Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 14: meet up


After going to Zeng's house for a while, Gu Yu's life has not changed much. If there is, it is that there are three more contacts in the address book.

The siblings of the Zeng family are busy with work, so they returned to Shengtian the next day. The two of them had the same mind, and they both had the idea of getting along with each other, but there was a trace of strangeness in it: Zeng Yuewei was slapped in the face by Qing Ruixiang, and kept holding her breath, but the old man valued Gu Yu, so it was not easy to let go of this tone.

As the saying goes, rice does not have a hundred kinds of rice, but people have a variety of people. The siblings have talents and brains, the only thing is that they are not big enough. Compared with Grandma Zeng's experience and open-mindedness, they are still far behind.

As for Gu Yu, after this meeting, he had a very good impression of Grandma Zeng. When people open their mouths to ask for incense, they should naturally take it seriously.

The elderly are used to being scented with riches and honors, so they should be paired with some novel and interesting spices suitable for their own age. After much deliberation, he finally found one, but the main ingredients were not easy to find, at least in the area of Baicheng where there was no hope.

At dusk this day, Phoenix Mountain.

Gu Yu put away the stall and bid farewell to the squirrel as usual. Fat brother seems to be very busy recently, no longer playing fairy dance with pia on the tree every day, disappearing from time to time, and reappearing from time to time, it feels very mysterious.

He was very curious, but unfortunately he couldn't communicate with each other. He just became depressed and even came up with the absurd idea of teaching the other party to read and write.

"Fat brother, goodbye!"


The squirrel barked twice, and instead of grumbling like before, it ran up the tree and disappeared after a few rubs.


Gu Yu pouted, and walked down carrying the burden by himself. In fact, he was also a little anxious, half a month has passed, and today is the day when Xingshenxiang will be released from the cellar, so he has to rush back to see the finished product.

There was nothing to say along the way, and soon arrived at Phoenix Collection. It was dinner time, the smoke was curling up, the pots and pans were ringing, and the aroma of the dishes from each house could be heard.

He pedaled the bike, and suddenly slowed down, because two people were poking at the entrance of the alley in front, one was Fang Qing, and the other was a boy of the same age, and they seemed to be arguing.

Fang Qing's expression was a bit reluctant, so the boy went to pull her, but was thrown away again. Gu Yu frowned and shouted: "Qingqing!"

"elder brother!"

As soon as the little girl looked up, she ran over as if she was looking at a savior, and said with a smile, "You're back? How is business today?"

"Who is that?" He didn't respond, but pointed at the boy behind.

"He, he's a classmate in our class... Oh, don't worry about him, let's go back!"

The little girl propped herself up with her hands and sat on the side of the cart riding upside down, but she was obviously guilty, and she was messing around at the first glance. The boy looked unwilling, and tried to chase after him for two steps, but he didn't dare to speak after all.

After riding for a short distance, Gu Yu asked, "What's the matter with you two?"

"No, it's all right!"

"Qingqing, does your brother look like an idiot? What's going on?" He emphasized his tone.

The little girl lowered her head, and after a long while said weakly: "Then, then I told you, you are not allowed to tell my mother."


He didn't bother to say anything.

Fang Qing pursed her lips, and continued: "That boy's name is Lin Junlong, and he doesn't study well. He has a relative in Shengtian. We have made an appointment. If we don't pass the high school, we will go to Shengtian to work together..."

"Nonsense! What do you do, a 15-year-old girl?"

Gu Yu was annoyed when he heard it, and asked again: "Then what were you doing just now? You were still talking about it?"

"I, don't I regret it now? If I don't want to go, he will come to me..." She lowered her head lower and lower, and kept fiddling with her fingers.

"Then why do you regret it?" He asked strangely.

"I can't bear my mother." The little girl replied.

have to!

Gu Yu didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, so he said helplessly, "Take this thought off as soon as possible, the most important thing for you now is to study. You haven't taken the exam yet, so you know you won't pass the exam?"

"It's not like you haven't read my bad paper... If I get good grades, I want to continue studying... Our family doesn't have much money..."

Fang Qing muttered in disorder, and after a while, she arrived at her door. She jumped out of the car and said emphatically, "Brother, please don't tell my mother!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sure I won't say anything!"

He waved his hand, and when he saw the little girl pull the door to enter the room, he kicked his wheels vigorously.

