Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 133: reach an agreement


It is said that the development of human society to the present is actually a process of improving the level of understanding and utilization of resources.

In the initial agricultural society, resources were limited to materials, which were used to produce tools and improve labor productivity. In the industrial age, resources are expanded into energy sources, and materials and energy are combined to create new tools.

In modern society, information has become the new darling of resources. The organic combination of materials, energy, and information has opened up infinite and broad prospects for the development of social productivity.

But now, suddenly there is a strange new resource that is likely to change the shape of society. People find that they have no knowledge, let alone how to use it. So much so that in this field, the definition of resources has returned to zero, and it has returned to the material age.

Where did that material come from? nature.

Nature provides materials, and labor transforms materials into wealth. Only with the accumulation of wealth can we develop and grow little by little.

This is the most fundamental logic. The government thinks very clearly, so it is anxious to find "that kind of thing" in order to monopolize it strongly. Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai were equally aware that this condition was prepared after many considerations.

"You want Phoenix Mountain?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qilei's unmovable gentle expression finally flashed a flash of surprise. There are many important laws, such as mining rights, tourism development rights, and various use rights. Of course his greatest fear is, ownership.

"Mr. Gu, your tone is really serious! In front of me, how dare you..."

"Hey, don't put your hat on!"

He wanted to warn and beat, but Gu Yu interrupted first, and said with a smile: "We are very measured, and we will not provoke a government. Our conditions are these two, you may as well talk about it, what do you want?"

After some conversations, Wang Qi probably grasped the other party's style, stopped going around in circles, and said directly: "I would venture to ask, what kind of exercises do you practice?"

"Naturally, it is the qi refining method of the Danding School, which is considered a hidden branch. But the master has an order, so it must not be revealed, sorry."

"Hehe, it's okay..."

Wang Qi asked casually, but didn't care. After all, this is not the purpose of this trip, and there are so many Daoist resources under the government's command, it's not bad.

He turned and said: "What I want is very simple, everything you know."

"Oh, your tone is not small."

Gu Yu picked up the teapot and brewed three more cups, quite anticlimactic: "Come, drink tea!"

This tea is full of flavor, and after two times of watering, it does not diminish at all, but adds to the aftertaste. Up to this point, both sides have put forward conditions, and the next step is to look at their respective hole cards, who is lighter and who is more important.

If you want information, whether I tell you or not depends on what you give. Then your stuff depends on the value I give... It sounds complicated. To put it bluntly, it means that you are satisfied and I am satisfied.

"Everything, this concept is too general, let's talk about the specifics, how is Long Qiu doing now?" Xiao Zhai asked.

"She is in Wumu City, and everything is fine. But you may not know that she killed six people in the outskirts of the mountain. All six people were our elite!" Wang Qi emphasized his tone naturally.


When the two of them heard this, they were also extremely surprised. Although they guessed that the girl would kill someone, there were six of them! The implication of the other party is that Long Qiu's crime is very serious. If you want to redeem him, you must have enough cards.

Gu Yu pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "I also dare to ask, your current research should have no results, right?"

"The power of the government should never be underestimated." Wang Qi was ambiguous.

"Ah… "

He didn't care, and continued: "Actually, I can tell you right now, what are you wondering about, what are we seeking all the way?"

"What is it?"

Wang Qi stared at the other party without blinking, only to see his lips parted slightly, and slowly spit out eight words: "Spiritual Qi revives, Taoism reappears."


Wang Qi shuddered suddenly. This was one of several official conclusions, and it was finally confirmed at this moment. And when the Taoism is reproduced later, the amount of information is even greater.

It is no exaggeration to say that with these eight characters alone, the government's strategy and direction can be determined, and a series of activities can be deployed based on this.

No wonder the other party has such confidence and dares to negotiate with the government. It seems that only he can feel the aura, which is actually true.

So far, every word from both sides is affecting the balance. If you have more chips, my chips will be less. It changes all the time.

After thousands of turns in Wang Qi's mind, he also changed his tone and asked, "Since this is the case, what do you think about the future changes?"

"The general trend is inevitable, and we can only face it positively. Resources, structures, concepts, culture, etc. will all change accordingly. You know better than me, so I won't play tricks."

"What about you two?"

"Us? It's nothing more than seeking a way to practice."

Looking for a way to practice...

Wang Qi pondered this sentence carefully. He is not a cultivator, but he can also feel a trace of firmness, struggle, courage and helplessness.

Unknowingly, his impression of the two gradually improved, and it was only because of his duties that he said, "Mr. Gu, I understand you very well, but based on these, we can't talk."

"Oh, of course it's more than that."

Gu Yu took out a notebook, handed it over and said, "Look at this."

Wang Qi was a little puzzled, opened the page and saw that it read on the first page:

"Reiki is born from heaven and earth. Divided by concentration, 0 means none, 1 is basic, which is the standard that can be cultivated; 2 is good, 3 is excellent, 4 is excellent, and 5 is the node standard. Node, where the aura explodes concentratedly The ground can radiate the surrounding area, ranging from tens to hundreds of kilometers. And it is speculated that the concentration of aura is not constant, but is increasing everywhere, and the radiation range of nodes will still expand. This trip traveled thousands of miles and passed through 296 large and small cities , villages and towns. Their aura levels are listed one by one... "

He had just watched a few paragraphs, and even his fingers were shaking, and he flicked back. Sure enough, starting from 21 locations in the Shengtian area, it went all the way south, passing through Jizhou, Luzhou, Jiangzhou, Qianzhou, Shuzhou, and finally made a big right angle and stopped at Wumu City in the northwest. Wherever he went, there were records.

