Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 134: return trip


Army compound, a research institute.

The soldier on duty pressed the switch, and there was a soft hissing sound, and a gap was opened in the seemingly weak but solid door.

Long Qiu stepped out with his bag on his back. The sun shone on his little face that hadn't seen the sun for several days, and he couldn't help squinting his eyes. After the red, green and green flower shadows disappeared, the sight recovered, and I saw those two familiar figures all at once.

"Brother! Sister!"

She regained her spirit in an instant, and ran to the front happily, before she could figure out how to express her excitement, she felt her body lighten and her feet lifted off the ground.

"Sister, sister, put me down!"

She was hugged by Xiao Zhai and turned around, flustered and ashamed, and couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice.

"What are you doing down here? Of course we have to hold them high when we meet."

Xiao Zhai turned two 360 degrees before gently putting down the girl, and saw that she was indeed not hurt, but her complexion was a little pale.


A staff member next to him coughed twice, tried to ignore him, and asked, "Mr. Gu, is there anything else you need?"

"that's all, thanks."

"Then shall I send a car to take you back?"

"No, it's not far from the hotel, we can just walk."

"Well, you can come to me at any time if you have something to do, and I won't send it far away."

They didn't beg for nothing and force them, and when they were delivered to the door, they wiped themselves and ran away.

The family of three reunited, and naturally they had a lot to say. After walking for a while, they saw a small shop by the side of the road, so they simply went in and sat down.

Long Qiu's mental state is not bad, since the day they left Shuimogou, he talked about how he got along with Ayikhan and how he missed him. On the fifth day, he sneaked out and left the money he had with Ayhan.

Then, she talked about being surrounded by two places, and the golden silkworm ran away.

"I was in so much pain that I felt that all my strength was drained, and I passed out. When I woke up, I was already in a small room. Later, someone said, I, I killed six people... Woo..."

Her mood suddenly fluctuated, which was not very acceptable. Xiao Zhai stretched out his arms, hugged her in his arms and comforted her: "You happened to have an attack at that time, either you died or someone else died, it's your own destiny. It's okay, it's all over."

"But I killed someone."

"Okay, don't think about it all the time."

Gu Yu poured her a glass of water and asked, "By the way, can you control it now?"

"It's okay now, but I'm afraid it will come out by the end of the year."

"It doesn't matter, you will be fine when you learn the breathing method and subdue the golden silkworm completely."

After the two comforted each other, Long Qiu finally got better. After a while, the dishes were brought to the table, and she was locked in the forbidden room for several days. Seeing the fireworks in the world now, she felt reborn.

"Brother, sister, how did you rescue me?" She asked while eating.

"This is too complicated, I will tell you slowly when I get home." Gu Yu said.

"Go home?" She blinked, not quite understanding.

"Yes, we will take you back to Shengtian tomorrow." Xiao Zhai said with a smile.


Long Qiu immediately trembled, feeling nervous and looking forward to it, after all she was picked up by the side of the road, and she was unavoidably a little apprehensive following someone back to her hometown.

Seeing her appearance, Xiao Zhai couldn't help laughing and said, "Xiaoqiu, I've made an agreement in advance. As for me, I live in Shengtian City. He lives in a county below..."

"County-level city, county-level city!" someone corrected.

Xiao Zhai didn't care about him, and continued: "We are tens of kilometers apart, very far away, so you have to make a decision, should you live with him or with me?"

"Ah? Are we going to make a decision now?" Long Qiu had a bitter face, extremely embarrassed.

"Yes, let's make an agreement now, because I will go back tomorrow." Gu Yu also chimed in.

"Yes, yes..."

Long Qiu looked at his elder brother and elder sister, both of them turned around for you in a serious manner. After a long while, the girl finally found it difficult to deal with, she said weakly, "Can I take turns?"


"Of course not!"

"Then, can we live together?" She said weakly.

"Well, the idea is creative."

Xiao Zhai pinched her face, turned around and asked, "How do you feel?"


Gu Yu didn't bother to answer, waved and shouted: "Boss, pay the bill!"

Two unscrupulous guys, they molested the little girl in their spare time, and then left pia aside after molesting. I just feel sorry for Long Qiu, he was still struggling until he left the restaurant: Should he take turns sleeping or sleep together

Speaking of last night, Wang Qi quickly contacted Shangfeng and reported related matters.

The response from the higher-ups was also quick, and they gave several instructions. On the basis of these points, all requirements can be met. Ever since, the three of them stayed up all night and reached a verbal agreement in the tea room.

No way, this thing can't have files.

The government: release Long Qiu immediately, and hand over Phoenix Mountain to Gu Yu and his wife. The two have the right to possess, use, and benefit from all the resources on the mountain and in the surrounding area at the foot of the mountain. To put it bluntly, they are contracting.

Gu Yu: Provide a complete aura map, and assist the official development of nodes, of course, there is a reward.

There are two places worth pondering. One is about the characterization of Phoenix Mountain, which does not give "ownership". This is for sure, the land belongs to the state forever, and it is impossible to cede it out.

Second, there is no clear deadline.

Both parties are very clear that the cooperation is only temporary, and this period will change with the change of their respective strengths, maybe five years, maybe fifty years, maybe indefinitely.

So far, a total of four nodes have been discovered.

The concentrations of Tianzhu Mountain and Emei Mountain are both 6, and Phoenix Mountain is 5. The aura of Tianshan Mountain is still in chaos, and it may take a few years to stabilize. Although Phoenix Mountain is low, it doesn't matter, it is also a node if it is low, and it is exclusive.

To be honest, the two of them suddenly got a mountain, and they looked a little at a loss. Phoenix Mountain is a scenic spot with a well-developed tourism industry, how to plan it... and the Baicheng government, which was supposed to eat and wait for death, but pia, two gods fell down... All of this needs to be coordinated, and you have to think about it carefully.

In the blink of an eye, the next day, the three of them rushed to the airport early in the morning, preparing to take an early flight back.

Sitting in the departure hall, Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai looked at the sparse passengers and suddenly felt strange. I set off in November last year, and now it is January, and the experience of wandering for more than two months is indescribable.

Over the past two months, they seem to have thrown off their previous social relationships and life burdens, and they have never felt more free. This feeling is extremely wonderful, like being poisoned, deeply rooted in the bones.

But now, they want to go back again, to the city that is slowly changing, and they don't know what they are facing.

The two of them were full of thoughts, but Long Qiu didn't think so much, his white and tender cheeks moved, chewing gum and looking around.

"Huh?" She suddenly whispered.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Zhai asked.

"We've met that person before."

She pointed with her finger, and saw a young man with a straight figure and a heroic face not far away. At first glance, I didn't think so, but after a closer look, it looks familiar.

The man also saw them, walked straight over, and said: "Morning, three!"

"You can't say it was a coincidence this time, can you?" Gu Yu laughed.

"Of course not, I'm on a special trip to accompany you."

"Then what should we call you? Lu Ningning?" Xiao Zhai asked.

"Hehe, let's get to know each other officially..."

He stretched out his hand, not a bit of a sissy, and said with a smile: "My name is Zhang Hongru, and I am your full-time liaison officer. I will be stationed in Baicheng from now on. If you have any needs, you can contact me."