There is no way to do this kind of thing, if it is anything else, at least you can think of a way, but there is a trick for academic performance? It is more than half a month away from the high school entrance examination.

After all this messing around, Gu Yu lost all interest, and lazily entered the yard, lifted the lid with a "squeak", and in a blink of an eye, two plates were brought up.

Entering the studio, he looked carefully under the lamp.

After cellaring, the color of the incense sticks turned light, from dark brown to light brown. The sixty incense sticks were divided into two batches. The first batch was still at the inherent standard, while the second batch was amazing.

The main material of incense sticks is wood powder, so the finished product will have rough pores. But this batch is different, neither dry nor dry, just like the chocolate bar of Pocky biscuits, with a slightly oily color.

He couldn't help stretching out his fingers, and with such a light stroke, he felt that the density was tight, the texture was restrained, and there was a wonderful softness.

"Tsk tsk!"

Looking at these thirty incense sticks, Gu Yu felt overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment. He suppressed the urge to order another one, divided them into two boxes and packed them, and glanced at the time: 6:20.

"Should be off work..."

He turned to the east room, leaned on the Kang, picked up his mobile phone and started typing:

"Xingshenxiang is ready, I will go to the courier tomorrow morning..."

After typing a few sentences, he suddenly paused, and deleted the latter sentence, with a trace of confusion on his face.

About a year ago, I discovered the Xiangdao forum, and then got involved in it. It was also from then on that Xiao Zhai's name began to appear sporadically.

She has a lot of insights into making incense, and occasionally participates in discussions, and adds friends as soon as she comes and goes.

In fact, it's not acquaintance, it's just a relationship between ordinary netizens. It wasn't until a while ago that he asked for his name and address and gave him a box of refreshing incense, and then he was promoted to the stage of "knowledge".

Talk when you have something to do, stay invisible when you have nothing to do, and send a group of congratulatory text messages when it catches up with the holidays—basically this kind of communication.

His impression of Xiao Zhai is very weak, he only thinks that his language is very individual and his actions are very neat. It was okay before, I didn't have any special ideas, but this time it's a little different, he's going to Shengtian's market to buy materials tomorrow, so...

Do you want to meet

Gu Yu pondered for a moment, then typed a line: "I happen to go to Shengtian tomorrow, are you free, I'll bring you the incense."

Pressed send, threw the phone away, said he was nervous or not, and waited calmly or calmly.

It seems that it took a long time before I heard a "ding dong", and I saw the reply from the other side: "Is this a routine? [Smile] [Smile]"


Gu Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, the girl's brain circuit was really unpredictable, and immediately replied: "Please! I'm going to the medicinal material market, and I'll take it to you by the way."


A little rabbit sent a regretful expression over there, and then said: "I was just thinking about what kind of setting you would use if you were looking for a reason."

"Then what?"

"There is no more. With your old-fashioned and occasional coquettishness, you should directly say: Xiao Zhai, we have known each other for so long, why don't we meet up, ho ho ho..."


He couldn't help laughing, and replied: "Am I so stupid? Fortunately, you don't have to think about it now."

"That's not necessarily the case. I still have to think of a reason to reject you. Give me three seconds."


Gu Yu subconsciously looked at the wall clock, and the mechanical second hand clicked once, twice, three times...

Almost at the same time, another one came over there:

"Unexpected. [Frustrated] [Frustrated] [Frustrated]"



Flip the table!

Gu Yu was taken aback by the teasing, and he didn't react for a long time. Too much! You still have the nerve to talk about my routines, but you are better at routines than anyone else

We say that when a girl is invited for the first time, even if you are willing in every possible way, you must show a certain amount of restraint.

Ordinary girls would probably shirk a few words, and then agree coyly. The literary girl will probably remind me euphemistically, for example, the day after tomorrow is sunny, I may have to wash my hair, and I really like white shirts. Doubi girls are all careless, saying that the spicy hot pot of a certain family is very delicious.

That's all, the most feared is the old driver. You wanted to take her to pretend to fly with her, but when you looked up, she had already soared to Qiu Mingshan.

Frustration, all right!

But fortunately, Gu Yu didn't think about tricking the other party, so he just thought this girl was very interesting. He had never seen the other person's face, so he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Immediately, the two made an appointment for a time and place, but they had nothing to say for the time being. And Gu Yu packed up his things and rushed to the provincial capital tomorrow.