Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 122: dangerous situation


"It seems that there is no way to reach an agreement."

"Well, since that's the case, let's take our leave and see you by fate."

Gu Yu sighed, turned around and was about to go out with Xiao Zhai.

Sima Che was sitting on the chair, his eyes were flickering. They talked again just now, but obviously there was no result. The other party wants to see Lei Fa, but does not agree to exchange it with Qi Qi Fa. As for myself, the demand is stronger than the other party.

My family knows my own affairs, and the Tianshan School has been passed down to this day, and there is only one trick left. This technique is the first choice for laying the foundation. It can be cultivated to the innate level, but what about after the innate level? It's gone!

On the contrary, the method of eating qi was widely used by the ancient immortals, and it is said that it was capped by the earth immortals.

He has practiced Taoism for thirty years, and he dreamed of immortality and flying to the sky. Now that the hope is in front of him, how can he let it go easily

The couple sang the double reed very well, which really made him think that they didn't pay much attention to Lei Fa. Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, he couldn't help but said: "You two stay!"

"Anything else?" Gu Yu turned around.

"The method of eating qi is a peerless secret. If you don't want to show it to others, I won't force it."

Sima Che thought about it, and said with a smile: "How about this, I have a difficult matter to deal with, if you help me solve it, I will also offer Lei Fa, how about it?"

"You can talk about it. I need to know what it is first."

"Of course, come with me."

As he spoke, he led the two of them out, walked to the easternmost end of the valley, and then meandered up a mountain ridge.

There is no paved road on the mountain ridge, and only a narrow path has been formed after long-term trampling. They walked a long way, until the greenery disappeared and the snow and ice gradually increased. When they looked down, the valley had become very small.

Then, they went up another slope, and finally stopped at the top of the slope.

"So it's here!"

Gu Yu was startled secretly. When he first entered the valley, he felt that the aura here was extremely suppressed, as if it was blocked by something, so he kept looking for it.

At this moment, I saw a small moraine lake at the bottom of the slope. The so-called moraine lake is a lake formed when the glacier melts and retreats at the end, and the gravel carried by it accumulates on the ground to form a depression, blocking part of the riverbed.

The lake is as flat as a mirror, with a cold light, and the surface of the lake is covered with dense white mist, which is thick but not scattered. Surrounded by a circle of cyan bare rock, the material is like stone and jade.

And what surprised him the most was that there was a majestic wave of spiritual energy coming from the lake, ready to burst out, but was suppressed by a stronger force.

Aura is born from heaven and earth, it is the purest energy. With the current scientific equipment, it is impossible to even detect it, let alone suppress it.

Damn, what the hell is in this lake

His heart was turbulent, his face was calm, Sima Che couldn't see the clue, so he asked: "Gu Daoyou, what do you think of this place?"

"Natural creation is a wonder."

"anything else?"

"You want me to go down and have a look." Gu Yu said with a smile.

"Haha, sure enough, I found the wrong person!"

Sima Che also laughed, and said: "To tell you the truth, this valley is the place where we sent hermits to cultivate, and the whole valley is centered on this lake. According to the records of the master, Sazu used to retreat here to understand Xuanxuan. , and left behind a heavy treasure. But the predecessors of the past dynasties explored many times, but found nothing. But just a few years ago, I vaguely felt that the lake was weird, and there was fog, and it seemed that something was causing trouble inside. I think Go down and have a look, but the strength is not enough."

"this… "

Gu Yu frowned slightly, and said, "This is your sect's treasure trove, it's inappropriate for me, an outsider, to intervene?"

"Nowadays, Taoism is not flourishing, and Taoism is declining. It is more important to put aside prejudices and be sincere and consistent. Daoist friends have reached the innate level of cultivation, and maybe they can find some clues. If there is a treasure, it would be a waste of money to sink in it for nothing. ?”

This remark includes all the big feelings and small thoughts, which makes it impossible to refute. But the more it is like this, the more it feels a little fake.


Xiao Zhai glanced at him and shook his head secretly. She never thinks how bad people are, and she never thinks how good people are, but when something goes beyond the proper logic, there must be tricks.

Gu Yu lowered his head, thinking about it, but he was thinking about another thing: Sure enough, Sima Che could barely sense the aura, but he couldn't grasp the context, and mostly relied on guesswork.

The raw material for that piece of sapphire should have been dug around.

Seeing that the two were silent, Sima Che asked, "Gu Daoyou, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes, I need some information. Let's go back and discuss it in detail."


It is said that more than 800 years ago, Sa Shoujian traveled to Tianshan and founded the Tianshan School with Yang Yantian.

The Yang family took root here, so they naturally attached great importance to it. Sa Shoujian was just passing by as a jungler, so the nature must be different. After living for a few years, he continued to travel, and in his later years he went to Licheng, the southernmost city, where it is said that he attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven.

As for the so-called heavy treasure, it is estimated that it was not intentionally reserved for future generations. Perhaps it was a whim, made a small gadget, played with it and threw it into the lake.

The Tianshan School has been handed down for five dynasties, and people in all dynasties have salvaged it in order to find the foundation of the Dao. In Sima Che's generation, when he found the lake water strange, he also went down to fish it, but it was a pity that it sank two meters and fell to the street.

According to him, the water in the lake is extremely heavy and buoyant, and it is frightening to lose all strength before diving too deep.

"The lake must be a spiritual energy node. That thing should be real, so that the spiritual energy can be firmly locked and not escape."

In the valley, Gu Yu unfolded his consciousness to prevent someone from eavesdropping, while explaining to Xiao Zhai.

"He wants to get treasure, so he uses us as labor?"

