Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 136: Pills and utensils


Jiang Xiaojin just had her winter vacation.

For a brat like her, returning home is like killing her own. Because the Spring Festival was coming, her father also put off business and began to recuperate and discipline his daughter by the way.

So, she got up at eight o'clock, went to bed at ten o'clock, had three normal meals, and didn't go out at night. In an instant, she changed from a wild donkey on a leash to a teddy on a leash.

Of course, today is a good reason to visit my cousin!

After Jiang Xiaojin finished making the phone call, she drove the broken car and killed her. When she rang the doorbell, it was Long Qiu who opened the door. When the two girls met each other, they were a little dizzy, just like "wow, they are so beautiful to each other".

"Are you my sister's friend?"

A dog with a face like Xiao Jin is a typical double-standard creature, and others would have hooked their shoulders and put their backs on their shoulders. However, Long Qiu's temperament was too primitive, clean enough, so he couldn't help but be more careful.

"Uh, yes, my name is Long Qiu!"

The girl was also flustered, and brought her a pair of slippers. They are related by blood, and I just picked them up on the side of the road, and they are of a different nature.

The two were chattering, each with their own thoughts, and entered the house together. Xiao Zhai was still lying in the study looking up at the sky, and said casually, "It's late at night, what are you doing here? Xiao Qiu, go and cut a watermelon."


Long Qiu obediently ran to the kitchen, and Xiao Jin leaned over and asked, "Sister, who is she? Your girlfriend? Wow, when did you bend over, why didn't you tell me, we Let's go together... Mmmmm!"

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was pinched and squeezed into the shape of a salamander. Xiao Zhai didn't bother to talk to her, he just said: "Stay for a while and go back, don't waste your time here."

"I'm not going back, I'm staying here today."


"sister… "

Xiao Jin is a master who can bend and stretch, she pounced on her, crying and shouting: "You have pity on me! I can't eat or sleep well at home, and I will be scolded by my father for buying an electric wand. Just take me in for a few minutes." God?"


"sister… "

"I'm going out the day after tomorrow, so I don't have time to accompany you."

"It's just right to go out, take me with you, where are you going?"

She was begging for nothing, and Long Qiu was holding a plate of watermelon, poking it at the door, and was stunned: So it's still possible to play (mei) Jiao (pi) sell (mei) cute (lian) like this

Anyway, at the end, for some unknown reason, Xiaozhai took his cousin in and agreed to go to Baicheng with her.

And that night, Jiang Xiaojin also stayed at home, squeezing and hugging Longqiu to sleep.

At night, everything is quiet.

Gu Yu sat in the quiet room on the west side, holding the seal of Dao of Sazu in his hand, and his spiritual consciousness slowly penetrated into it. Sa Zu left three chapters on Taoism, "Shenxiao Dalei Langyu Book", "Alchemy", and "Refining Weapons".

Although Lei Fa is derived from Xiaozhai Shimen's "Che Long Wu Lei Nei Fa", Sa Shoujian is worthy of being a real person of a generation, he did not stick to the stereotypes, and added a lot of his own analysis and supplements to make it more perfect.

Only the cultivation level of a skill can determine its status. Today's "Da Lei Lang Yu Shu" is the same as the method of eating qi, and it can also go to the fairyland.

This exercise has been transcribed by Xiaozhai, and Gu Yu is mainly studying the other two.

The lamp was like a bean, and he sat under the lamp for a long time before rubbing his temples, feeling a little sluggish—this is the aftereffect of excessive consumption of spiritual consciousness.

After reading this, he was half happy and half worried.

Let’s talk about alchemy first. Alchemy is divided into outer alchemy and inner alchemy. This refers to outer alchemy. Waidan began in the pre-Qin period and was first expounded in "Zhouyi Cantongqi" written by Wei Boyang in the Eastern Han Dynasty. There are detailed explanations of the various ingredients, heat, and efficacy of alchemy.

Later in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Wai Danshu emerged and formed its own school, represented by the little fairy Weng Ge Hong. Later, it continued to the Tang Dynasty and reached its peak. It was not until the rise of Neidan that it gradually declined.

There are always two misunderstandings about Waidanshu:

First, because the ingredients of elixirs are often metals (gold, silver, copper, iron, tin), eight stones (cinnabar, realgar, mica, sky blue, sulfur, Rong salt, saltpeter, orpiment), after refining Can be toxic. There are people who make all kinds of lies, such as the ancients took drugs to death.

But in fact, the outer alchemy, like the talisman, requires a considerable foundation of cultivation.

