Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 139: Enlightenment


The next day, Blackthorn Forest.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the mountain was scattered, but it suddenly collapsed here, as if falling into a bottomless abyss. The light converged, the forest was dim, and there was a faint fishy smell.

In the clearing in the forest, Long Qiu put down a three-legged bronze tripod, and then sat cross-legged. This tripod is custom-made, cast in brass, and the price is not low.

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai poked behind him, looking at the little girl curiously, after all, this was the first time they had seen such a thing as refining Gu.

Long Qiu first took out a handful of green powder, threw it into the cauldron, and heated it up. After a while, a strange and pungent smell wafted from the cauldron.

It makes people feel uncomfortable, but poisonous insects flock to it.

She is usually soft and weak, but once she is infected with Gu insects, she has the demeanor of everyone. At this moment, the small face is upright, the beautiful eyes are staring, paying attention to the surrounding forest.

In the end, one minute, two minutes, three minutes...it seemed like a long time, but the poisonous mosquitoes didn't come.

"Don't worry, don't worry, they may rest this Saturday." Xiao Zhai comforted.

"Yeah, maybe I'm getting up, and I'll be here in a while." Gu Yu also quickly comforted him.

Long Qiu blushed, and couldn't help but said: "It's because of you that the mosquitoes don't dare to appear! Go back, I can do it myself!"

She seldom yelled at people, she was shy and cute. Gu Yu imitated Xiao Zhai's fault, rubbed her hair, and said with a smile, "What are you doing when you go back, we will help you find it."

With that said, he wiped himself and fled into the forest.

"Wait, don't move!" Xiao Zhai said, and there was also no one.


Long Qiu bit his lip, feeling very ashamed, and said softly: "Golden Silkworm, go chase some mosquitos!"

As soon as the words fell, an invisible wave flew out of her body and landed lightly. The moment he landed on the ground, he suddenly regained his physical form, turning into a white and tender fat baby about a foot tall wearing a red bellyband.

Golden silkworms are intangible and can transform. They like to turn into snakes, frogs, male dolls and other things to scare people. To be honest, when it's not running wild, it's still pretty cute.

Xiaoqiu sat on the spot and waited. About five minutes later, she heard a burst of "buzzing buzzing".


Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai drove a swarm of poisonous mosquitoes out from the east, and the swarm of mosquitoes flew ahead and rushed forward, restrained by continuous spiritual power, unable to escape.

Poor poisonous mosquitoes, they had a lot of fun abusing vegetables at first, but now they only have to be hanged and beaten.

And almost at the same time, there was also a clattering sound in the west.

A large black mist suddenly appeared, and the mosquitoes squeezed forward desperately, as if they were running for their lives.

Behind the black mist, the fat baby chased after him with a happy face. Although he couldn't speak, he opened his mouth wide, as if salivating.

"Too much!"

Long Qiu screamed, quickly took out a handful of white powder and threw it in, whistling white smoke. After the two swarms of mosquitoes were driven into the cauldron, she immediately cut her arm, dripped a lot of blood, and slammed the lid on.

"Empty empty!"

The copper tripod trembled violently immediately, as if countless poisonous mosquitoes were crazily crashing inside, biting each other, and it didn't stop for a long time.

"Is this the end?" Gu Yu wondered.

"This is just the beginning. It will take seven to forty-nine days for the blood mosquito Gu to take shape, and then I will collect it." Long Qiu said.

Xiao Zhai glanced at it with no interest, turned his head and just saw the golden silkworm. She thinks that this kind of guy who can be human and animal is special, and she needs to study it in the past.


Jin Cang glanced at her and the man behind her, his memory was still fresh! If you can't beat it, it will be torn up in minutes! It didn't want to answer, its short legs jumped up, its body became invisible, and it swooped back again.


Xiao Zhai blinked, and asked vigorously: "Hey Xiaoqiu, you said it will become stronger in the future, will it talk?"

"I don't know, no one has ever really tamed the golden silkworm, they are all restrained by it... Maybe, maybe." Long Qiu is not sure.

"Tsk, it's better to be able to talk! Think about it, there is an extra big fat boy in vain, who is laughing and laughing at this second, and then eats people in a second, this kind of setting is quite touching!" Xiao Zhai began to lose his nerve again.


Gu Yu grinned, and shuddered when thinking about that scene.

Before I knew it, it was early spring in March.

The climate has obviously warmed up, and Phoenix Mountain is no longer gray, but layers of green are appearing.

After two months of adjustment, Long Qiu's mind became much more stable. She came out of the deep mountains, followed the two of them on adventures, saw the vastness of the world, killed people with her own hands, and was imprisoned in despair.