"Exchange it, as long as he can really come up with Lei Fa, it doesn't matter if I help him."

"Oh, I'm afraid he's bluffing."

The two men adjusted the ropes, added and removed clothes, and made preparations before going into the water. Sima Che stayed in the room the whole time, not knowing what he was up to.

In the afternoon, when the three of them met, Sima Che came out holding a wooden box, and said with a smile, "I have recorded Lei Fa in the volume, and it's in this box. Don't worry, I will keep my promise."


Gu Yu scanned it again with his spiritual sense, and there was indeed a scroll hidden in the box, with words on the scroll, which looked like a practice. He frowned slightly, then relaxed, and said with a smile: "I hope so."

The three of them went to the lake again, with a rope tied around his waist and the other end tied to a boulder, and Xiao Zhai took care of him.

He stood on the blue rock, jumped up a bit, and got in with a plop.


As soon as he entered the water, the unbearable cold came from all directions, forcibly penetrating into the cracks in the bones. His spiritual power was running crazily and wandering around his body, which offset a lot.

There are many ditches in Baicheng. He has been playing around since he was a child, and his water skills are good. However, the gravity and buoyancy of this lake are extraordinary. Usually, one stroke can jump several meters, but now it is very difficult.

It was like he was swimming in a big piece of jelly, and it got harder and harder the further down he went. After diving to a depth of three to five meters, I was a little exhausted, so I quickly swam upward while pulling the rope.

Seeing the rope shaking, Xiao Zhai pulled it hard, and then heard a crash, and Gu Yu showed his head.

The fire on the shore had been set up long ago, and he moved to the side to keep warm, Sima Che hurriedly asked, "Gu Daoyou, how are you?"

"It's okay, just take it easy."

"What's in that lake?"

"I didn't have a clue, I dived three to five meters, and came up first."

"I heard from my master that those ancestors can dive very deep, but they can't find anything. The lake water has become so weird since the white mist appeared. If you find it difficult, then..."

"It's okay, I'll try again."

Gu Yu rested for a while, then experimented one after another, entering the water from different places. Gradually, he got used to the environment in the lake and dived deeper and deeper.

When I went down for the fifth time, the sky was already dark.


The unique sound of running water rang in my ears, and the surrounding area was full of crushed ice, glowing with a gloomy blue light. The buoyancy was stronger in the depths, so Gu Yu rushed several times, and finally reached the bottom of the lake in one breath.

Quite unexpectedly, the bottom of the lake is not bare, but covered by a strange and unknown aquatic plant. The entanglement and ostentation of greenery are like ancient ruins, abandoned by time, quiet and weird.

Suddenly, a trace of abnormal fluctuations flashed through the consciousness, and disappeared in an instant.


Gu Yu opened his eyes wide, and slowly swam in the direction, his heart beating thumping. If yes, I have experienced similar fluctuations—the fish bone in Wudaohe!

Needless to say, the meaning of the fish bones, the incomplete Qi feeding method, illusion, some miscellaneous travel notes... directly laid the foundation of his cultivation.

And this thing just happened to be at the node, and for some reason, it inexplicably suppressed the aura.

what's in it

Almost instantly, Gu Yu had a thought that made him afraid, but then he shook his head and wiped away that thought.

He struggled to push aside the water plants, groped with his hands for a while, and found that thing after a long time.

About the size of a palm, it is black, like an inconspicuous square stone. There seems to be a dragon carved on the top, and there is a gap in the dragon body, which can be buckled with fingers.

This should be Fang Guyin.

Gu Yu paused for a moment, his eyes fixed, he clasped the dragon's body with his hands, and lifted it up.

It didn't move.

He increased his strength and mentioned it again.


The sound of running water was suddenly strong and dull like thunder.

He didn't dare to stay longer, poured spiritual power into his right hand, and raised it for the third time.


A large piece of aquatic plants seemed to be lifted by the strong wind, and they all broke their waists. There was an air wave gushing under the ancient seal, which instantly blasted the bottom of the lake, and the water flow had turned into huge water beads, rolling back and forth around him.

The rich and messy aura was actually visible to the naked eye, forming white marks one after another, crazily tearing apart the entire Moraine Lake.


A drop of water hit him like a cannonball, Gu Yu couldn't dodge it in time, and turned over straight. He barely stabilized his figure, secretly thinking that something was wrong, he carried the ancient seal and went upstream.

On the shore, Xiao Zhai watched the waves on the lake. The first second was calm and the next second the sky was dark.

She didn't have time to think about it, and pulled the rope desperately. The rope was crooked by the impact, and there was no point of strength at all, so she shouted: "Come and help!"

Sima Che was still watching, and ran over after listening.

The two of them worked together, and finally dragged it out of the lake little by little. After a few breaths, a figure flew up to the shore, with a thud behind him like an explosion.

"Huchi... Huchi..."

Gu Yu supported the ground with his hands, panting heavily, wandering around for so long, this is the first time he experienced this sense of crisis.

Sima Che came back to his senses first, rushed over in two or three steps, and grabbed the ancient seal.

"This is, this is..."

He looked at it for a moment, weeping and laughing on his face, and said hoarsely, "Sazu Daoyin, Sazu Daoyin..."

"What Master said turned out to be true, woohoo..."

Gu Yu saw that he was full of idiots, sitting slumped without moving, and couldn't help shouting: "It's not safe here, leave quickly!"



As soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise in the lake, and half of the lake flew into the sky, like the Milky Way pouring down. In an instant, the water in a radius of 100 meters was thoroughly poured.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Menlei rolling, rumbling down from the sky.

The sound was so amazing that even Sima Che woke up. The three of them raised their heads together and sighed: It's over!