Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 116: clue


The Religious Affairs Bureau of Dakang City is located in the west of the city, which conforms to all the preparations of Qingshui yamen. It has four floors, but it has three floors. It has electronic sliding doors, and it has two old iron doors.

Even beating older men feels inferior to others because of the low wages.

It will be past eight o'clock, and the old Zhangtou went upstairs to check around as usual. After seeing that the doors and windows of each house were closed, he wiped back to the first floor. The duty room was dimly lit, a pot of dirty wine, two packs of side dishes, and an old radio. This was his long night.

Of course the old man didn't know, just behind the building, there were two dark shadows poking towards him.

"Can the surveillance camera catch it?" Xiao Zhai pointed to the lamppost on the side of the street.

"It's about the same over there, let's go from this side."

"You open the window first, here!"

She took out two pieces of black cloth like a magic trick again, Gu Yu tied them on his face in pain, and duly hit the flower picker.

He took two steps back, shrunk his whole body into a small shadow, then looked at the smooth and flat wall, and jumped. This time, the person was halfway there, followed the trick taught by Xiaozhai, spread five fingers, and stuck with the palm like a suction cup.

With a moment of friction, it jumped up again.

As soon as he hung his left hand, he put it on the window sill, and pressed his right hand against the window and spat out forcefully, "Pa-ta!"

The window lock slid open immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Zhai also climbed up lightly according to the method just now. Like two dexterous black cats, the two of them sneaked into the house silently.

No way, the library can apply for a borrowing card, but the documents of the Religious Affairs Bureau cannot be checked casually. In order to find clues, I can only be a snitch once.

The two guys covered their faces, took blind photos back and forth with a small flashlight, and soon found the archives room on the third floor. He shook the door lock according to the gourd painting, and began to search when he went in.

Dakang has a long history. The earliest temple dates back to a thousand years ago. Taoism was once prosperous, but it was all destroyed later. At present, there are two relatively large temples, both in Tianchi Scenic Area.

One is the Tiewa Temple of Fushou. The master of the temple, Chen Xinrong, is a disciple of the 26th generation of the Quanzhen Longmen School. The first ancestor of the Longmen School is well-known, that is, Qiu Chuji, a real person in Changchun.

One is the Niangniang Temple, which is dedicated to the statue of the Queen Mother of the West, which is purely for commercial development.

In the rest, there are some small temples and small temples, but there is no mention of the Tianshan School.

The two of them were not discouraged, and after looking through the chronological history, they finally found relevant information.

It is said that there was a famous general named Yang Jiye in the Northern Song Dynasty, and he had a descendant named Yang Yiming. This person followed the Taoism of Wang Shiguang, a descendant of Ge Hong's lineage, and later lived in seclusion in the Western Regions to study Xuanxuan.

Yang Yiming has a son named Yang Yantian. In this generation, it happened that Sa Shoujian traveled here, and he and Yang Yantian lived in Tianshan Mountain to study together, and together created a school and regulations, called "Tianshan School".

Ge Hong knew that he was a great master of immortality, and he covered a wide range of subjects, including works on Shiqi, Bigu, Waidan, and Neidan. The most prominent one is undoubtedly the study of Waidan.

Therefore, the inheritance of the Tianshan School mainly includes two types, one is the Shenxiao method of Sa Shoujian, and the other is the alchemy method of Yang Yantian.

And the daughter of Yang Yantian, the disciple of Sa Shoujian, the female crown of Daoist Duyan, is the first generation successor.

The second generation is a follower of Duyan Daoist, a Taoist priest with iron shoulders.

The third generation is called Zhang Zhiping, who originally studied under Hao Datong and later joined the Tianshan School; he was named Danfeng Daochang.

All these, the Tianshan School has experienced more than 800 years. The last generation of heirs to show up was Daoist Sima thirty years ago, and there has been no trace since then.

There is only so much information about the Tianshan School.

The two had little gain and returned helplessly. When he returned to the hotel, Long Qiu's girl was still sleeping soundly, she didn't know it at all.

Early the next morning, they went to the library again to read Dakang's local chronicles. This set of books was newly compiled a few years ago, covering various aspects such as history, geography, customs, and humanities.

The three of them struggled for a long time, and finally found a passage from the dense timeline, but it was recorded as a folk anecdote:

It is said that in a small village, a female herdsman gave birth in the pasture, and a young man passed by just in time to deliver the baby. Young people know some medical skills, women are safe, and children are safe.

Afterwards, someone joked, how can you, a man, see the filth

He said: Kind hearted and virtuous, I am an outsider.

The man's surname was changed to Sima. Looking at the time, it was twelve years ago.

"Dakang's geographical environment is divided into three parts. The southern part is a mountainous area with a large area of fine grassland, which is the most important summer pasture. The central part is a plain, which is where we are located. It mainly produces grain and oil. The northern part is a desert with the smallest population. Auxiliary winter pasture."

In the room, a map was laid out on the table, and Gu Yu analyzed it in detail with a pen: "According to the data, it should be summer at that time, so it was within the range of the Xia Ranch. There are three towns, sixteen villages, and a population of more than 20,000 in the south. It's what we're looking for."

"Don't think it's very general, but it's already very specific. That guy named Sima lived in the village for a while, so he will definitely leave some clues."

Gu Yu drew a circle on the map, and said: "By the way, Xiao Qiu, you stay in the city, you don't need to go this time."

"I'm going!" The girl was anxious.

"Be obedient, you are too weak, if something happens, you will drag us down."

Xiao Zhai purposely said it harshly, when the girl heard it, she resisted in silence at first, then pursed her lips unwillingly when she saw that they ignored her.

Afterwards, the two were busy making preparations, Long Qiu watched helplessly, and suddenly felt that he was very useless. But she was tenacious, and she adjusted after a while, and stepped forward to help vigorously.

"Brother, I finally hoped for you to come back!"

"Ha, I know your belly is the worst, I bought a bag."

"Hey, generous!"

In a residential building opposite the hotel, several people crowded in the room, pouring out a dozen or so tubes of instant noodles. I have been hungry for most of the day, and I started to eat the half-hard but not soft as soon as the hot water was flushed.

A buddy stared at the door of the hotel with his face up, and said, "To be honest, I've been in this business for more than ten years, and I've never seen someone so awesome. Those people I used to talk to, some of them were five meters tall. , Some were ten meters, and the top was only twenty meters. But this one didn’t work. I just followed two steps during the day, and the kid looked back. I was sweating all over at the time, so I got through.”

"It's because of your ability that I called you here. Otherwise, can I let you be the team leader?"

"Don't mind, this team leader is heavier than the director's ass, good guy, you forgot to teach us about the sense of mission!"

"Haha, yes, a sense of mission!"

And somewhere in another office, a group of people were also amazed.

"This is Night Walker, no surveillance has caught it!"

"The doors and windows are not broken, and the locks are also in good condition. Oh, and the potted flowers were also watered."

"If it weren't for our advanced technology, I really thought it was haunted."

"Stop talking nonsense, have the test results come out?"

"It came out. According to the documents and books they consulted, the fingerprints and traces of the pages, they should be looking for a place called Tianshan School, which should be in the southern and central towns."

"Okay, notify the higher up immediately, they may have to act soon."


These two groups are young and old, with different accents.

They didn't know each other a few days ago, and they were transferred from all over the world. They all have special skills, and their task is to monitor and follow those three guys.

They belong to the same unit, and their name is also very new: the Second Investigation Division of the General Bureau of Special Investigations in Beijing!