su Tang is a person who doesn't have very big emotional fluctuations, so the turmoil for many people may be a big shake for her.

When she couldn't bear to see the boy face many things alone, and felt distressed because of his lonely back, she knew that everything was different.

So even Su Tang knew that he had not yet fully invested in it, but Su Tang did not avoid it, but expressed it directly, because Su Tang had lived for so many years in his previous life, and he knew very well that he could meet someone who would make his heart beat. How difficult it is for people.

The same is true for Luo Xingchen. Su Tang hopes that she will not ignore her inner demands because of many external problems. No matter what problems she has, they can always be solved.

This should be the first time that Luo Xingchen did not deny Su Tang's speculation about her and Murong Zhao's relationship. After hearing Su Tang's words, Luo Xingchen smiled instead and looked at Su Tang, "Tang, I really admire that you can You are so boastful and boastful."

That is His Highness the Crown Prince, who is less than one person and more than ten thousand people in this country. It is not as simple as Su Tang said.

After Luo Xingchen finished laughing, he said, "I'm fine. I actually think it's pretty good."

After all, she still didn't have the courage to take that step, and Su Tang looked at her like this and sighed in her heart, "Hua Qingyun's identity has been prepared for you anyway. You can change it at any time if you want."

Su Tang did not force her to do anything. Everyone has their own difficulties. As a friend, he would help when he needed help, but he would not force the other party to do anything.

Luo Xingchen nodded, "Thank you, Sugar!"

Then she smiled again, "Why are you talking about me? Let's talk about you. Why are you with Pei Xuan?"

(End of chapter)