Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 123: collapse




This is not the sound of thunder, but the lonely and huge snow mountain god, sleeping soundly on the eternal and endless frozen soil, disturbed by ants, and snoring casually.

Gu Yu pulled out the ancient seal, and the long-suppressed aura was released instantly. The loud noise in the lake was like a bomb, shaking the mountain loose, and then, there was an avalanche.

An avalanche is completely different from the ferocity of mudslides, earthquakes, and floods, and it actually has a different kind of beauty.

The three of them looked up, only to see that the snow layer on the top of the peak broke suddenly, and layers of snow blocks and snowboards moved in response, like a god shaking off a white robe from his body.

And in less than a second, the white robe turned into white sand, and the white sand turned into white waves, engulfed in clouds, covering the sky and covering the earth.


Someone yelled, first two figures galloped down, and another figure hurriedly followed.

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai's minds went blank, only hearing the cold wind whistling in their ears. They didn't walk the mountain ridge, jumped directly down the mountain stream, and flew up and down on the raised bare rock and mud layer.

Sima Che wrapped Gu Yin tightly in his arms, and his speed was not slow. The inner energy of thirty years of penance poured into his feet, and he ran desperately, scared out of his wits.

And the wooden box containing the scroll fell to the ground with a thud and submerged in an instant.



Behind the three of them, the sound of the ground breaking that day became louder and closer. In the dim light, the snow waves seemed to be falling straight from the sky, and the silver dragons were flying, pouring down the mountain.

And in front of the silver dragon, it drove away the white powdery snow cloud, as if flying through the clouds.

An avalanche is a slide from a height of several thousand meters, with great potential energy, which will cause violent oscillations in the air, so a layer of air waves will be formed. This air wave is similar to the shock wave produced during an explosion, and it is enough to destroy everything.

"Hoo... hoo..."

The sound of the wind whistling and the sound of breathing were mixed together, and it was hard to tell whether it was exhalation or intake. Gu Yu only felt that the chase behind became more and more frantic, and the breath of death that had never been seen enveloped his whole body.

Suddenly, his mind turned and he hurriedly shouted: "Run sideways, don't stay in the passing zone!"

"South side!"

Xiao Zhai also reacted and responded immediately. He spoke very slowly, in fact, it took only a few minutes since Gu Yu went ashore. It happened so suddenly that everything was messed up.

Immediately, the two of them turned and flew south. Sima Che had enough energy to spare, so he didn't have time to think, so he also turned around.


The further down the avalanche, the faster the speed, and people's feet can't run at all. The three of them gasped for a while, but they still couldn't escape the power of nature, and they were about to be overturned by the air waves.

"Hold on to me!"

Gu Yu's heart twitched suddenly, and he pulled Xiao Zhai with one hand, and with the greatest strength in his life, he flew over the rock in front of him. Before he landed, he concentrated his spiritual energy on his back, and then pressed down to protect Xiao Zhai under his body.

Follow it up and hear "Bang!"


It's not the central area yet, just a wave of air on the edge smashed the big rock. Debris swept across the sky, and there was a burst of stone rain, all of which fell on Gu Yu's back.

He felt his throat was sweet and he was about to spit out blood, but he held it back, and then his eyes went dark.


After the air wave, there was a snow wave, mixed with countless ice blocks and rock blocks whistling past. The two of them are like a lonely boat in a storm, which will sink at any time.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... I don't know how long it took, and after an extremely long torment, the voice finally faded away.


Xiao Zhai was hugged and didn't suffer much impact. She opened her eyes, only to feel the darkness. After a little identification, the two of them were buried by the stirred up snow, and they should be under the snow layer.

"Gu Yu! Gu Yu!"

She called twice, but the other party didn't respond, and hurriedly moved forward, rubbing the tip of his nose with her nose. It's okay, it's okay, breathing and heartbeat, just in a coma.

Everything just now was so thrilling that my mind was confused, leaving only the most straightforward feeling: the rest of my life after the catastrophe.

After a while, she twisted her body, broke free from the narrow space, and began to dig snow hard.

When a person is buried in the snow, his body temperature will drop rapidly, and his life will be in danger if it takes more than half an hour. Xiao Zhai's right hand was pressing down, only his left hand could move, he dug a little bit, and jumped up a little bit.

As the space increases, the movement becomes more convenient, and the right hand also joins in.

They didn't bury it too deep, and quickly reached the surface. Xiao Zhai dragged him out and walked deeper, for fear of another collapse.

She stood on the mountainside and looked down. The scene was completely different. The green valley was annihilated, the houses disappeared, and the trees, farmland, vegetable fields, and rivers were all gone. There were only tens of thousands of tons of snow covered, forming a small snowfield.

"well… "

She sighed softly, then looked around again, she still had a lighter hidden on her body, and wanted to find some ignition materials.

"Help… "


She paused.

"Help... help..."

There were several calls in succession, as if someone was calling for help, faintly, seemingly far away. She followed the voice, stopped beside a snow layer, and said, "Senior Sima?"

"It's me, fellow daoist, save me!"


