Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 142: Peach Blossom Miasma


Seeing the boss's appearance, everyone was quite puzzled, followed him out of the villa, and then took a detour to a peach forest.

Gu Yu looked up, and couldn't help but be slightly surprised, the peach forest of unknown number of acres had already been connected into one piece. There are no trees or flowers, only the peach-red mist permeates it, rising densely and densely, like a beautiful cloud gushing from the flat ground.

"Where's the dog?" Jiang Chaofan also looked around, holding his heart in surprise.

"Just ahead, just ahead!"

The boss's face twisted into a ball inexplicably, like a muscle disorder reaction caused by seeing something extremely disgusting. He led the crowd forward step by step, and suddenly shouted: "The fog has spread again? It wasn't here yesterday!"

"Where was yesterday?" Gu Yu asked.

"Yes, where!"

The boss picked up a stone, threw it two meters forward, and said in a trembling voice, "It's right there, and the dog is inside."

"Woof... um... woof!"

As if hearing human voices, a few dog barks suddenly came out of the misty mist. The voice was shrill, hoarse and abnormally energetic, as if carrying unbearable pain and excitement.

Everyone was a little terrified, this piece of peach-colored clouds didn't seem to be moving, but in fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that the sweet and beautiful clouds of mist are constantly rolling, and seem to escape to the surroundings little by little.

"Mr. Gu, what do you think?" Zhang Hongru asked with a frown.

"I can't see anything yet, let's talk about it after getting the dog out."

Gu Yu swept his consciousness and found the dog about three meters away, with an unnatural expression on his face.

"Okay, I'll get some hooks and rope."

Zhang Hongru was about to give orders, but saw Gu Yu wave his hand, and in the next second, the person in front of him suddenly disappeared, turning into a phantom and disappearing into the mist.


"careful… "

The bystanders trembled and yelled, but before they could fully speak, the shadow floated back again, still holding something in his hand.


He threw the thing away, and everyone came to watch.


A younger member of the team glanced at it, then bent down and vomited again and again. The boss even took a few steps back, not even wanting to take a look. Zhang Hongru and Jiang Chaofan are old Jianghu, and they have seen many perverted scenes, so they can't hold it anymore.

It was a very ordinary big yellow dog, the fur had disappeared... oh no, it should be said that there was still a little bit left. It's like throwing rubber on a red iron stove. After it's boiled, it shrinks and turns black, and it sticks to the body, rotten and sticky.

The body is even more disfigured, blood vessels, nerves, bones, muscles, etc., all seem to be corroded and destroyed by something. The head is still relatively intact, one eye has become a bloody hole, and the other eyeball is hanging outside, dangling slightly.

And the most uncomfortable thing is that the dog is not dead!

It still breathes, and it still has a strange sense of excitement. Somewhere between the legs, an indescribable organ, even if most of it is rotting away, will stand upright and assert its sovereignty stiffly.

Ya was filled with a crazy desire, desperately wanting to stand up, go to Teddy, go to Teddy, go to Teddy.

That's right, it's so disgusting!

"When we found it yesterday, it was lying there. We didn't dare to move or kill it, so we had to wait for you to come over and deal with it. Isn't this dog infected with some kind of virus? Can it be infected?" The boss's face turned green. , barely explained.

There is no way, the information in modern society is advanced, and everyone has brains. In this situation, it is inevitable that there will be an absurd sense of the end of the world.

"Don't speculate, let alone spread rumors, but trust the government's capabilities!"

Jiang Chaofan immediately warned, and waved his hand again: "Drag it back and send it to the research institute! Be careful, don't get on your body!"


Immediately, several people brought the tools, carefully and carefully packed the yellow dog into a box, and transported it to the car.

Seeing that Gu Yu had been silent, Zhang Hongru approached and asked, "Mr. Gu, are you alright?"

"Oh it's all right… "

He shook his head, and said: "This mist should be strongly corrosive, and can interfere with the mind, and even have effects similar to stimulants. It is really powerful."

"And it is still spreading, which is the most dangerous, what do you think should be done?"

Zhang Hongru's expression was solemn. If he didn't handle it well, it might cause disaster to the residents and ecological environment in this area.

"There is too little information now, I'd better go and have a look first." Gu Yu said.

"Don't do it! If something happens to you, none of us can take responsibility." Jiang Chaofan said hastily.

Although this person is not a partner, his importance to the government is unquestionable. Many things have to be found from him. If something goes wrong, I really can't afford it.

"Oh, it's okay. I just felt it a little bit. Although the fog is strong, it can't hurt me in a short time."

