Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 106: major meeting


Taoism has the way of yellow and red, which is called the art of the house.

This art in the room is probably the ancient sex science, including basic sex knowledge, skills, dysfunction treatment and conception, etc. At the same time, it combines sex and practice together. Simply put, when men and women applaud, they will generate a kind of positive energy, which can prolong life or immortality.

The ancients were amazing! Cultivating while making love, it's very cool.

But later, the real method of dual cultivation was lost, and many obscene techniques appeared, which were not tolerated by the Taoist sect.

Kou Qianzhi of the Northern Wei Dynasty once said: "The Dao is pure and empty, so what's the matter!"

Then in the Song Dynasty, Fang Zhongshu fell into evil methods, and some things such as aphrodisiac, nourishing, and female art appeared, which were favored by the back house, harem and prostitutes, and have been passed down from generation to generation.

The torn book that Du Hong got is the way to supplement.

The content in the front is the technique, and the next few pages are the spells, feeding on the essence of men to nourish oneself. Over time, women become younger and more beautiful, while men suffer from sore waists and legs, lack of energy, as if their bodies have been hollowed out.

Is it kidney overdraft? Want to make up for the overdrawn kidney... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

As I said earlier, each has its own way to go. Mo Laodao's Inner Alchemy, Tan Chongdai's Talisman, Wang Ruoxu's Feng Shui, Li Suchun's Corpse Refining, Gu Yu's Qi Qi, Xiao Zhai's Lei Fa, etc., are all the paths they chose.

The same goes for Du Hong.

In this era of opportunities and risks, anyone's success or failure is not surprising. As for the two encounters with her, Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai didn't take it seriously, and they didn't know what kind of position this woman would climb.

In a blink of an eye, it was mid-December.

They set off in early November and have been outside for more than a month.

Xiao Zhai's parents called more and more often, urging her to go home for the New Year. Uncle Fang, Fang Qing, Grandma Zeng, Zeng Yuewei and others also called from time to time, asking where Gu Yu was and if he was okay.

What can they say, they can only say that they are traveling outside, have a good time, and will go back after a while.

After leaving Mount Emei, the two rested in Lezhou. Gu Yu made a record as usual, and with the one on Tianzhu Mountain, it was an inch high.

It records in detail the route map of the two mountains, the location of the nodes, and the exploration of nearby resources, such as the stone walls of Tianzhu and the trees of Emei.

Yes, they call these resources.

In modern society, coal, petroleum, rare earths, natural gas, and even talent reserves together constitute the resource structure of human society. But with the current situation, maybe in the future it will become exotic flowers and plants, refined iron ore, spiritual veins of Lingshan...

This thing is very subtle. Before the old rules are broken and the new rules are not established, just four words: first come, first served.

The two continued on as planned, and there were three more stops: Huping Mountain in Shimen, Wangwu Mountain in Jeju, and Sazu Tianshan School.

Go for the first two first, the last one is the top priority. Qionglong Mountain and Luobi County have nothing to gain. If there is no Tianshan Mountain, then Xiaozhai's "Sholong Wu Lei Nei Fa" may not be complete.

Of course they didn't know that in the distant capital, a meeting of great significance was going on.


The white light was bright and shone on Li Suchun's face. With a jerk, he lifted his head from his lethargy.

He sat on a chair, surrounded by high walls, dense and solid, forming an empty room. There is a large single-sided glass directly in front, and the people inside cannot be seen.

"The time has come, how about it? Have you considered it?"

A voice came from the loudspeaker, majestic and heavy.

"Kao, think about it, I promise you."

Li Suchun's eyes were blank, as if he had endured a great mental torture.

"Very good! You have to know that for the crimes you have committed, it is not enough to shoot you ten times! But when the country is employing people, you are authorized to perform crimes and make meritorious deeds. As long as you perform well, you will definitely not be treated badly."


The boy twitched his mouth and remained silent.

And behind the glass, an old man with white hair was standing in the monitoring room, talking to Li Suchun. Just as he was about to speak again, Jin Wei suddenly came over and whispered: "Chief, the meeting is about to begin."

"Oh, I see."

The old man waved his hand and said, "Take good care of him and pay attention to his psychological fluctuations."


The experts in the room responded immediately.

The old man left the monitoring room, took the elevator up, passed through many passages, and finally came to a meeting room. There are already eight people sitting in the room, one in the main seat, three on the left and four on the right.

He sat on the fourth chair on the left, and said, "It's a bit late, but there is good news, that kid nodded."

"Hmph! If you want me to say, I will serve you with great torture. You have to be gentle and waste time!" The second from the right snorted coldly.

"That kid is soft but not hard, what if he wants to die?"

"With the will to die, you think highly of him..."

"Okay, today is a meeting, not a quarrel!"

