Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 107: Miao Village


Shimen is in Xiangzhou, Xiangzhou is in Jingchu Province, and Jingchu Province is in the south-central part of Xia Kingdom.

Ninety years after the establishment of the Xia Kingdom, there were thirty-six provinces in the world, with a vast land and abundant resources and a large population.

Xiangzhou is relatively densely populated, with a clear boundary between cities and mountains. The east is developed and the west is backward. It is full of primitive landforms that have been around for tens of thousands of years, and villages that inherit ancient customs.

This piece of majestic mountains is collectively called Xiangxi, and Shimen is the gateway to Xiangxi.


On a winding and rugged mountain road, an old car is driving slowly. Xiao Zhai steered the steering wheel, suddenly honked the horn, and then stepped on the foot brake.


Gu Yu had no choice but to push open the door and drive away a bamboo chicken blocking the road. The bamboo chicken looked down on it very much. It called "Pan Can Can" and "Pan Can Can" a few times, and flew to the short rock.

"No matter how I feel, I've become a master, and I'm not afraid of people at all!" He returned to the car and couldn't help muttering.

"If you think about it too much, it would be great if you really want to become a master." Xiao Zhai said.


Gu Yu smacked his lips and didn't say anything else.

no way.

When they arrived at Shimen, they discovered a very sad fact, the aura concentration here was only 1. Oh no, to be precise, it's in the middle of 1-2.

Only when the periphery reaches 2, can there be a node, which shows that there may be no abnormality in Huping Mountain.

But since it's here, I have to go and have a look, otherwise I won't give up. The traffic in Shimen is extremely inconvenient. There are only two minibuses from the county town to the villages every day. They missed the time. If they want to go there, they have to wait until tomorrow morning.

The two of them didn't want to waste money, so they simply rented a broken car and went by themselves.

As a result, as soon as we got on the road, we realized how bad the reality was, it was too detoured and too far away! The broken car plunged into the mountain, and it immediately became like a street with nowhere to go and no end.

At this rate, it would be nice to find a place to live before dark.


Xiaozhai drove for another section, turned a corner, and suddenly honked the horn again. But on the road ahead, there is a girl in special clothes walking slowly.

She looked back, smiled and waved.

Xiao Zhai parked the car close to her, and heard her speak Mandarin in an unreal way, saying, "I'm going to the village in front, can you give me a lift?"

"Okay, come up."

"thank you all!"

She got into the car and sat in the back seat, the small bell hanging around her waist rang, causing the two of them to look sideways. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with fair complexion, a silver comb on her hair, a large buttonless collar, blue trousers, and a strange bug embroidered on the cuff.

Gu Yu glanced at Xiaochong a few times, and asked with a smile, "Are you from Miao Village?"

"Well, from here, over a mountain, and then across a river, our village is here. I went shopping in the town today, and I came back late, but luckily I ran into you..."

The little girl was very lively, and after a blah blah blah, she said, "Oh, by the way, my Chinese name is Long Tang, and my Miao surname is Ghob Miel."

"What?" Both of them were taken aback.

"Ghob Miel," she repeated.

This time I understand, the homonym is probably the word "Ge Mi". The Miao people in Xiangzhou have twelve branches, that is, the twelve major Miao surnames. There are countless sub-branches below, and after fusion and changes, they flowed into the corresponding Han surnames.

Ge Mi is a dragon.

After the two sides introduced each other, Long Tang asked, "Are you here for tourism?"

"Yes, we are going to Huping." Xiaozhai said.

"Huping, it's far away, and you can't drive it even after dark. Why don't you come to the village, we also have an inn and a place to park." She said whatever she thought, without any tact.

Gu Yu was rather curious, and asked, "Do you also accept outsiders?"

"Of course, a lot of people come to us in summer, so we sell some trinkets we made ourselves, and then we sing and dance together. It's the off-season now, and it's cold, so no one comes."


The two made eye contact, and Gu Yu smiled and said, "That's good, I'll go and see where you are."

On such a mountain road, veteran drivers dare not drive fast.

Xiao Zhai drove slowly for forty minutes, and finally saw several people. As the road became smoother and more crowded, it was almost evening and finally arrived at Longtang's stockade.

This is called Baiqing Village, with a population of nearly 1,000, and it is the largest Miao Village with a radius of hundreds of miles. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, wooden stilted buildings are built according to the mountains, in a well-arranged pattern.

Wutiaohuajie Road connects to the middle of the village. There are gatehouses with wooden pillars and tile roofs in the east and west, the courtyard dam in the middle of the village and the gates of each household are all paved with bluestone.

In front of the village is a clear stream with a wooden bridge of wind and rain. Along the stream, there are stone mill houses and waterwheels.

The broken car drove into the village without attracting much attention. Under Long Tang's command, it drove all the way to the largest wooden building. The little girl got out of the car, led the two of them in, and shouted, "Abo! Abo!"

"What kind of noise does it look like? Didn't you go to the town?"

A low reprimand came from inside, and an old man with a white beard walked out, his back slightly hunched. He was wearing casual clothes, a double-breasted black jacket with eleven cloth buttons, straight front and curved back, and trousers with wide hems underneath.

"Abbot, I almost couldn't come back today, thanks to them... this is brother Gu Yu, this is sister Xiao Zhai, they are going to Huping, and they want to live in the village today."

After Long Tang finished explaining like a cannonball, the old man sized up the two of them and said impatiently, "Go! Go!"

"Thank you Abe!"

The little girl dragged the two of them out, and whispered: "Abbot agreed, that's how he is, don't mind."

"Is the old man the patriarch?" Gu Yu wondered.

"We're not called patriarchs. Uncle is Daddy's elder brother, and he's the head of the village. All the nearby villages listen to him..."

After her explanation, they realized that Miao people have their own social system, which is called differently in different places. The ones in Qianzhou are called "Goulang", and the leader is called Hammer. The one in Dianzhou is called Conghui, and the leader is called Congtou. In Xiangzhou, it is called Heqian, and the leader is called Kuantou.

It usually consists of several or dozens of villages. Treaties are drawn up, a leader is elected, several deputy leaders, a tiger man (military leader), a Nuoshi (priest), and a number of "managers" (presiding over justice), etc. Deacon leader.

Ninety years after the founding of the dynasty, this ancient system still exists and has become an effective supplement to the government's administrative organization and laws.

From this point of view, Long Tang's status is quite high, her father is a Nuo teacher, and the second largest wooden building is her home. Compared with the leader, Father Long was very kind and welcomed the two guests.

After seeing the two big men, the little girl took them to the inn. The inn is also a wooden building, facing the stream, you can see the picturesque landscape when you open the windows.

Long Tang was very enthusiastic, he insisted on spending money to treat the guests, and he argued with them like a little adult, but in the end he didn't argue with them.

After paying the deposit, she accompanied her upstairs again, and said with a smile, "Brother Yu, you guys will come to my house for dinner in a while, and we will eat fish in sour soup."

"Too disturbing, we can just eat here."

"Don't bother, I still want to thank you."

The little girl is a straight girl with a bright face, and her enthusiasm for Gu Yu is much higher than that of Xiao Zhai. Xiao Zhai didn't bother to care, turned around by himself, then walked to the window, and pointed at him suddenly: "Hey, that person is so strange!"

Long Tang took a closer look, his face was grim, and he said seriously: "That person is not good, don't get close to her."

"Oh? Who is she?"

"She's a grass hag."