"Mr. Gu..."

"Mr. Gu..."

Several people persuaded him to no avail, they had no choice but to watch him walk in unsteadily.

Delicate pink, misty.

Gu Yu plunged into the mist of peach blossoms, and just took two steps when he felt his skin tingling, as if burning with fire, corroded by concentrated acid. With his physical fitness, he could feel the stinging pain, which shows how strong the toxicity is.

He immediately circulated spiritual energy, covering his whole body, as if forming a transparent protective film, isolating the poison from the outside.

He looked around, and there was a powdery, sweet mist everywhere. There is no direction, no sound, the five senses seem to be greatly weakened, and even the mind is a little chaotic.

If ordinary people were here, they would have been dazed and lost the ability to think.

Sure enough, my guess was good, it was corrosive, and it could interfere with consciousness... Gu Yu thought of this, and simply closed his eyes, relying solely on divine sense to guide the way.

As a result, within a range of more than three meters around his body, it was like a strong light shrouded, and the fog and miasma disappeared all of a sudden, revealing the muddy land and the peach blossom trees on both sides.

The peach trees here are obviously different from those outside. They are full of flowers, with ten thousand branches and red colors. They are deep red and light red, thin and delicate, just like they are alive.


Gu Yu paused, this feeling was too weird. It can be said to have spirituality when placed on animals, but it is a bit scary when placed on plants.

He leaned forward, stretched out his hand to pick a peach blossom, and looked at it carefully. This peach blossom is actually nothing out of the ordinary, but contains a very faint aura.

Check it out one by one, it's all the same.

Gu Yu was still not at ease, but with a movement of his mind, a little green light suddenly appeared. Less than two inches long and less than half an inch wide, it is unparalleled in sharpness, hanging in the void like that, reflecting a cold light.


Immediately afterwards, the green light flashed and disappeared out of thin air, and after another flash, it had escaped dozens of meters away. Its speed was so fast that it seemed that it had pierced through the air layer abruptly, causing a scream of wind.

It is nothing else, it is the sapphire needle that was refined after more than two months, and it is also Gu Yu's first serious magic weapon.

He controlled the jade needle and turned around in a circle, entering from one end of the peach tree and exiting from the other end.

"Puff puff!"

After breaking six or seven trees in a row, he found that his spiritual consciousness was rapidly depleted, so he took back the magic weapon. After that, he looked around again, but there was no movement.


Only then did Gu Yu heave a sigh of relief. It's okay, it's okay, there are no thousand-year-old monsters, or any bloody formations that will destroy the world. Damn it, if in the novice village stage, grass and trees can become spirits, how can others play

This should be the function of the peach blossom itself. One or two plants with spiritual energy seems nothing, but this is more than 20,000 acres!

On average, 80 plants are initially planted in one mu of land, and 1.6 million plants are planted in 20,000 mu of land.

Such dense peach blossoms are gathered on the island and they are close to the node. Under the catalysis of the rich spiritual energy, perhaps a mutation occurred, forming this peach blossom miasma.

This miasma is a good thing. It can not only attack in a large area, but also defend in a large area. It is the best choice for protecting the mountain and protecting the family.

But the problem is, he can't accept it!

Gu Yu walked and pondered, when he stopped suddenly, he felt a bit of itching and heat coming out of his lower abdomen, and he was climbing up softly, as if he was about to crawl all over his body.


His breath trembled, and he thought about it again, but the weird itching disappeared.

He shook his head, he didn't notice any abnormalities, and felt that his spiritual power was not much, so he left this place directly.

"Mr. Gu is out!"

"Mr. Gu, what's going on inside?"

The people outside were like ants on a hot pot. Seeing him appear, they hurriedly surrounded him. Gu Yu didn't respond at all, and only called Zhang Hongru and Jiang Chaofan to the side, and said in a low voice: "Fortunately, I have some clues."

"What the hell is that mist?" Zhang Hongru asked hurriedly.

"It should be the poisonous miasma produced by the peach blossoms. The peach forest here has been alienated and cannot stay for long."

He paused, then continued: "At present, there are two ideas, one is to use a large-scale banning spell, and the other is to evacuate the residents and empty the entire island."

"Is there no other way?" When Jiang Chaofan heard it, it was not reliable at all.

"Yes, yes, just burn it down, and it will be over, but do you really want to do this?" Gu Yu asked.


The two were startled, then reacted and smiled wryly at the same time.

Even if they dare to burn it, the higher-ups may not necessarily agree. It’s very simple: when you have a lot of food, you are of course qualified to choose delicious food; will have diarrhea.