Gu Yu looked at her state and felt that she could give it a try, so he chose the day when the peach blossoms were in full bloom to enlighten her. The three of them gathered in the quiet room, and the girl was a little nervous, holding her sister's hand from time to time, without even noticing herself.

"Just sit in meditation as you usually do, don't be afraid, I will watch over you." Gu Yu said.

"Yeah!" She nodded vigorously.

Saying that, the two sat facing each other, the girl closed her eyes, and started to follow the law of the heart and breath taught by Xiao Zhai.

This method is indeed the best meditation method. After about a few minutes, Gu Yu saw that her breathing was light and long, and her whole body was in a wonderful natural rhythm, so she knew that she had settled down.

He stretched out a finger, gently touched the opponent's forehead, and sent a burst of spiritual energy very cautiously. Then, he withdrew his hand and stared at the girl together with Xiao Zhai—it would be bullshit to say he was calm.

Cultivate the Tao, fight with yourself, with the world, and with the passage of time.

Even if in the future, all kinds of exercises are popularized everywhere, only one in ten million can step into this threshold. Because people have different aptitudes and different minds, this is the root of whether they can practice.

What does qualification include? One is the physical body, and the other is spiritual consciousness.

Take Qiling as an example, only when the body has roots and bones can the aura travel in the body and last for a long time. Only with tenacity of consciousness can we keep a little bit of the fire of Lingtai alive.

After Long Qiu settled down, his mind should be at peace, he only felt a coolness on his forehead entering his body, directly penetrating into his internal organs, nourishing all the veins in his body, causing bursts of itching.

As the itching intensified, my consciousness seemed to become smaller and darker, and finally floated in the darkness of nothingness. A little spiritual altar fire was like a candle in the wind, and it would be extinguished at any time.

She persevered hard, her face trembling a little, and immediately after that, there were miserable or resentful voices in her mind:

"She killed her own people, kill her! Kill her!"

"Oh, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Once you become a grass hag, you will have no family affection to speak of, and you will be lonely until death."

"You killed six people! Six people!"

These voices were miscellaneous, seeming to surge out from the abyss, constantly impacting Long Qiu's consciousness. The Lingtai fire flickered and swayed, wrapped in screaming screams, and it was in danger.

Her complexion became paler and her body felt colder and colder, and she was about to fall into the abyss of coldness and loneliness.

At this moment, from the endless darkness, two voices suddenly sounded, soft and gentle:

"Xiaoqiu, do you like brother or sister?"

"Cough cough! Why do you put so much salt? Are you frying celery or frying salt?"

"Xiaoqiu, sleep with me today, don't sneak away!"

"Well, this word is well written, keep working hard!"

"elder brother… "

"elder sister… "

She looked certain, the two voices were like two suns, dispelling the darkness in an instant.

It was as if some shackles in the body were released, and all kinds of falsehoods disappeared. The coolness reappeared, and turned into a silver dragon and went downstream, circling around the dantian, forming a cloud of thin white air.


Gu Yu put down his hands and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was only a little bit short, and he had to withdraw his spirit energy to keep Longqiu safe. But look at her appearance, it must be done!

The two waited patiently. After a long while, the girl finally opened her eyes.


She was startled for a while, feeling the delicacy and beauty of the world in her eyes. Then, she threw herself into Xiao Zhai's arms, shaking slightly.

"Oh, why are you still crying?" Xiao Zhai laughed.

"I didn't cry."

She came out again suddenly, although her eyes were red, she really didn't shed any tears.

"It's fine, you need to stabilize yourself first, and then practice Qi Qi after two days."

Gu Yu was really happy, paused and asked again: "By the way, what did you see just now?"

"I didn't see it, but there were so many voices disturbing me, some from Uncle, some from my master, and some from people who were killed by me. I almost couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly I heard your voices, and then, just Alright." She couldn't describe it vividly.

"Only sound, no illusory pictures?"

"Uh, it seems not."

"oh… "

Xiao Zhai practiced another set of systematic exercises, and he didn't feel deeply. Gu Yu was extremely serious. This is a very valuable experience. Studying it carefully can definitely increase the success rate of spiritual enlightenment.

The girl's voice, speaking scientifically, is a negative emotion in the subconscious. To put it bluntly, it should be called a demon.

Everyone has negative emotions except babies. From going to school to going to work, and being in contact with various people, the resulting unwillingness, dissatisfaction, resentment, jealousy, etc., are all these.

Gu Yu also has it, but he is awesome, and he can adjust and eliminate it by himself.

The direction of the heart is to follow the past; life is like a journey against the road, and a reed can sail; the heart depends on the person, and is willing to share the years.

This is called qualification.