Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 104: Green Wonderland


The white monkey has extraordinary spirituality, but after all, it is young and ignorant, so it is unnecessary to be tricked by the two of them.

The method is also simple, it is to treat you well, like asking a girl out, giving you whatever you want, so that you are too embarrassed not to have a room with him.

So after a full meal, the white monkey got up consciously and led the way with its chubby belly.

I don't know if the little monkey is a male or a female. It is so agile and frightening that it walks among the mountains and forests like walking on flat ground. If it weren't for the two of them still having some skills, they wouldn't be able to keep up.

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai drove at full speed, only to feel that the terrain was getting higher and higher, and finally they climbed up the rock and stopped on a large rock protruding horizontally.


The white monkey stopped for a while, turned around and screamed, then jumped up and disappeared.

The two of them hurriedly looked around, and saw that there were cliffs all around, forming a low-lying terrain, with lush greenery underneath, forming a small forest.

"How high is it?" Xiao Zhai asked.

"It's blocked by trees, so I can't see clearly. It's about 20 meters away."

"That's enough, the rope comes in handy."

Xiao Zhai dug out a bundle of rope, which was bought in Shengtian, and it has been useless. The two tied the rope to the tree stump, and the other end fell straight down, and then supported their waists, pointing their feet to the mountain wall, and lowered little by little.

It's not that difficult, and anyone with some training can do it. After a while, the two landed on the ground, raised their eyes and looked around, feeling a little surprised.

It's a momentary feeling.

Like an ignorant teenager entering a girl's bedroom for the first time; like an overtime worker returning home late, looking up to see a warm lamp left at home; like a drunk foreigner staggering out of a pub and seeing The bright moon is thousands of miles away.

From the vast white world, they suddenly fell into the green fairyland.

Clear, quiet, not familiar with the human world, without the slightest rash and disturbing. Every tree is straight and straight, as if it had grown here thousands of years ago, far away from the changes of the mulberry field.


The two of them were in a daze for a while, and they didn't recover until they heard the white monkey's cry. The little monkey was just squatting on the branch, its big eyes still flashing, and it was also very surprised at their foot strength.

"Thank you! If there is a chance to see you again, I will treat you to something delicious."

Gu Yu greeted it, and then carefully felt the aura of this place. After a moment, he couldn't help praising: "It should be between six and seven, a little stronger than Tianzhu. But this is an excellent place for cultivation, and I have the intention to move here. .”

"Don't set up the flag, maybe you will live here in the future... Go over there and have a look."

The forest is not big, and it took half an hour to walk around it.

It's amazing, there are no other living things except the little monkeys, and there is little vegetation, with weeds growing sparsely, as if all the nutrients were absorbed by the big trees.

"These are red dragons. When you peel off the skin, the inside is red. The material is extremely hard. It takes a hundred years to grow so thick."

Xiao Zhai patted a big tree, his eyes were full of joy.

"Compared to the one on Phoenix Mountain?" Gu Yu asked.

"That tree is the old mango bark. It has many branches, many leaves, and good toughness. It can be used to make sticks or big guns."

Xiao Zhai shook his head and suddenly sighed: "Oh, I feel more and more that we are short of manpower. If someone takes care of us, I really want to take some back."

"What can you do with it?" he wondered.

"Make a sword."

"Make a sword? You know how to use a sword?" He was really surprised.

"A little bit. Steel swords are not allowed now. You can always use wooden swords. This material is very suitable."

"No wonder you want to play with anything with a point and a blade..."

Gu Yu was stunned, and then said: "Snake control counts as one, wood appreciation counts as one, and your skill counts as one. This is one more swordsmanship. You said that there are five mortal arts, what is that?"

"If I told you everything, would you still have fun?" Xiao Zhai asked with a smile.


If it was before, he wouldn't be able to fight back, but after getting along for a long time, his rank gradually increased, and he said: "Then when you show up, don't I have any fun?"

"We'll talk about it then."

"Then why did you tell me just now?"

"I like it!"


"Ma'am, you can't go up! This lady..."

"Go away! Du Hong, come out! If you have the face to steal someone else's husband, why don't you have the face to face him?"

In the clubhouse, the first floor was full of noise, accompanied by the sound of chaotic footsteps. In a blink of an eye, the footsteps went up to the second floor, stopped for a while, and went straight up again.

"Du Hong! Du Hong! Come out, you bitch!"

A woman in her forties, dressed in high-end clothes and unable to hide her haggardness, shouted frantically. The guests watched the bustle, the technicians gloated, and the waiters tried their best to stop them:

"Ma'am, please get out immediately, or I will call the police!"

"Your employees seduce other people's husbands, how dare you call the police?"

The woman was very imposing, she looked like she had been trained by scratching and rolling, she was about to shout again, when suddenly the crowd parted, revealing a woman with long hair.

"You are Du Hong?"

"yes… "


Without saying a word, his mouth was blurred. Du Hong couldn't dodge in time, her right cheek turned red instantly, and the five fingerprints were clearly visible.

"It's you whore! Your parents gave birth to you, so they let you do this shameless thing?"

The woman refused to give up, and continued to scold: "You like to sleep with men so much, you just go straight to be a chicken, why are you still a technician? Be a bitch and still set up a memorial archway!"


Du Hong was beaten up and scolded, and she could tell that this was Cheng Gang's wife. She is not a shrew, she is good at being gentle and considerate, and it is impossible to compare with the other party.

"Don't put on that face with me, who will you pretend to be pitiful for?"

When the woman saw it, she became more and more angry, and stretched out her hand to hit him again.

At this time, the boss also rushed over, and hurriedly said: "Sister, calm down! This is her fault, but it is your private matter after all. We are doing business, how about you give me face and go out to solve it?"


The woman glanced at him, and said again: "I'm leaving my words here today, if you dare to contact my husband again, I'll strip you naked and parade you through the streets!"

After saying that, she wiped her body and left, leaving behind a group of people who were talking about melons.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, what should I do?"

The boss was about to go crazy, and when everyone was blown away, he said sadly, "Ah Hong, come with me."

He took Du Hong to the office, did not speak, smoked one by one, and then said: "Ah Hong, you are an old man here, and we are also friends. But you saw it today, the influence is too bad, I am really sorry no way… "

"Brother, I won't make things difficult for you. I will resign." Du Hong said calmly.

"Oh, brother Suan, I'm sorry, you can live here first, and leave when you find a place."

"No, I'll go back and pack up."

With that said, she wiped herself and went back to the dormitory, facing the cynicism of her roommates. Only the little girl was very concerned and asked, "Sister Hong, what did the boss say?"

"It's okay, I won't be here in the future, you can do it yourself."

Du Hong stroked her hair and said with a smile, "Oh, don't cry, don't you have my phone number, if you miss me, call me."

She simply tidied up, sorted out a suitcase, and then went to finance. The boss was kind enough to give him a basic salary of three months.

After everything was settled, she carried the box out and wiped her eyes.

Standing by the street, Du Hong feels that the world is impermanent. An hour ago, there was still a job and a place to live; an hour later, I don't know where I will end up tonight.