Purely by Accident

Chapter 7: So ordinary


In front of the cashier, Xi Yue carefully checked the shopping cart for anything she had forgotten to buy.

Milk, eggs, rice, several kinds of vegetables and fruits, and all kinds of condiments needed for cooking.

When I came out of the supermarket, it was already dark. Uncle Zhou took the things in her hand and put them in the car.

The car stopped for another five or six minutes, and Xi Yue looked up at the apartment building outside the car window. It was so close.

After thanking Uncle Zhou, she went in with things in her left hand and luggage in her right hand. But as soon as she entered the hall, she was stupid.

What floor and number does Li Yanqing live on? She only came here once, and didn't pay attention at that time. I forgot to ask Uncle Zhou just now, what should I do now? She didn't have his phone number, not even Uncle Zhou's.

Knowing that Uncle Zhou wanted to send her up just now, she would not refuse, and she wanted to cry without tears.

A young security guard who was standing not far away saw her standing still and felt suspicious, so he came over and said, "Miss, I haven't seen you before, aren't you a resident here? Are you here to look for someone? ?"

Liang Xiyue nodded hurriedly, "Yes, what number does Li Yanqing live in?"

The security guard looked at her suspiciously when he heard the words, "I'm sorry, miss, this is a high-end apartment, and the residents are all people with identities. I have to call and confirm with Mr. Li first. Come with me."

Liang Xiyue followed him into the security room.

He dialed a number and said respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Li, this is the security room. A lady is looking for you, oh, what's your name?"

The security guard looked at her, and before he could speak, she quickly replied, "Liang Xiyue!"

After hanging up the phone, the security guard looked at Xi Yue more curiously, and spoke in a more respectful tone, "Miss Liang, Mr. Li lives on the forty-sixth floor, I'll take you there."

"Then trouble you."

"Mr. Li, this Miss Liang is looking for you."

The security guard asked the man in the door, and it seemed that if Li Yanqing said that he didn't know her, the security guard would immediately drag Liang Xiyue out and behead her.

"Come in." The man said and went in by himself.

Xi Yue said "thank you" to the security guard and went in with her things, secretly complaining that Li Yanqing had no manners, and didn't help her. Being dependent on someone else and being a creditor, she endured it.

Xi Yue was tangled while washing the vegetables, should she go to the study and ask him what he likes to eat or not. But thinking of his icy aura, forget it.

Standing outside the study, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door, "Mr. Li, the food is ready."

He eats gracefully, sits dignifiedly, has a straight back, and at a glance, he can tell that his tutor is very good. The knuckles of the fingers holding the chopsticks are distinct, and the food is put into the mouth and chewed slowly.

Liang Xiyue looked at the dishes on the table again. He only took two pieces of shiitake mushrooms in the rapeseed, and he didn't touch the braised crucian carp. He only ate a little more of the fried asparagus.

"Don't you like these dishes?" Liang Xiyue asked tentatively, "I don't know what you like to eat or not, why don't you write it down for me?"

He put down his chopsticks and left his seat, "No need."

Why does a person who is so powerful look so lonely and lonely

Looking at that tall and straight back, Liang Xiyue couldn't help thinking.

The next morning, the apartment was downstairs.

Liang Xiyue was very embarrassed, "Is it inconvenient for you to send me every day? Your company and my school are two directions."

The man standing in front of her with black eyes narrowed, as if he snorted, turned into the car without saying a word, and said in a cold voice, "Drive, Uncle Zhou."

The black car flew away, leaving Liang Xiyue Petrochemical in place. Uh, isn't this just the legendary self-inflicted suffering

Liang Xiyue was honorably late because she was not familiar with the path.

The professor is already lecturing on the podium. Liang Xiyue stood shamelessly at the door, looking at the crowd of people in the classroom, unable to advance or retreat.

"Come in, don't be late next time." The professor said to her kindly.

But why does this professor look so good-natured

As Liang Xiyue walked back, she looked around to find Qin Youran and the others, but the classroom was full of people who couldn't see it at all. Someone in the back seat beckoned to her, and she ran over without seeing who it was.

"Senior?" She looked at the man in front of her in surprise.

"Sit down first." Jiang Yan said with a smile.

After sitting down, she took out the textbook from her bag and asked curiously, "Senior, are you here to listen to our class?"

The person next to her looked at her and smiled even more happily, "It seems that the schoolgirl came to listen to our class."

Liang Xiyue looked around, there was no one she knew, and the textbooks in front of them were different from hers. Look at the professor on the podium, she really doesn't know her. The two boys sitting next to Jiang Yan looked at her curiously. One of them asked Jiang Yan, "Headmaster, who is this?"

Liang Xiyue really wanted to find a hole to dig in, but there was not even a crack on the ground. She forced a smile from the corner of her mouth, "Hello, senior, I'm a first-level, my name is Liang Xiyue."

One of them suddenly looked at her with a clear expression, "Oh! I understand, you are the girlfriend of the dormitory chief, come and accompany him to class."

"Ah?" Liang Xiyue was stunned, her face blushed, this senior's imagination was a bit too romantic.

"No, no, I... Actually, I went to the wrong classroom." She lowered her head in embarrassment, not daring to look at Jiang Yan.