Starting from zero means nothing. What happened to the miasma? Poison miasma is also a resource!


After a long silence, Zhang Hongru asked, "Even if we evacuate, isn't it still spreading?"

"No, the miasma is born from the peach blossoms, and it cannot survive without the peach blossoms. If you strengthen the walls and clear the fields, and cut down all the peach trees on the river bank, the miasma can be trapped on the island. Conversely, you can also grow peach trees, so that here Together."

"Well… "

The two of them trembled suddenly, seeing that he was half joking and half serious, they couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

This one is too daring to say, this is called manufacturing large-scale biological and chemical weapons!

"Okay, you guys should study it first, I want to make adjustments."

After Gu Yu finished his sentence, he walked to the peach tree not far away, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and focused. The two people were confused and reported to their superiors separately, breaking up the crumbled explanation, after all, the situation was more serious.

Before you know it, the sun is setting.

There are golden waves on the surface of the river, and there are some teal ducks, which is peaceful.

Gu Yu adjusted his breath, his spiritual power was sufficient, and he got up and wanted to go in again. Zhang Hongru was full of gloom, waiting for the decision from above, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Gu, you are..."

"I thought of a way to see if I could charge a little... Hey, don't look at me like that, I really have no tricks, I don't know if it will work or not."

He ignored the other party, went inside for the second time, went to the depths with ease, and stopped in a place where the miasma was thicker.

"I don't know if it will work, let's try..."

Gu Yu took out a small gourd from his pocket, green and about five centimeters high, with a top cover and a bent vine attached.

This gourd was picked at Grandma Zeng's house in the early autumn of last year. At that time, it looked fun, so I kept nourishing it with spiritual energy. Because the quality is too ordinary, I didn't want to refine it into a magic weapon, but it has been nourished for a long time, and it is a bit extraordinary.

Sitting cross-legged under the tree, he took off the top cover with a pinch of his fingers, exposing the small mouth of the gourd.

Immediately afterwards, he used the method of eating qi, and the poisonous miasma was also a variant of aura, which quickly turned into a thin pink thread and came straight to the mouth and nose.

He released his consciousness again and forcibly manipulated the thin thread. The thin thread dangled, fluttered, and was very disobedient. After trying it once, twice, three times... After a long time, I managed to guide one thread and slowly put it into the gourd.

As soon as he took a piece, Gu Yu buckled the top cover, feeling the poisonous miasma inside, it was complete, extremely active, and showed no signs of dissipating.

"Oh, it's really possible!" He pursed his lips, slightly surprised.

I just had a whim: I didn't expect it to happen. With successful experience, the follow-up is easier. He concocted it according to the law and collected two miasma in a row. The gourd was too small, it was already full.

"Although it's a little less, it's enough for research."

He stood up, shook the gourd in satisfaction, and was about to go out when he had another meal.

The inexplicable itching and hotness came from the lower abdomen again, and it was stronger than last time. Almost instantly, his throat felt dry, the tip of his tongue was slightly sweet, and an urge to applaud violently occupied his whole body.


He was so shocked that he couldn't resist the influence!

He hurriedly ran away, rushed out of the miasma of peach blossoms, and silently recited the meditation formula, and the impulse slowly dissipated.

Night, moonlight.

Three cars were driving on the mountain road from Caohekou to Baicheng. Gu Yu, Zhang Hongru, and Jiang Chaofan were in the same car. The two of them didn't say a word, and they were in a very bad state.

No matter whether it is burned or whatever, Hekou Town can no longer be inhabited. So the meaning of the above is very clear, to evacuate the residents first, and then make a specific agreement.


Feel bad for yourself because you can't do anything about it. Feeling aggrieved towards Gu Yu, obviously with such a great ability, but he is not in the same group. He even feels aggrieved by the government, why Mao is not happy to cultivate some humanitarian talents

All the way dull, each with their own minds.

When approaching Baicheng, Jiang Chaofan finally spoke and said, "Mr. Gu, thank you very much this time. Don't worry, we will reward you accordingly."

"Hey, I didn't help much, so I can't ask for benefits with a shy face."

Gu Yu waved his hand, and said: "Peach blossom miasma is highly poisonous, and it's not far from Baicheng, so it's better to solve it quickly. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me."


The two of them understood that this was an obligation to cooperate, and it was all for safety.

While speaking, the car drove to the foot of Phoenix Mountain, and everyone bid farewell.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and everything was silent. Gu Yu looked at the cold moonlight in the mountains, and stepped up. And he didn't notice it, a pink light flashed in his eyes.