Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 113: assimilate into


Jeju, Wangwu Mountain.

Wangwu Mountain is located in the northwest of Jeju. It is known as the first of the top ten caves of Taoism, and was once a holy place of Quanzhen sect. However, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were no records of Taoist priests living in the mountains. Now, it is the old routine of renovation and reconstruction of tourism development.

The three of them came here from Xiangzhou. Facts have proved that the protagonist is not so lucky. The concentration of aura here is still thin, and they went into the mountain for a day and a half, but found nothing.

Only half of the four nodes guessed in advance are correct, and both Huping and Wangwu are a scam. In this way, based on the information they have, there are only three aura nodes in the world.

Of course, those who have not been discovered are not excluded.

At noon at this time, the three of them camped in an open space and had already eaten. Xiao Zhai poked at the side, and was teaching Long Qiu a set of simplified body training techniques, similar to Tan Chongdai's, but more advanced.

This set of kung fu was honed by her from the forty-eight hands, and it is very suitable for laying the foundation.

Long Qiu's body was very weak, and his head was covered with sweat after a few moves. The girl was born with tenacity, so she practiced silently without complaining of suffering or tiredness.

Gu Yu was writing and drawing with a pen on the bluestone not far away.

From Shengtian to Wangwu, they passed through nearly 200 towns and villages. He summarized these places, not according to administrative regions, but only according to the concentration of aura.

0, 1, 2, 3... all the way to 6, each forming a boundary, each of which is painted with circles of different colors.

The entire area is nearly one-fifth of the land, and three of them are the most conspicuous: Phoenix Mountain (5), Tianzhu Mountain (6), and Emei Mountain (6). And with these three places as the center, it spreads to the surroundings and forms a relatively upper radiation domain.

Phoenix Mountains:

Baicheng (West)—One River—Erdao River—Sandao River—Sidao River—Five River

Baicheng (East) - Caohekou - Dongquan Town - Wulongbei - Langtou County

North and South slightly.

Tianzhu Mountain:

Tianmen Town (North) - Yuchong Town - Longwan County - Shiqiao City

Tianmen Town (South) - Leigongling - Liangquan County - Changpu City

Something slightly.

Mount Emei:

Emeishan City (North) - Jieshan Town - Ganshui County - Yinma City

Emeishan City (South) - Wudu Bridge - Honghua County - Wusi River

Something slightly.

The radiation radius of Baicheng is about 90 kilometers; the radius of the other two places is about 150 kilometers. These are systematic, connected, and resource-rich areas.

There are also many intermittent scattered places, the concentration is 1, or between 1-2.


After reading this picture, Gu Yu suddenly felt a feeling of trepidation.

There may be only three special zones in the whole country, and my hometown occupies one, and the concentration of aura will become stronger and stronger, and the range of node radiation will also become larger and larger.

What kind of situation will it be when Shengtian is completely covered, and when Liaodong Province is completely covered? In a country with a population of nearly 2 billion, what kind of changes must take place in such a huge social system

He doesn't know anything else, but two things are certain: the reallocation of resources and the re-establishment of rules.

Specifically, it is the resources and rules between ascetics and ordinary people, ascetics and officials, ascetics and ascetics, ordinary people and officials, and ordinary people and ordinary people.

This involves a series of factors such as economic structure, cultural concept, value concept and so on. I and others are in it, and I can't escape at all.


After thinking about some things in a mess, he looked up at the sky and shouted: "Xiaoqiu, come to practice."


As soon as Long Qiu finished, before he had a rest, he ran over sweating.

The sun is shining brightly, and the energy of Zhengyang is the strongest.

Gu Yu sat on the bluestone, swallowed and vomited, and continued to feed on spiritual energy. Sitting beside him, Long Qiu couldn't help being amazed even though he had seen him many times.

She didn't breathe, but straightened her upper body, trying to calm herself down.

The two of them did their best to train the girl, one taught external skills, the other taught internal methods, just to make her spirit strong as soon as possible.

If you want to breathe, you must first clarify your mind, that is, enlighten your spirit.

Long Qiu was taken away by the grass ghost since he was a child, and dealt with all kinds of poisonous insects, and was bullied by his tribe when he grew up. Even with her good nature, the negativity in her subconscious is indelible.

A clear mind requires no distracting thoughts. If the mind is in a trance during the enlightenment process, it is easy to go crazy.

Therefore, Gu Yu first asked her to practice meditation and discern the world of mortals, and only after her mood improved would she formally teach her. Speaking of which, the two of them are both teachers and friends.

The cool breeze blows, and the sun is deflected.

After a long time, they opened their eyes at the same time. Gu Yu looked at the girl and asked, "How do you feel this time?"

"It's a little stronger than in the morning." Long Qiu said.

"Keep going, you have a high understanding, but your self-confidence is a little bit low."

"Yeah, my sister said the same thing, saying that I lack self-confidence."

She blinked in embarrassment, turned her head and looked again, and saw that Xiao Zhai was not in the camp, and might have gone into the woods to have fun. She was a little hesitant, but she still asked, "Brother, why doesn't sister learn Qi Qi?"

"because… "

Gu Yu was slightly startled when he heard this, and then smiled, "Because she's so proud."

"Proud?" The girl didn't understand.

"She is proud of her teacher, her master, and herself. It is impossible to accept a practice from an outside school. Some people will detour, take advantage of the situation, and betray when they encounter obstacles. But some people are different, they would rather forcibly carve out a road than wade through it.”

"I still don't quite understand. Didn't my sister accept your help? Is this also an opportunity?" The girl was slightly puzzled.

"Oh, this is different."

Gu Yu paused, and for the first time expressed his evaluation of Xiaozhai relatively openly, saying: "I think back then, I got the spiritual fruit by accident, and I was born in a wild way. It was the practice system and theory that she helped me sort out. If Without those manuscripts, I was still outside the door. Sometimes I thought, maybe she had discovered my secret a long time ago, but she just didn’t tell it on purpose. If she wants someone to help, she must first treat you ten times and a hundred times better and let you refuse Not to mention, I also have my own goals this time, and I want to experience the secret arts of various sects. So it’s not about helping each other, let’s support each other, after all, the road of cultivation is too far and too difficult.”

"oh… "

Long Qiu nodded half-understood, and faintly envious, not the specific person, but this relationship.

"Hula la!"

At this moment, the branches and leaves shook, Xiaozhai flashed out from the forest, threw two fruits casually, and said, "This is delicious, try it!"

Long Qiu caught it and saw a small crimson round fruit lying in the palm of his hand, the red skin was stained with water droplets, making it crystal clear. She took a bite, it was sweet and sour, and the root of her tongue was dripping with sap.

"It tastes good. Let's go out of the mountain after eating." Gu Yu also took a sip.

"It's best to arrive at Jeju at night and stay overnight there."

"I checked the mileage and it takes more than 30 hours to get to Tianshan. Why don't you just take a plane?"

"Airplanes... By the way, Xiaoqiu, you've never been on an airplane, have you?"

"No, no."

"Then take the plane! How is your physical strength, can you persist until you come out of the mountain?"

"I can, no problem."

Long Qiu looked at him, then at her, and suddenly became inexplicably happy, as if a seed was growing in his heart, and a flower bloomed at this moment.