Xiao Zhai started digging snow again, and Sima Che was also digging inside. When half of his body was exposed, the guy was almost numb from the cold.

"Thank you, thank you Jiang Daoyou!"

Sima Che climbed out of the snow pit, full of joy and fear for his narrow escape. It was good shit luck, he was directly blown away by the air wave and fell into the snow pit, but he was not injured at all.

"Gu, where's Daoist Gu?" He asked panting.

"Over there, we'll have to build a fire."

"I know where the firewood is."

As they spoke, the two found branches and lit a fire. After a while, Gu Yu also woke up leisurely, his face pale.

"How do you feel? I felt the bones, and the bones are fine." Xiao Zhai asked hurriedly.

"Maybe, maybe the internal organs were injured..." His breathing was very rough and he looked very weak.

"Then you rest and don't move."

"What's the situation now?" he asked.

"The entrance of the cave is blocked by snow, the valley has all disappeared, and our food and tools are all in the backpack, and they are all gone."

"What is that guy doing?"

"Say yes, go down and have a look, the things you fished up are still in his hands."

"oh… "

Gu Yu nodded, and suddenly said inexplicably, "Be careful."

"I see."

At this moment, Sima Che returned to the mountainside with a desolate expression, thumped and sat on the ground, mourning: "It's over, the hermitage that I have sent for hundreds of years is now all over... it's over..."

"Fellow Daoist Sima!"

Gu Yu leaned against a short tree, pointed in the direction opposite to the entrance of the cave, and asked, "Now is not the time to talk about this, do you know where the other side leads to?"

Sima Che was stunned, and said, "There are also snow mountains over there, and there are villages far away, about four days away."

four days

The two frowned in unison, which meant that they were trapped in a desperate situation, injured, unable to move, and more importantly, without food!


The sky was completely dark, pitch black as ink, only a little fire was lit here. Without the warmth of the valley, the temperature dropped sharply and the cold was unbearable.

They are all extraordinary people, and their emotions are already stable, so you can negotiate with me one by one. Finally, it was unanimously decided: dig the house first, find some food and tools, and with the basic guarantee, it is only a matter of time before the exit is dug through.

Thinking about it this way, the scene is not so difficult at this time.

As for the exchange, I don't know whether I forgot it or didn't mention it on purpose, no one said it anyway.


The flames licked the branches and made a crisp pop. Sima Che looked at the ancient seal carefully by the light of the fire.

In the classics of Shimen, this seal is called Sazu Daoyin. It is said that it contains Sa Shoujian's unique knowledge of Taoism and some sporadic insights. Those who get this seal will get the foundation of the Dao, and there is hope for immortality.

But when he looked around, it looked like a black stone at first glance, and he didn't know how to use it at all. But he is not in a hurry, anyway, he can't get out now.

On the other side of the fire were Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai.

Gu Yu closed his eyes and meditated, but he didn't breathe.

The aura here is sharp and chaotic, and if inhaled into the body, it will be death. It is estimated that it will take a long time to become calm and natural. So he just adjusted his breath normally, using his spiritual energy to moisten the visceral meridians over and over again, trying to recover as soon as possible.

After a while, he opened his eyes, turned his head to look, and met those shining eyes.

"Let's sleep for a while, you have to work tomorrow." He laughed.

"Forget it, I can't sleep."

Xiao Zhai shook his head, looked gloomy, and said in a low voice, "I'm worried about Xiao Qiu."

When Gu Yu heard this, he was also worried: "Yes, it's been four days!"

"Xiaoqiu, it's time to eat!"

"I'll come, I'll come!"

In the house, Ayikhan brought the food to the table and greeted him loudly. Long Qiu hurried over to help with the bowls and chopsticks. Mom went to the ranch, and there were only two little girls at home. They got along very well, and they chatted and ate when they met.

There were no more than a few topics for the girls, and they talked about those two people as they talked.

Ayi Khan is simple and generous, and outspoken, it is inevitable to mention when he will return and so on. Long Qiu responded with a smile, but there was a deep worry in his eyes.

Before the two left, they left some money for Xiri Ahong's family as food and lodging expenses. He also gave some to Long Qiu, but in the small village, there was nowhere to spend it.

Her seal is up to five days, and if she doesn't come back the day after tomorrow, Golden Silkworm will get out of trouble.

She has a very stubborn temper, and she has planned a long time ago, only to wait until tomorrow night, and then go into the mountains alone to find her brothers and sisters. If you find the best, if you can't find it, let yourself die in the snow-capped mountains, so as not to accidentally injure the villagers.

At the same time, in a stronghold between Shuimogou and Bogda Mountain, several people were discussing:

"Captain, it's been four days, those two people probably died inside."

"Oh, I don't believe they hang up like this, they will definitely come out."

"Don't tell me, I don't believe it either. If it weren't for wearing this skin, to be honest, I really admire them both, they are so chic!"

"Ha, your thinking is dangerous!"

While speaking, footsteps came suddenly, saying: "Captain, there are verbal instructions from above!"

"What content?"

"Wait another two days, if the target hasn't appeared yet, act now!"