Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1399: thank you


He knew that Murong Zhao had made suspicions when he heard Su Tang proposing to marry him. In fact, he had also doubted Luo Xingchen's identity before.

Because every time he sees him, he is like a mouse seeing a cat. He hides when he can and won't let him get close, saying he feels uncomfortable or something like that.

After knowing Xingxing for a long time, he knew that Xingxing was extremely afraid of death, and was always afraid of being beheaded by him. Murong Zhao always thought that he was not a violent person, so why would Xingxing be always afraid of being beheaded, unless he had something to do with him? I knew it would be like this.

But he checked Luo Xingchen's life experience and found nothing strange, so he later took the opportunity to grant him an official title. If Luo Xingchen was really a woman, then he would be so afraid of being beheaded that he would not be willing. He did refuse at first, but in the end he not only agreed, but also chose a messenger who wouldn't have to see him often.

At that time, he no longer doubted it. As much as Xingxing was afraid of death, if he was really a woman, he would never dare to agree to be an official.

As a result, Murong Zhao himself had given up, but now he heard Su Tang tell him this. At this time, what else did he not understand? "You already knew it!"

Now think about it, Su Tang's cousin suddenly appeared more than three years ago, but because she trusted Su Tang, Murong Zhao would not investigate the people around her, and Luo Xingchen was also doing well at that time.

The secret guard even told him before that Xingxing and Hua Qingyun went out to socialize together. He was very upset when he heard that. Anyway, they were just hanging out with Pei Xuan.

If we follow what Su Tang means now, Hua Qingyun and Luo Xingchen have existed at the same time for a long time. This obviously means that they have already planned to change their identities. However, in the past many years, Su Tang and Luo Xingchen have not done anything at all. revealed this.

The two of them also signed the marriage documents and formally engaged in marriage, so these two girls tricked him and Pei Xuan together. Murong Zhao's teeth itched, "What a trick!"

"Well, thank you for the compliment!" After hearing him say that he was cheating, Su Tang thought for a moment and could only answer like this.

After she finished speaking, she saw Murong Zhao staring at her, "Who praised you!"

"That's a pity!" Su Tang said again.

Murong Zhao looked at Pei Xuan, "You take care of your wife!"

"I'm sorry, I can't control it!" Pei Xuan was also stubborn. Is his wife in charge of him? She is in charge of him!

Murong Zhao was convinced, "You can do it. I agree to this marriage. You prepare a dowry for her properly. I will reserve the position of queen for her!"

She was gritting her teeth as she spoke, waiting for someone to marry her back to see how he would deal with her, but she actually dared to trick him for so many years.

Su Tang didn't say anything when she saw him like this, but said to Pei Xuan, "I want to talk to my senior brother alone."

Pei Xuan knew that there were some things involving Hua Qingyun that were not convenient for him to know, so he nodded, "I just saw that the flowers sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs were good. You are going to Beijing to stay at the Princess Mansion this time. I will go I’ll pick out a few pots and send them to you. If you don’t like them, I’ll buy you something else!”

"Okay, I like the ones with bigger flowers. Don't get the ones with small flowers. It's boring." Su Tang nodded.

From the side, Murong Zhao looked at the two people who used him as a favor, and the one who accepted the favor without mercy, "You two are so cruel!"

"I'm leaving!" Pei Xuan ran away quickly when she saw Murong Zhao like this.

Murong Zhao sighed again, I can't have this brother with his elbows turned outward!

(End of chapter)