The value of this booklet is too great!

Just like the guys from the National Land Survey, they may seem inconspicuous, but in the eyes of the country, they are all treasures. With this atlas, the government can take the lead and hold resources firmly in its hands.

Why? etc!

Wang Qi searched over and over several times, but there are only 1, 2, 3, and 4 marked on this booklet, but there is no 5. He subconsciously asked: "What about the nodes? Why aren't the nodes marked?"

"Don't worry, we have to discuss first, is the value of this item enough?" Xiaozhai said.

It took them a few days to compile this booklet, and it was different from the original version, just deleted the information of the nodes.


At this critical moment, Wang Qi quickly stabilized his mind, exhaled lightly, and still shook his head: "The things are indeed good, as for whether they will be enough, it's too early to say!"

Hearing this, Gu Yu also frowned slightly, and said, "Mr. Wang, your sincerity is too stingy!"

"No, I'm very, very sincere."

Wang Qi put down the brochure, paused, and said, "I'll cut to the chase, I have a few questions to ask."


"Phoenix Mountain is one of the nodes?" he asked.


"How many nodes are there?"

"No comment at this time."

"How do the other nodes compare with Phoenix Mountain?"

"It's just not bad."

Wang Qi nodded. He wasn't too stupid. If we kept the best and gave the worst to the government, it would definitely be the rhythm of war. Immediately, he asked again: "You want Phoenix Mountain, do you want to occupy the mountain as king?"

"I said don't put your hat on, we can't afford it. You can understand it as a contract. We just want a quiet place to practice without being disturbed by anyone."

"Including us?"

"Including you!"

"According to what you mean, what if we need each other in the future?"

"Exchange! We want something from you, we exchange things, and on the contrary, you do the same."

"Like this time?"

"That's right!"

There is no way, for politicians, the position is the fundamental principle, and the most important thing must be orderly and neutral. If there is even a little bit of transgression, it will be destroyed at any cost.

Wang Qi understood their attitude, they only talked about their interests, not their feelings, and they even had to be on guard against each other.

Now is the initial stage, and the two sides have no way to establish a relationship. When one side grows up and can overwhelm the other side, this situation will not be the same.

After a few questions, Wang Qi said: "Although I am fully responsible, I have to ask my superiors for instructions on sending a mountain."

"how long?"


"We're only waiting for you for two hours."

Gu Yu stretched out his hand and took the booklet back. Wang Qi forced himself to hold back his impulse, so he didn't rush forward to snatch it.

This round of negotiations, the topic is over.

The government is giving favors along the way. Phoenix Mountain is originally Gu Yu's hometown, and he has been practicing there. What they are doing now is just a legal procedure, but what they get back is a whole set of aura maps.

They feel they have earned it.

As for Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai, it was equivalent to using two months of painstaking efforts to avoid Long Qiu's charges and change to an officially recognized mountain. It seems to be a loss, but in fact, they have retained the most critical exercises, especially the Qi method!

The government's current focus is on spiritual energy, and it doesn't pay much attention to exercises. After all, with the Taoist Association in hand, what skills can't be found with an order

Even if there is Mu Kun's slight observation, it can't overcome the unified thinking above - the cognitive gap, which has been shrouded by Quanzhen and Zhengyi for too long.

Of course, Gu Yu said hehe, he was sure that there would never be another person who knew how to eat qi. As long as this is not exposed, everything is fine.

Not to mention, there are new alchemy and weapon refining, none of which are lost.

Once they got Phoenix Mountain, they could practice in an enclosed area and enjoy the resources of one node exclusively. The so-called first step, step by step, with their aptitude, even if they practice prosperity in the future, they will not take it seriously.

Although that booklet is important, you have to know that as the aura grows stronger, other people must be able to sense it. Until then, the government will do something similar.

They just got the upper hand, and they used this to negotiate terms.

Well, I also feel that I have earned it.

After talking about the matter, Wang Qi was still a little unwilling, and tried his last effort, asking: "Both of you are great talents, do you really think about joining us?"

"We seek the truth with all our heart, and hope you understand."

"Well, it's a pity, it's a pity. To be honest, I feel sorry for the two of you... Hey, that fragrance is good."

He glanced casually, then got up suddenly and walked to the wooden case, carefully opened the incense burner, and took out a few charcoal-shaped incense sticks with tweezers. This is what Xuanhe Longyuan looks like. The strangest thing about it is that it can be brewed with tea after the fragrance is gone.

Wang Qi is obviously well versed in this way, skillfully put the incense slices into the cup, and then boiled them with warm water. In an instant, a strange fragrance escaped. It was wonderfully long, and the tea and fragrance were perfectly blended together.

Gu Yu smelled it, and said with a smile: "If there is a result today, we can really be a Xiangdao fellow."

Immediately brew tea three times, holding cups each, looking at each other and sending: "Please!"