Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 135: earthly


Zhang Hongru, twenty-five years old, has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a handsome face.

He was originally an intelligence officer of the security agency, and he was ordered to contact the two of them, and he used Lu Ningning's character template. Lu Ningning is indeed a real person. She works as the boss of the modeling studio near Jiangzhou University.

Zhang Hongru brought this set up and pretended to be lifelike, anyway, they had never seen Lu Ningning before.

After Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai got to know the inside story, they were not angry, but found it very interesting. I don't have any dislike for the job of "full-time liaison officer". As expected, the government will definitely send people to station to facilitate communication.

That Zhang Hongru took off his disguise and revealed his true face, young and talkative, with a hearty temperament, which added a bit of a good impression.

In the afternoon, Shengtian Airport.

After more than two months, the city is still noisy and full of traffic. The only change is that the air is much better.

You know, this is the heating season in the north. Once the large and small boilers are fired, it is the S-level ninja technique in previous years-the great smog technique. But this year is different, the sky is still gray, but there is obviously a little more vitality and swimming, without that dull oppressive feeling.

The three of them left the hall hurriedly, Gu Yu looked at the sky, and thought in his heart: The speed of the spread of nodes is faster than expected, maybe in a short while, Sheng Tian will be able to practice too.

And Long Qiu looked at the surrounding environment, full of novelty, and suddenly said: "Brother, sister, I like this place."

"You like just looking at an airport?" Gu Yu laughed.

"Well, my feelings tell me that this is a very good place."

"Heh, I feel like this kind of thing is the most unreliable."

Xiao Zhai rubbed her hair, and they went to the boarding station of the airport bus together. The previous one has just left, the latter one is slowly approaching, and there are still a few people queuing up.

They stood by the side of the road and said goodbye briefly.

"We went straight home."

"Well, I'll go to the station first."

"See you!"

"See you!"

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai looked at each other, stretched out their hands at the same time, and hugged them gently, feeling the most familiar warmth and breath, rubbed each other briefly, and then hurriedly separated.

There is no need to say much between them.


Gu Yu turned around and got on the bus, Xiao Zhai pulled Long Qiu to stop a taxi, and also disappeared without looking back.

"Hey, brother!"

Long Qiu stared blankly, only now did he realize, and asked anxiously, "Why did he leave?"

"You follow me first, and then go to him in two days."


This little girl has been entangled in whether to live in her house or his house, but it has already been decided. There is no way, the two old drivers have to get used to it after they tortured the rookie.

Gu Yu sat on the bus, and after a while, Zhang Hongru also got on the bus, and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, is it convenient for us to sit together?"

"Of course, but it's better to change places."

The two of them walked back as they talked, and ran to the corner of the last row. There were six or seven people sitting sparsely in front of them. Soon, the bus started and slowly left the airport.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Zhang Hongru could not help but smile and said, "This is the first time I've come here. If there's anything I don't understand, please help me."

"It's easy to say, I'm afraid we have to meet often, so don't be too polite."

"Hehe, that's good, I'll ask directly."

Zhang Hongru paused, and said, "Mr. Gu, what do you plan to do with Phoenix Mountain?"

"To be honest, we didn't think about it, but we probably have an idea. First of all, the scenic spot will not change. I will investigate and find a route to divide it into inner mountains and outer mountains."

"I'm really afraid that if you close the mountain, then the local government will suffer."

Zhang Hongru breathed a sigh of relief, there was no other way, this mountain was his in name, if he didn't want to engage in tourism, the whole mountain would have to be banned, and the authorities would have to pinch his nose to recognize it.

"Then how do you plan to manage the outer mountain?" He asked again.

"I can't talk about business, and I don't have the time, so let you manage it."

"Understood, I will discuss this."

What Gu Yu meant was: the inner mountain is a forbidden place, and you are not allowed to enter it. The outer mountains are entrusted to them to keep the scenic spot unchanged, and the profits are shared.

Don't be too vulgar, in the early stage of practice, worldly money is a very important resource.

With just a few words, the fate of the Phoenix Mountain Scenic Area and the hundreds of people who depended on the mountain for food was decided. As for Zhang Hongru's solution, it's very simple. He is considered a special commissioner, and such trivial matters can be dealt with first.

After driving all the way, they entered the city of Shengtian, and the passenger station was one of the stops. They would get off there and then transfer to Baicheng.

The two chatted in low voices in the back seat. After chatting for a long time, Zhang Hongru remembered something again and said, "By the way, if you want to build a residence, we can help."

"What about this... Okay, we'll talk about it later." He nodded.

The residence must be built, or under the big tree, or on the flat ground beside the two small rivers, with enough space. Although there is a Ziyang Temple in the outer mountain, he does not intend to drive people away, nor does he want to move to the scenic spot.

Gu Yu was teased by the other party's words, and couldn't help thinking about it.

There should be at least three quiet rooms, which are used for daily practice. There are also three bedrooms, as well as a living room, toilet, kitchen, etc... oh, plus an alchemy room and a tool room, and a dozen rooms are needed.

It's a big project, I really can't handle it myself.

He understands what Zhang Hongru means, this is not a friendship to help, but what he himself said: exchange.

In the evening, Phoenix set.