For example, in all dynasties, there have been examples of emperors who took Waidan and died suddenly. This is not because the pill is not effective, but because the person is not good. Wai Dan collects the aura of heaven and earth, the treasure of all things, combined with the right time, place and people and refinement, it contains extremely high energy. You must be able to control this energy before you can take it.

Taoists practice the Tao every day, with a pure heart and few desires, the internal organs are unobstructed, and they are one with nature, and then they take the elixir with huge energy, which can absorb the properties of the medicine and immune to toxins.

What if ordinary people insist on eating? There are also tricks. In ancient times, there were matching pills, a kind of practice, and a kind of detoxification. Of course, the effects vary widely, and the toxins will still accumulate slowly. How long you can live depends on your physical fitness.

Second, there are actually two types of medicinal materials: stone medicine and herbal medicine. Mei Biao in the Tang Dynasty wrote "Shiyao Erya", which included as many as 150 kinds of commonly used stone medicines. The same is true for herbal medicines. There are more than a hundred kinds of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, dodder silk, vermilion grass, etc.

Then, the problem arises.

Wai alchemy has long been extinct since it was passed down to this day. One is that it is costly, and the other is that there are no materials full of spirituality. It is impossible to get a 50-year-old wild ginseng, let alone ginseng essence.

"well… "

Gu Yu had a headache, he finally got the recipe of Qi Gathering Pill, but it turned out to be useless.

Just talking about the alchemy stove, it is not enough to get an iron stove, but Liuyi mud is needed. The so-called Liuyi mud: neither gold nor silver, nor wood nor stone, sealed with realgar water, alum stone water, Rong salt, brine salt, alum stone, East China Sea oyster shells, red stone fat, talc, and hu powder, each tens of catties, It is for Liuyi mud.

It looks simple, but there is no material ratio! How much is tens of catties

There is no way, the sage spreads medicine but not fire, and few people know the heat. Gu Yu thought about it in every possible way, but still regretted letting go of the Dan Fang, it was not something he could handle.

Afterwards, he read "Refining Weapons" again.

Yinzhong records a complete refining system, and the finished product is Qingjingchen. Clean dust, that is, the dust whisk used by Taoists, is used to drive away evil spirits and avoid evil.

First, insert a pearl on the top of the whisk handle. Bead generation is Taiji, Taiji Dao, and the production of the handle should be consistent with Dao begets one (the top eight trigrams bell jar), one life two (the middle eight trigrams bell jar), two begets three (the lower eight trigrams bell jar), three begets all things (bottom whisk )the meaning of.

The long pole is made of lightning-struck peach wood, and the whisk handle is made of sixty-four ropes and thirty-eight white horsetail ropes to form the swastika. A total of one hundred and two ropes are used for the handle, and four horsetails are used for each rope, totaling four hundred and eight.

There is a gossip bell jar on the top, middle and bottom of the fly whisk, which is woven with 32 ponytail ropes, a total of 384. There are also tassels inside the bell jar, which are divided into red and yellow, which means good luck.

And each whisk has four thousand eighty-eight white and eighty-eight horsetails.

After the prototype is completed, it is still just a mortal thing, and the next step is to refine the formula. According to records in India and China, there are many ways for monks to refine weapons, and the most commonly used methods are fire refining and god refining.

Fire is not fire, it is the fire of heaven and earth, or born in the ground, or born in water, or even in tree trunks and in the fur of wild animals. The fire refining magic weapon is extremely powerful, and it is really reborn, but it is a pity that the strange fire has long since disappeared.

The divine refining method is less powerful, but the process is much more convenient. To put it simply, first drop a drop of blood essence and wrap the consciousness in the vessel. Carry it with you at all times, nourish it with spiritual temperature, and temper it with spiritual consciousness. When the dharma vessel is connected with the mind and spirit, it can be hidden in the sea of consciousness and can be retracted freely.

The stronger the consciousness, the higher the success rate of refining. Conversely, refining tools can also strengthen one's consciousness little by little.

Gu Yu thought about it for a long time, and felt that the key to refining a weapon lies in two points: one is the material, and the other is the spiritual consciousness.

Needless to say the latter, the material itself is also very important. For example, lightning strike wood and gossip, which can deter ghosts and monsters, only become more powerful after they are refined into magic weapons.

After Gu Yu figured this out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, luckily there is one that can be used. There is absolutely no problem with the clean dust, but the dust whisk is a bit ugly, and the style of painting doesn't fit well.

This is the characteristic of modern people who practice Taoism, open-minded and not conform to the old ways. Sazu gave the sample, but he didn't necessarily have to follow it, he always thought about changing the form, anyway, it would be good if it could exorcise evil spirits.

What's more, he still has other materials on hand, could it be possible to refine them into magical artifacts - for example, those two sapphire needles.