The phone in her pocket vibrated, and Liang Xiyue took out her phone. It was Du Xue's message.

"Xi Yue, why haven't you come yet? Named."

Liang Xiyue typed silently, "I went to the wrong classroom and can't go out now."

After a minute, Du Xue came back.

"You idiot, I answered it for you!"

Liang Xiyue felt so bored that she didn't know what the professor was talking about.

Jiang Yan, who had been listening to the lectures attentively, seemed to know what she was thinking, and took out a book from her bag and put it in front of her.

It turned out to be a "Late Night Cafeteria".

"Let's read the book for a while, get out of class is over in forty minutes."

His voice was gentle, not like that iceberg man at all.

"Thank you, senior." She whispered.

The bell rang shortly after class. When you read a book, time really flies by.

"Let's go to dinner together?" Jiang Yan asked her.


Liang Xiyue feels that her spring is here, and she has been unlucky recently. Is it finally time to turn it around? God treats her well!

In the restaurant, she lowered her head to eat quietly, and sure enough, she was not so lucky. I thought it was just the two of them, but Jiang Yan's two roommates also came.

But she didn't expect that she would be more miserable next.

"Xi Yue!"

Zhang Xiaoqi's bold voice sounded from behind, making Liang Xiyue shiver.

How to do? You Ran and the others all liked her secret crush on Senior Jiang Yan, because she was drunk and leaked it once.

Is it too late to slip away now? The three had already sat down beside her, and the answer was that it was too late.

"Are you Senior Jiang Yan?" Du Xue asked with a smile, don't look at Xi Yue deeply, "Xi Yue often mentions you."


The spoon in Liang Xiyue's hand fell onto the table.

"Haha." She smiled awkwardly, lowered her head and concentrated on eating.

"Senior, why are you having dinner with Xi Yue? Could it be that this is the legendary first base!" Zhang Xiaoqi said without hesitation.

"Cough cough!" Liang Xiyue was choked and kept coughing.

Leisurely patted Xiyue's back and looked at Zhang Xiaoqi with disgust, "Did you teach it by your primary school Chinese and physical education teacher?"

Xi Yue looked at You Ran gratefully, but fortunately there was one person who didn't betray her. When she turned her head, she saw the mouths of the three people on the opposite side twitching.

"I happened to meet, so I asked Xiyue to come and have dinner together." Jiang Yan explained.

At this time, the boy on Jiang Yan's right also came back to his senses, "I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Xu Lei, and I'm Jiang Yan's roommate."

"I'm Zhao Yueping and Jiang Yan's roommate," said another boy.

Du Xue Xiaoqi and Youran also reported their names.

The atmosphere finally became normal, and everyone chatted about the school celebration three days later.

Du Xue: "I heard that there will be rich businessmen and dignitaries attending that day. Is the news reliable?"

Xu Lei: "Of course there will be some powerful people. Z University is also the number one university in our city. There will definitely be some great alumni. It is normal to come to the school to participate in the celebration."

Zhang Xiaoqi: "Senior Jiang, you are the president of the student union. You must have a good understanding of the arrangements for that day. Are there any fun activities?"

Jiang Yan: "Every college's activities are planned by its own courtyard. I don't know about the rest. But there will be a more important speech in our courtyard during the day, and there will be a dance party in the evening."

When Du Xue heard this, her eyes lit up, "Prom! Am I finally going to meet my prince!"

Qin Youran only showed a little interest at this time, "Whose speech?"

"Li Yanqing!" Zhao Yueping looked very proud, "Can't you think of it? Li Yanqing was invited for this school celebration. Li Yanqing is an alumnus of Z University, but he went to New York University's 'Stern School of Business' when he was a sophomore. I only stayed here for a year. However, he is also an alumnus of Z University, so it is normal to come to the school celebration."

Is it Li Yanqing

Liang Xiyue was worried that Du Xue and Zhang Xiaoqi were talking nonsense, and kept staring at them both.

"Oh, Xiyue, are your eyes uncomfortable? Why do you keep blinking?" Du Xue pretended not to understand what she meant.

"That, I'm done eating." Thirty-six plans were the best plan, and Liang Xiyue planned to run away, "Suddenly I remembered there was something else to do, you guys continue to chat, I'll go first."

"Wait a minute." Jiang Yan stopped her, "The school day may be busy, and the students in the student union may be too busy. Can I ask for your help?"

"Okay." Before Xi Yue could speak, she replied leisurely for her, "All four of us will go, senior, do you mind?"

"Of course not, more people are better." Jiang Yan replied with a smile.

You Ran is usually a quiet and introverted girl, and she is a little indifferent to people she doesn't know well. How can she look like she really wants to help

Xiyue was puzzled.

Could it be that she also likes Senior Jiang Yan

She was taken aback by this sudden thought, but she felt it was very possible. Otherwise, with a leisurely personality, why would he take the initiative to help

Jiang Yan, senior and leisurely, is a talented man and a woman. One is the president of the student council and the other is the first in the department. It's a good match.

Rely on yourself, so ordinary. His appearance is average, his grades are average, his personality is also very average, and he has no attractive features at all.

The result of being absent-minded is cutting your fingers when chopping vegetables.

Liang Xiyue looked at the redness that continued to emerge from the index finger of her left hand, and only felt the pain for a while.

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