It is still the same here, quiet and friendly, houses are sandwiched between the staggered alleys, and lights are lit from time to time.

Gu Yu carried a big bag on his back and walked slowly towards his home. Although he was already a practitioner, he didn't hate his previous life. Parents are short-sighted, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, which has its own charm of the world.

He walked to the yard and found that the lights were on in the house, and there was someone there. As soon as he pushed the door, he deliberately made a noise, and immediately asked inside, "Who is it?"

When Gu Yu heard this voice, he smiled and said, "Qingqing?"


There was a silly silence inside for a few seconds, and then there was a scalp-numbing scream:


A little girl rushed out, shouting as she ran, "Brother? Wow, it's really you, you're finally back!"

She jumped forward, and Pia rolled in his arms, and kept saying, "Why did you go? You have been gone for more than two months. If you can still make calls, we will call the police." Already!"

This noise shocked the neighbors, and they all came out to watch.

"Yo, Xiao Yu is back!"

"I heard that you went to the south to do business. How is it? It's not easy to do business now."

"Why do you go to business, people are traveling, that's called outdoor sports, you know?"

"How did I hear that I went to marry a daughter-in-law and didn't come back?"

"Get out! Is Xiao Yu that kind of person?"

Amidst the chatter, Aunt Fang Shufang also squeezed over, her expression even more excited. It took Gu Yu a long time to send the villagers and the big wolf dog away, and then entered the house with Uncle Fang's family.

The house was obviously cleaned by someone, and it was very clean inside. The computer on the desk was turned on, and Fang Qing was surfing the Internet just now. After they sat down, Uncle Fang naturally wanted to ask.

Gu Yu said with a smile: "I just went on a trip with my friends, and by the way, talk about the incense business. Now the channels are relatively stable and the profits are good. I may go out often in the future."

"Oh, as long as it's okay! Don't worry about this house, we will definitely take care of it for you."

After chatting for a while, the old couple saw that he was fine, so they went back to continue cooking.

Gu Yu took the pot of water and boiled it up, and said to Fang Qing, who was heartless and still playing on the computer: "Qingqing, are you on winter vacation yet?"

"Well, it's only been released for a few days."

"What was it like in high school?"

"It's okay, the final exam is the fifteenth in the class... hey, brother!"

Fang Qing rolled her eyes, and suddenly leaned over, asking, "Did you go out with Sister Xiao Zhai?"


"Then how far are you?"

"To what extent?"

"Tsk! Are you on that?"

"No." He shook his head calmly.


The little girl's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief: "You guys have been out for more than two months, and you didn't even get into bed?"

"None of your shit? Go, go, I need to change clothes, you go back first!"

He was in pain, picked up Fang Qing with one hand, and was about to rush out.

"Hey, bro, listen to me..."

She clutched the door frame desperately, and said vigorously: "You can't do it, you have been single for several years, and it is so easy for someone to fall in love with you, why don't you hurry up... Hey, how about you pick up a girl? Let me help you..."


Gu Yute threw the girl away in embarrassment, and closed the door forcefully.

He wiped his body, opened his backpack, and began to tidy up his things, while he was so busy, he burst into laughter: This feeling is really cordial and long-lost.

At the same time, in Sheng Tian's home, Xiao Zhai also experienced this feeling.

She had already taken a shower, was wearing loose pajamas, and was lying on a small bed in the study. There was incense on the table, tea was on hand, and the geothermal heat was so warm that Xiaoqing was alive and kicking, without the slightest sign of hibernation.

"well… "

She sighed contentedly, her whole body was sealed on the bed, and she didn't even want to get up after being beaten to death.

"elder sister!"

At this time, Long Qiu dried his hair, swayed in, and said, "I want to play with the computer for a while."

"Well, turn it on. From now on, you will watch TV and surf the Internet every day. It won't hurt to learn more."

"Know it!"

Long Qiu sat at the desk, turned on the computer, and flicked through the news on the web in an unskilled manner. The little girl is soft and soft, but she is unexpectedly interested in entertainment news, and she seems to have a heart for gossip.

Xiao Zhai lay on his side, looked at her back, stretched out his feet suddenly, and that long leg rested on her shoulder.


Long Qiu tilted his head, and saw a white, tender, watery, slender foot beside his face, and couldn't help blushing: "Don't make trouble, I'll release the golden silkworm!"

Well, they are all girls, if you make trouble again, I will cry for you, if you continue to make trouble, you will break up, if you continue to make trouble, you will be blah blah... If she doesn't agree with her, she will release a gu.

"It's useless if you let it go, it can't eat me."

Xiao Zhai took a sip of tea from his cup, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Oh, right, can you accept other Gu now?"

"Okay, as long as my body can hold it, but there don't seem to be any poisonous insects here."

"The poisonous worm is available in Phoenix Mountain, let your brother Yu first..."

"Jingle Bell!"

As she was talking, she heard the phone ring, picked it up and answered it, but it was her own mother. When I first came up, I complained, and then issued a death order, and I must go home for dinner tomorrow.

Just after hanging up, the phone rang again, this time it was Jiang Xiaojin.

"Hello? Sis, I heard you're back... Hahaha, I'm on winter vacation too, so I'll go find you!"