The person in charge knocked on the table, waited for the two sides to be quiet, and ordered: "Read!"

The confidential secretary at the rear immediately got up, held the document and said: "One, agree to establish the Special Phenomenon and Abnormal Persons Investigation Bureau, which will be directly under the jurisdiction of the central government. The headquarters will have one director, two deputy directors, and seven division directors. , grass-roots and peripheral personnel are not limited. Each region is centered on a larger city, radiating the region, with a total of 36 sub-bureaus, and the position level is the same as above. The personnel selection criteria require loyalty to the country, flexible mind, strong adaptability, and ability to accept new things... The name of this unit is not disclosed to the public, and the name is managed by the city government. In case of crisis, all local departments can be ordered!"


When the eight people heard this, they couldn't help being slightly moved. They belong to the top group in the entire power organization, and they are not far behind the five great elders.

And the importance attached to this matter by the higher-ups is beyond imagination. This special bureau is really going to be established, and the authority can reach the sky!

The secretary paused and continued:

"Second, from today onwards, the national government media must pay attention to the direction of public opinion, and the specific methods and training are the responsibility of local governments."

"Three, from today, pay close attention to Taoism, Buddhist associations and various sects, communicate more, communicate more, and understand more."

"Fourth, regarding Li Suchun's matter, I agree in principle and allow research and experimentation at the No. 308 base..."

A total of ten articles, when the secretary finished reading, there was no sound.

After a long while, the host said: "Tell me, do you have any ideas and additions?"

"Well… "

The second from the left spoke first, and said, "Can we hold a Taoist exchange conference and conduct a unified investigation?"

"That's too ostentatious, and it's easy to leak the news. We can start with specific goals. Isn't there a Baiyun Temple in the capital?"

"Understood, I'll do it!" The second from the left nodded.

"That Taoist surnamed Wang is very knowledgeable about current affairs, and I think he can absorb it." The fourth from the right continued.

"Agreed! Hey, by the way, have you analyzed the information he provided?" The host asked.

"Analyzed, there is no problem in theory, but in practice..."

The fourth from the right seemed a little absurd, and said, "According to him, there are six realms in Xiamaoshan Corpse Refining, and the last one is missing. The first five are white, iron, copper, silver, and gold. When you reach the copper corpse, you can open it." With a little wisdom, you can understand people's words. When it comes to the golden corpse, it is almost the same as a human being, and it can destroy mountains and crack the ground."

"Ha, that's no longer a fairy!"

The third from the left blurted out, knowing that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly shut up.


The master coughed twice, changed the subject and said, "How about Iron Mountain?"

"The samples and data have been sent back, and we have studied it for a long time, and found no abnormalities."

The fourth from the left frowned, and thought about it: "But I think there must be something that has brought about these changes, but we can't detect it."

"I agree with your idea, but the higher-ups must rely on real evidence, continue to study..."

The host was also helpless, and asked again: "By the way, I heard that there are two mysterious people at the scene, have you found them?"

"I have information here."

The second from the right opened the file and said: "According to the investigation by the local police, a man and a woman acted extremely suspiciously. They entered Luobi the day before the incident, stayed in a hotel, rented a car the next day, and returned it at night. And checked out suddenly. According to the information provided by the railway, they took the train to Lezhou that night, and their whereabouts are unknown.”

"Well, although there is no direct evidence, send someone to follow."

The host pondered for a moment, and said, "I always feel that these two people have a big problem."

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

The meeting was held for a long time, and when everything was in order, the leader suddenly sighed and said: "Everyone, we have lived in a peaceful age for too long, I don't care what quarrels you have, this matter is related to the fate of the country, who wants to Hidden selfishness and played tricks in it, don't blame me for being merciless!"


Hearing the majestic momentum of the last sentence, everyone stood up, all awe-inspiring.

As soon as the decree of this meeting came out, local governments took action one after another. The first priority was to set up the Special Phenomenon and Abnormal Persons Investigation Bureau, referred to as the Special Bureau.

This was a huge project, and there were a lot of mobilization internally for a while, seeking information both openly and secretly, but unfortunately they all came back against the wall.

Shuzhou was the fastest, including all the people who participated in the operation that day. The leader who was responsible for the blame benefited from his backing, and instead got a good job as the, er, deputy director of the Special Branch of the Basin Province.

At the same time, the superiors also sent people down to track down Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai, and monitor their families. According to the information provided by the wounded soldiers, the official constructed a set of personality models, and finally concluded:

The two have the chivalrous demeanor of ancient times, they like to be unrestrained, and hate being restrained, especially being bullied by force. Therefore, the policy above is to have friendly contact and exchange on an equal footing.

The people sent are also carefully selected, at least the affinity must be extremely high.

Under such a turbulent undercurrent, those two super-willful guys rushed all the way to Shimen territory.